Chapter 93: grandpa

On the plane, Zhu Tong told Shao Ming a lot about Zhu Shou Shan. He used Zhu Shou Shan as a marriage tool. Zhu Tong actually didn't have much resentment. Although he was angry at the time, he soon relieved himself.

He felt that there was a reason why things had turned out this way.

For a decision he made when he was a child, he stubbornly refused to accept the help of his grandfather. He didn't realize in time that he had become a burden to his father, a burden that could not be thrown away.

If he hadn't rejected his grandfather, their lives would have been completely different. Even if he still couldn't survive, Xiao Xin wouldn't have had the tragic experience that happened later.

On the plane, Shao Ming just listened quietly, and tightened his hand unconsciously.

After getting off the plane, the two were sent back to Cheng's house by the person arranged by their grandfather to pick up the plane.

The car entered through the silver iron gate, bypassed a well-designed garden, and finally reached the gate of the villa.

A maid opened the door and shouted respectfully, "Master."

Zhu Tong: "…"

This is also an aspect that makes Zhu Tong awkward.

He froze for a moment, sighed and asked, "Is Xiao Xin back?"

The maid said, "Miss Xin still has art training in her school. She will be back in a few days."


Zhu Tong felt that since his transfer, Xiao Xin seemed to have become busy, and even had fewer holidays.

He looked at Shao Ming again and said, "Then we will go to her school to find her later."

Shao Ming smiled and nodded: "Okay."

The maid then turned her attention to the person beside Zhu Tong, who was surprised that the young master would bring a friend back.

Aware of her gaze, Shao Ming smiled back.

Zhu Tong tilted his head and glanced, feeling that Shao Ming became a little different after getting out of the car.

He had the same smile on his face as usual, but he didn't have the usual inconspicuousness, showing a bit of deliberate seriousness.

Are you still nervous?

Zhu Tong smiled and pulled him: "Let's go."

In fact, he was also a little nervous, but someone was more nervous than him, so he felt a sense of responsibility, and didn't want Shao Ming to feel uncomfortable at all.

The two walked into the villa hand in hand, and the maid at the door couldn't hide their surprise.

Doesn't Master Tong like to be in contact with others?

When they came to work here, the first notice given by the housekeeper was that they must keep a distance of more than one meter from Young Master Tong at any time, and they must not approach without the permission of Young Master.

What kind of person did the young master bring back this time?

In the villa, Mr. Cheng did not have the living room on the first floor. The housekeeper said that he was holding a video conference upstairs and could come down later.

Zhu Tong also understands that when the New Year is approaching and various companies are busy, it is not easy for my grandfather to take time to come back.

"Speaking of it..." The two of them sat on the sofa, and Zhu Tong suddenly said: "I heard that my mother gave birth to Xiao Xin and me so that we could accompany her grandfather on her behalf, but for so many years, we have not been with my grandfather. We've been together a few times."

Shao Ming comforted him and said, "There will be many opportunities in the future."

Zhu Tong nodded: "Well, I still want to grow up quickly, so I can make my grandfather not so hard. Can you help me?"


I wish Tong could say such words without hesitation.

Shao Ming chuckled lightly: "Okay."

I thought to myself: He might not be able to help.

Shao Ming knew almost nothing about the person he was going to see today except that he was Zhu Tong's grandfather.

Oh, I also know that his surname is Cheng. This is what Zhu Tong knew when he mentioned his mother's name to him on the plane.

Zhu Tong's mother is Cheng Lan.

The last name is Cheng.

Shao Ming doesn't know much about companies outside of City A, and he has always kept his balance and won't ask too much about Zhu Tong's family.

It's just that the unknown inevitably makes people nervous.

The waiting time is tough, especially waiting for a trial.

The two of them didn't look for any entertainment, and Zhu Tong was looking for something to say, constantly distracting.

When it was time for dinner, there was finally movement upstairs.

Cheng Qingsong is nearly seventy years old, his body is still strong, his hair is still light brown, his beard is already gray, and his face has wrinkles that have been carved by the years, but it does not show the vicissitudes of life, and is more majestic.

He was just standing at the entrance of the stairs, and the air pressure in the entire living room on the first floor seemed to have dropped by one degree.

The two people in the living room got up at the same time.

Zhu Tong shouted, "Grandpa."

Shao Ming stiffened.

He looked at the old man who came down the stairs, his pupils shrunk, because he was already mentally prepared, and now he is horrified.

I wish the Tong family a good family, he knows.

He also knows how influential Uncle Liu is in City A.

He has already tried his best to guess the status of Zhu Tong's grandfather.

But the appearance of the old man subverted his cognition.

There was no movement next to him for a long time, Zhu Tong turned his head to look, and clearly saw the shock in Shao Ming's bottomless eyes.

Zhu Tong looked at his grandfather again, and suddenly realized something, and he was also shocked.

How could he forget such an important thing!

It seems that he... hasn't told Grandpa Shao Ming's specific identity.


Just as he was about to explain, Shao Ming had already said, "Mr. Cheng."


Cheng Qingsong, China's richest man ranked seventh on the Forensic World Rich List last year.

The Forensic List is a ranking list for a certain field published in a Forensic company business magazine in M ​​country.

The Forrens World Rich List is undoubtedly the most influential billionaire in the world.

Cheng Qingsong, as long as people are interested in money, almost no one in the whole country does not know this name.

Is Zhu Tong's grandfather Cheng Qingsong?

Shao Ming didn't know how he felt when he saw Cheng Qingsong.

Excited? Without the slightest preparation, he met someone he would never have been able to meet in his entire life.

panic? The young master he abducted is Cheng Qingsong's grandson!

He even felt at a loss involuntarily, and his brain, which was able to handle everything with ease, suddenly crashed and completely stopped working.

"Mr. Cheng" has exhausted all Shao Ming's self-control, so that he would not lose his temper at this time.

Zhu Tong was even more at a loss than him. He wanted to grab Shao Ming's hand, but he didn't dare to go too far in front of his grandfather, so he could only introduce it dryly: "Grandpa, this is Shao Ming, it's me... at the same table."

There are housekeepers and servants in the living room, and Zhu Tong is really embarrassed to say the words "boyfriend".

Cheng Qingsong's dark brown eyes glanced at the two of them and said, "Are you hungry?"

Zhu Tong: "…"


"Come over for dinner."

Cheng Qingsong didn't go to the living room at all, but turned directly at the stairs and entered the dining room.



What does it mean?

Zhu Tong is really not sure about his grandfather's attitude.

He looked at the housekeeper and saw that he gave him an encouraging look. He wished the childlike heart a little peace, and held Shao Ming and said, "Let's eat first."

The palm of his hand was slightly warm, and the familiar temperature made Shao Ming regain a little sense of belonging. He slowly turned his head to look at Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong looked guilty: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell you, I didn't remember it at all, I'll explain it to you later, okay?"


It was obvious that Shao Ming was the one who should be uneasy and helpless. He restrained the emotions that he didn't dare to express, and it seemed that Zhu Tong helped him express them.

Zhu Tong looked at him with guilt and annoyance.

He really didn't remember.

After all, for Zhu Tong, no matter how famous an old man is, there is only one identity in front of him - his grandfather.

But he could accurately perceive Shao Ming's emotions, because he cared about this person very much.

Shao Ming's uneasy heart gradually calmed down, "Okay, we'll talk about it later."

When entering the restaurant, the two did not dare to hold hands, but Zhu Tong sat on the same side as Shao Ming despite his grandfather's obscure gaze, separating the main seat from Shao Ming's seat.

Cheng Qingsong watched them sit down and said nothing.

Before dinner was served, the three of them sat quietly at the dining table, relatively silent.

In the end, Cheng Qingsong spoke first, "I've brought everyone back, don't you plan to say anything?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Unexpectedly, my grandfather was so direct. Zhu Tong glanced at Shao Ming and said cautiously, "That... I passed 600 points in the final exam this time."

A hint of red fruit.

They had agreed on the phone before that as long as he passed 600 points in the test, grandpa would promise him one thing.

Cheng Qingsong watched his grandson Chong blink his eyes expectantly. He was not only relieved by his change, but also saddened by the fact that he finally brought people back and ran away with others.

He had mixed feelings in his heart, but he didn't show it at all, "Well, the progress is not small, do you want any rewards?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

What he wants is not a reward, but an agreement.

Shao Ming knew the "agreement" between them. Seeing Cheng Qingsong deliberately avoided talking about it, he felt nervous.

At this time, Zhu Tong pulled him directly and said, "We are two together."



In an instant, the quiet needle falling in the restaurant could be heard.

Shao Ming turned his head to look at Zhu Tong in amazement.

Zhu Tong looked at the person in the main seat, his eyes were firm, and the hand that held Shao Ming kept tightening, revealing his not so calm heart.

I don't know how he mustered the courage to say this.

Behind Mr. Cheng, a maid was about to walk to the table with a dinner plate. She was caught off guard when she heard this shocking melon, her eyes widened for a while, and she did not dare to go forward.

Cheng Qingsong noticed that there was someone behind him, turned his head and glanced, and motioned to the maid to bring the dishes to the table.

After the servant returned to the kitchen, he said casually, "Eat."

The grandfather looked calm, but the two teenagers were uneasy.

Seeing that his grandfather had picked up the cutlery, Zhu Tong said anxiously, "I'm in love with Shao Ming."

Cheng Qingsong said calmly, "I see."


If you know, should give some reaction.

Zhu Tong swallowed nervously.

Cheng Qingsong glanced at the two of them, and his attitude did not change, "Eat first, then finish."

Zhu Tong was unwilling and wanted to say something, but Shao Ming seemed to sense something and gently pulled him.

A meal was tasteless.

Before the meal was over, my grandfather left early.

There was a question mark on Zhu Tong's head, and just when he couldn't help but want to go upstairs and invite his grandfather down again, the housekeeper came downstairs to find them.

"Sir, ask this little boy to come up and talk."


Zhu Tong followed up without saying a word.

The housekeeper smiled and said, "Sir said, the young master doesn't need to go up."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong didn't think that Grandpa would really throw him a check like Shao Ming said, but Grandpa's attitude was also very strange, and he was a little worried.

Is there anything that must be avoided and told to Shao Ming alone?

"It's alright." Shao Ming squeezed his hand holding his wrist, "I'll go up by myself."

Zhu Tong looked at him for a while, but let go.

Shao Ming was led upstairs by the housekeeper and came to a room.

The butler left after delivering the person. He took a deep breath and pushed the door in. There was a home theater inside.

The floor-to-ceiling display, which occupies an entire wall, clearly shows a few photos.

Various "intimate photos" with him and Zhu Tong as the protagonists, the moment he saw the photos, Shao Ming was stunned at the door of the room.

The old man in the room turned his back to the door without turning his head, and said in a calm voice, "Come in."

Shao Ming: "…"


The author has something to say:

Xiao Shaoshe died a wave~

Carvin... Escape with the top of the pot, I wish the little cuties a Christmas Eve, a Happy Christmas, a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year's Day in advance!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-2216:39:00~2021-12-2315:57:54~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Ting 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Chu, 536338995 bottles; 1 bottle of Hong Jasmine and Hoshino;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!