Chapter 94: recognized

After Shao Ming went upstairs, Zhu Tong was left alone in the living room downstairs. He was so nervous that he wanted to run upstairs to eavesdrop immediately.

But he didn't dare, he could only sit quietly and stare at the system interface in a daze.

After entering the house, whether it was before or after meeting my grandfather, there was no change in the favorability value.

it should be no problem?

He believed in Shao Ming and also in his grandfather, but why was he so unhappy?

If Young Master Zhu now sees the photo of a whole wall in the upstairs room, he will probably know why he is not feeling well.

Shao Ming walked into the room stiffly, thinking that the monitor's curse had really come true.

You always have to pay back when you come out.

As the saying goes, Xiu Enai dies quickly, and he died peacefully now.

It turns out that what Mr. Cheng said "understood" really did.

And it has been known for a long time, even before Zhu Tong phoned and confessed to him.

Shao Ming prides himself on being more mature than his peers, and he is very observant, but he really can't see through the old man in front of him.

Cheng Qingsong glanced sideways when he walked to the sofa, and said casually, "Sit."


Shao Ming didn't try to be pretentious and sat down beside the old man.

Cheng Qingsong held the remote control in his hand and casually flipped through the pictures, without the guilt and embarrassment of secretly photographing others.

Some of these photos were sent by Zhu Tongshi to report safety, and more were taken from various angles by others, each of which was very ambiguous.

Shao Ming thought about what he and Zhu Tong would look like in the scenes of those who have bad intentions, but he didn't expect those scenes to be shown in front of him in this form.

It shot quite well.

"When was your first contact with him?"

Shao Ming was stunned for a while, and tried his best to calmly say, "What do you mean?"

Cheng Qingsong said: "Physical contact."

Shao Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said truthfully: "On the second day of his transfer, he caught a cold because he was not used to the accommodation environment in the school dormitory, so I sent him to the school doctor's office."

At that time, Zhu Tong had a fever.

Cheng Qingsong called out a few more photos, which were taken from a normal angle.

Shao Ming didn't know why, but he still watched carefully.

A few familiar scenes followed.

After Zhu Tong was beaten and vomited blood by Xiangchuan, he sent Zhu Tong to the hospital.

After Zhutong's foot was injured, he rode Zhutong back to the hotel.

And when Zhu Tong had a stomach hemorrhage, he took him to the hospital.

He suddenly realized something and tilted his head slightly: "You..."

"I know clearly that something happened to him, why didn't someone take care of him?"

Shao Ming was dumbfounded.

Cheng Qingsong said: "Because he doesn't want me to know."


The picture on the screen jumped again, this time replaced by a surveillance video.

In a ward full of various instruments, a teenager in a hospital gown was lying on a hospital bed. Seeing that face, Shao Ming's heart instantly clenched together.

The person under surveillance is naturally Zhu Tong.

"The monitoring was from the year before last," Cheng Qingsong said.

The monitoring is at night. At 2:00 in the morning, it is the right time to sleep, but the boy in the hospital bed, because of the pain, frowned even in his sleep.

That was what Shao Ming imagined, but Zhu Tong, who had never seen it intuitively.

Suddenly, the person on the hospital bed moved his leg, then his brows tightened, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

The person who just woke up in the dark, his pupils did not focus, I saw that he skillfully reached out to turn on the bedside lamp, skillfully lay on the bedside, took the trash can under the bed, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Shao Ming's pupils shrank suddenly, and he wanted to stand up subconsciously, realizing that it was just a video, and sat down restrained, clasping his hands tightly.

The monitoring continued. After spitting out a mouthful of congested blood, the boy seemed to breathe a lot more smoothly. He suppressed his voice and coughed a few times. After a while, he got up and got out of bed.

Based on what Shao Ming knew about him, he should have gone to rinse his mouth.

After rinsing his mouth out, he had a few more things in his hand.

He squatted in front of the bed by himself, and used the things that he never left his body after transferring to school to deal with the bloodstains on the ground and the foot of the bed. , then go back to sleep.

No paramedics ever showed up.

"He doesn't like having other people in the room." I have seen this kind of monitoring many times, but the old man's voice is calm, "The person who was in charge of guarding outside the ward that day fell asleep because of his dereliction of duty, and he didn't call anyone."

Even when he was awake, he wouldn't call anyone unless he was spotted.

In front of Shao Ming's eyes, the scene of his stomach bleeding in the classroom that day he endured the pain until his face was pale and could not breathe without uttering a word, and there was a dense tingling in his heart.

"He is very strong," Shao Ming said.

Cheng Qingsong said: "He is very stubborn."


"I want to take over their siblings, but he doesn't agree."

They have raised this matter more than once, and Zhu Tong's answer has always been firm. If he asks too many questions, he simply stops talking.

Completely useless to him.

Shao Ming suddenly said: "He is afraid that you will be sad."

If you can't keep it sooner or later, why bother one more person?

Cheng Qingsong finally turned his head and glanced at him, without refuting his words, he turned off the display screen and continued: "His cleanliness disorder is not born, and he will be more sensitive than normal people when he is sick in bed for a long time. More attentive to the eyes of the world.”

He will pay more attention to what others care about.

Spitting up blood is a common occurrence for him, and blood is the most intuitive stimulus to others. Some people are afraid, some people feel distressed, and some people… disgust.

His cause is unknown, and there are always people who maliciously speculate about his condition, and then run to him to ask.

From fear at the beginning to disgust and rejection later, he gradually isolated himself from other people, and also began to learn to ignore the eyes of others.

As long as he doesn't let people approach, others won't have the chance to make him sad.

"But before you came back, he told me on the phone that you took care of him a lot over there."

The point of this statement is not to care.

Instead, Zhu Tong gave someone the chance to take care of him.

Speaking of this, even if Cheng Qingsong didn't point it out, Shao Ming understood what he wanted to ask.

He smiled wryly and said, "If I say I don't know why, would you believe it?"

Aside from his speculation about the system task, he really didn't know why Zhu Tong gave him special treatment.

Cheng Qingsong said: "After he transferred to another school, his health improved rapidly, and he has basically recovered by now."

Shao Ming lowered his eyes and said, "It may not be because of me either."

Cheng Qingsong looked at him blankly.

Shao Ming took a deep breath and pursed his lips, "If you think I can restore Zhu Tong's health because of the changes after Zhu Tong's transfer, you are forced to promise us to be together, I am very grateful to you, but this is not me What I want, I want to be with Zhu Tong because I like him and he likes me too, that's all."

Cheng Qingsong said: "He is only seventeen years old, does he know what love is?"

Shao Ming's mood was calm: "You also said that his mind is more sensitive than ordinary people. He is willing to bring me to see you, and he will not fail to understand what this means. Even if his thoughts will change in the future, his current decision is worthwhile. I take it seriously."

Cheng Qingsong suddenly said, "What about you?"


Shao Ming was stagnant.

Cheng Qingsong asked, "What guarantee do you take?"

Shao Ming was silent.

What guarantee does he take?

he does not know.

After thinking for a moment, he raised his eyes and said, "I can't promise you, I will prove it to you."

Even if he believed in his own heart, verbal assurances were meaningless.

He will work hard for Zhu Tong, but until he does, all his words are empty words.

He didn't want to perfunctory the old man who cared about his grandson with rude words.

But he won't give up either.

Shao Ming said: "I will not give up on Zhu Tong."

Cheng Qingsong looked at him for a while, then suddenly hummed and said, "You won't give up even if you give up."

He would also think that his grandfather was beating the mandarin ducks behind his back.

Shao Ming: "…"

The light in the home theater behind the screen was dim, and two people, one old and one young, sat quietly, only to hear the sound of breathing one after another.

"What are the arrangements for the winter vacation?"

Hearing a faint sigh, Cheng Qingsong spoke again.

Shao Ming said: "There are no arrangements at present."

The only arrangement is to be brought home by Young Master Zhu, and I don't know whether the ending will be joy or sorrow.

Shao Ming smiled helplessly.

Cheng Qingsong said slowly: "If you don't have any arrangements, go to the company to exercise and work out a few years ago, and solve the Xia family's affairs. You decide what you want to do, and if you need Liu Jianbai, he will support you unconditionally."


Shao Ming turned his head and looked directly at the shadow sitting next to him, his whole body froze.

He said in a harsh voice: "You..."

He was not surprised that Mr. Cheng knew about his grievances and entanglements with the Xia family. He was shocked by Mr. Cheng's decision.

Cheng Qingsong said: "Why? Don't want to?"

Shao Ming froze for a moment, then shook his head subconsciously: "No, it's just my own business..."

Cheng Qingsong interrupted him in a solemn voice: "From the time those people sent those photos to me, it is no longer your business."


"You are young and energetic, and you want to do something with your own abilities. There is nothing wrong with it, but I don't like to be sloppy in doing things. Tongtong has been tortured by illness for more than ten years, and he has never had a relaxed life. I don't want his body to recover. After that, you will have to be affected by some messy people. What you want to do, the transaction you made with the Jiang family, can be done by another person, and what I asked you to do, you can also treat it as a transaction, you If you don’t want people to think it’s a kind of charity, find a way to create greater value, and that’s the promise I want you to give me.”

Shao Ming: "…"

Cheng Qingsong pressed the remote control, and the lights in the room came on, reflecting the stunned face of the young man.

This is what a young man should look like.

Although he never showed it, Cheng Qingsong admired this young man very much.

If what just happened is regarded as a negotiation, Zhu Tong's specialness to him is his biggest bargaining chip.

But he overturned the chips himself and denied his value to Zhu Tong.

As a seventeen-year-old boy, he is undoubtedly the best, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a genius.

But he still said nothing.

The feelings of young people are the cheapest and most unreliable bargaining chips in the eyes of others, but they are the only bargaining chips that Shao Ming takes out.

Cheng Qingsong got up after speaking.

Shao Ming subconsciously followed and got up.

Seeing that he was still stunned, Cheng Qingsong said angrily, "So pedantic at such a young age."


Shao Ming paused for a moment and couldn't help laughing.

Indeed he is pedantic.

He cares about other people's opinions and doesn't want to be involved with Zhu Tong, but he ignores that the relationship between him and Zhu Tong is already a kind of interest in the eyes of others.

He was so clear in his heart that he almost revealed his true form in front of the old man, and said with a low smile, "You taught me a lesson."

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

The old man stopped and looked at him, but what he saw was his reddish eyes, and his heart suddenly became complicated.

One or two are very stubborn, when can they learn to rely more on their elders?

Old Master Cheng sighed, turned and went downstairs.

Downstairs Zhu Tong had been waiting impatiently for a long time, but the progress bar suddenly went up, so he restrained himself from rushing upstairs and waited peacefully in the living room.

Seeing people coming downstairs, Zhu Tong couldn't hide his excitement and greeted him. Before he had time to ask, he saw Shao Ming's eyes that were obviously reddened.

Shao Ming crying?

Zhu Tong's heart was slightly tight, and he turned to look at the grandfather, hesitating to say anything.

Cheng Qingsong said directly: "I didn't do anything to him."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He...he didn't ask anything.

Is it not good for him to ask now?

How come people's eyes are red? But he didn't want his grandfather to feel that he didn't trust him, and he was in a dilemma for a while, and he didn't know how to speak.

Cheng Qingsong didn't explain anything, turned to look at Shao Ming and said, "I live here today, someone will pick you up to the company tomorrow morning."

Shao Ming politely said: "I see, thank you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Cheng Qingsong left after speaking, Zhu Tong subconsciously followed the first half step, "Grandpa, where are you going?"

What does it mean to let Shao Ming go to the company?

Cheng Qingsong said: "Flying abroad, do you want to play?"


Zhu Tong said embarrassedly, "No, you can walk slowly."

The two sent the old man to the door, watching people get in the car and exit the door.

Zhu Tong couldn't wait to pull Shao Ming back to the villa. I don't know if it was an illusion. When he felt his hands touch, Shao Ming seemed to stiffen.

With something in his heart, he didn't care, and pulled the person back to the living room, "What did grandpa say to you upstairs?"

Shao Ming smiled lightly: "It's nothing, I asked something about your school."

Zhu Tong burst his lies in an instant, "How is it possible? Why are your eyes red when you ask me about my situation?"

Shao Ming said, "Because I was moved."

Zhu Tong: "What moved you?"

Shao Ming: "He asked me to go to work in the company, so I can end my studies early and work to earn money to support you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Clearly joking.

Zhu Tong said anxiously, "What did you say?"

Shao Ming subconsciously stretched out his hand to hug him, but stopped halfway, leaned against the back of the sofa at will, and said with a smile, "You really don't know what we said?"



The favorability progress bar that suddenly rose by three percentage points, and the decision of grandfather to let Shao Ming stay in the villa, you can guess what they said.

Zhu Tong couldn't help curving his lips and said, "I knew my grandfather would definitely agree."

Shao Ming also looked at him and smiled: "Well."


Zhu Tong tilted his head to look at Shao Ming's hand on the back of the sofa.

It used to be on his shoulders.

He pursed his lips and suddenly said, "I'm sorry."

Shao Ming was slightly startled: "Why are you apologizing?"

Zhu Tong lowered his head and said, "I didn't tell you who my grandfather was before."

Shao Ming paused for a moment, "His old man is really easy to get along with."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The words he casually comforted Shao Ming at the time were hardly an introduction at all.

Why did he forget... Probably because he didn't think his grandfather's identity was important.

When Grandpa called him, Shao Ming heard Grandpa's voice. He also attended the banquet hosted by Uncle Liu. He was calm and easy to handle.

Compared to Shao Ming, he himself is more like a frog at the bottom of a well who has never seen the world.

Although he knew that his grandfather was a powerful person, he didn't have much contact with the outside world, and he had never really felt his grandfather's external influence, nor did he know how revered he was by outsiders.

Until Shao Ming caught up with his grandfather, the shock he showed made Zhu Tong a little annoyed.

"I wish I had told you earlier."

At least be a little mentally prepared.

Was Shao Ming frightened at the time?

Thinking of Zhu Tong felt a little strange.

Shao Ming was silent for a while and said, "It's best if you don't tell me."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Shao Ming said solemnly: "Your grandfather's identity is special. If you casually tell others your identity and his identity, it is easy to run into danger."

As Cheng Qingsong's identity in China, if he knew that Zhu Tong was his grandson, he would beg for wealth and wealth, and it might be difficult for Zhu Tong's siblings to have a clean life.

Zhu Tong said naturally: "But you are not someone else."

Shao Ming: "…"

He looked sideways at Zhu Tong, and squeezed his **** together and twisted the pulp of his fingers.

He was suddenly quiet and did not move further, Zhu Tong was a little puzzled.

In the past, when he said something like this, Shao Ming would stick to him, or say some ridicule, or pinched his earlobe, but now Shao Ming did nothing.

His usual inconsistency seems to have restrained a lot.

Is it because there are "outsiders"?

Zhu Tong looked at the busy gardeners in the garden outside.

But on the day they went out on a date, they didn't see Shao Ming restrained much more than at home.

Zhu Tong couldn't help but ask, "Did Grandpa tell you anything else?"

Shao Ming thought of the surveillance video, his eyes darkened, and he shook his head: "There's nothing else."

Zhu Tong: "...Oh."

He responded in disappointment, took a fruit plate in front of him, forked an apple and put it into his mouth, then handed the fruit plate to Shao Ming and said, "Do you want to eat it?"

Shao Ming gave a "hmm" and took another fruit fork from the fruit bowl.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't even bother to let him feed.

So abnormal.

Zhu Tong took a bite of the apple and it tasted like chewing wax.

In the evening, the housekeeper arranged a room for Shao Ming as a matter of course.

Although Zhu Tong never thought that he could continue to sleep together after he came back, he was still a little awkward when he saw Shao Ming accepting it with a smile on his face.

It's as if an unruly person has suddenly changed his sex, which is strangely uncomfortable.

After Shao Ming returned to the room, Zhu Tongsi couldn't fall asleep after thinking about it. He asked the housekeeper to warm up a glass of milk and knocked on the door of the guest room in the middle of the night.

Shao Ming hadn't slept yet. Seeing someone outside the door was a little surprised, he worried: "Can't you sleep?"

Although it's true, Zhu Tong didn't want him to feel that he couldn't sleep next door, that would be too squeamish.

He shook his head and said, "I asked the housekeeper to warm up the milk, do you want to drink it before going to bed?"

Shao Ming glanced at the tray in his hand, reached out to take it, and said, "Okay, I'll finish it off."


"Any thing else?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming stood patiently at the door, neither chasing people away nor letting them in at all.

Zhu Tong gritted his teeth and said, "Can I...can I go in and talk to you?"

Shao Ming tightened his hand holding the tray, hesitated for a moment, and said sideways, "Come in."

Zhu Tong unceremoniously crawled in and closed the door by the way.

I wished the young master to be bold. After entering the door, he said directly: "What happened to you today? Are you uncomfortable staying here? If you don't like living here, we..."

"Is there surveillance in the room?"

Shao Ming suddenly interrupted him.

Zhu Tong was stunned.

monitor? What surveillance can there be in the guest room?

He shook his head and said, "No."

Shao Ming had put the milk aside, walked over to Zhu Tong and said, "Are you sure?"


Before he could finish his sentence, he was pulled into his arms, clasped the back of his head and kissed deeply.

Zhu Tong: "…"

How did this person reveal his true nature as soon as he closed the door?


The author has something to say:

Xiao Shao: Wife, you don't know what I've been through!

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-2315:57:54~2021-12-2416:17:56~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2714810530 bottles; 20 bottles of pupil; 1 bottle of Snow, Wei Wei, Wei Wei, cute and lovely;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!