Chapter 95: joy

Habit is a very scary thing. Because of Shao Ming's abnormality, Zhu Tong seemed to be at a loss from the afternoon to the evening. Now Shao Ming just kissed him, and all his insecurity was gone.

A familiar recipe and a familiar taste.

His cheeks were slightly warm, and he pushed Shao Ming away and said, "You..."

As soon as he looked up, he paused again.

Shao Ming stared at him with his forehead touching, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

Then Shao Ming straightened up and took him into his arms, holding him tightly.

Zhu Tong leaned in front of him, and could clearly hear the heartbeats of both of them clearly accelerating.

"…What’s wrong with you?"

Now ask this sentence again, Zhu Tong is already very calm.

Shao Ming's answer was no longer perfunctory. He chuckled lightly and said, "I'm a little scared."


scared? By whom? Grandpa?

No, Shao Ming seems to have just asked... Monitoring?

Why did he ask about surveillance?

Zhu Tong thought about raising his head from his arms, but was held down and unable to move the back of his head.


He wondered, "What are you doing with me?"

Shao Ming said: "Looking at your face, I can't help but want to kiss you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Did he say no to kiss?

When did Shao Ming even have concerns about kissing him?

Zhu Tong tentatively asked: "Did your grandfather tell you something?"

Tell him to keep your distance or something?

Shao Ming thought about the photo that looked like a public execution, and shook his head gently, "No, he didn't say anything."

Zhu Tong suddenly became sharp: "Then what did he show you?"

Shao Ming: "…"

He thought that Mr. Cheng didn't mean to warn him.

Really can't bear to let Zhu Tong experience the same embarrassment as him, Shao Ming sighed: "He showed me a surveillance video."

I wish Tongxindao sure enough.

He used some force to straighten up from Shao Ming's arms and said, "What video?"

Shao Ming looked down at him, "The video of you being in the hospital."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong was nervous, "Which video?"

He was hospitalized in the hospital, and he knew that there were cameras in the ward, but what's so good about the video of him in the ward?

Either sleep or therapy, or boredom to pass the time.

The process of being hospitalized is definitely not a beautiful, even embarrassing, and that is the side that Zhu Tong does not want to be seen by others, especially Shao Ming.

He lowered his eyes and said, "Did I look ugly back then?"

"It's not ugly." Shao Ming said.

Zhu Tong reluctantly smiled and said, "Are you in the eyes of a lover? I know if you don't tell me, it must be ugly."

Shao Ming rubbed his face with some distress, "You...why don't you ask someone to take care of you when you're uncomfortable at night?"

Zhu Tong said awkwardly: "What's there to take care of? I'm not disabled, I can take care of myself."


"But I want to take care of you," Shao Ming said.

Zhu Tong suddenly raised his eyes, and there was a trace of unease in his eyes that he had not had time to hide.

Shao Ming's heart was slightly tight, and he hugged him again and said, "I like to take care of you, so if you feel uncomfortable in the future, don't carry it alone."

Zhu Tong: "…"

If someone can be depended on, why have to carry it alone?

Zhu Tong didn't understand this truth before, but now he understands it.

He now has a grandfather and Shao Ming.

He stretched out his hand and hugged the person in front of him, buried his head in Shao Ming's neck and said, "I won't feel uncomfortable in the future."

Shao Ming's body suddenly froze.

Zhu Tong continued: "I will be fine, do you believe me?"

The rise in favorability today made him more confident in his guesses.

He will ease Shao Ming's concerns little by little.

Shao Ming's voice was a little tight: "...Well."

Zhu Tong said again: "You don't have to worry about me, just do your own thing. Grandpa asked you to go to the company for the Xia family's business, right?"

Shao Ming nodded lightly: "Well, he asked me to settle this matter years ago."

Zhu Tong said without hesitation: "You can do it, I believe in you."

Shao Ming: "…"

He couldn't help but smile, "Why do you trust me so much? Because I bankrupted the Xia family in the book?"

But that's all after growing up.

He is still immature, and it is still very difficult to pay the entire Xia family.

Zhu Tong raised his head and said, "Because you are not alone now."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

Zhu Tongdao: "You followed me into my door, you are my family, grandpa will help you."


Shao Ming did not expect that Mr. Cheng would recognize their relationship so easily.

After coming downstairs, he was suppressing himself.

He wanted to be more prudent, and he didn't want to and didn't dare to be as skinless and faceless as in a small county town.

But the more you want to control, the more you can't control it.

He was happy and excited.

So when someone brought milk to the door, he knew he shouldn't have let him in. He needed an object to vent and talk to, otherwise he might be too excited to fall asleep today.

Now he may still not be able to sleep, especially after Zhu Tong said those two words, he was reluctant to put people back.

The two hugged silently for a while, and Zhu Tong suddenly said, "Why don't you dare to kiss me?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong seemed to have discovered something interesting, and his eyes flashed, "Did you watch that video, you were afraid that there would be surveillance at home and that your grandfather would see it?"

Because it was wrong, the result was right.

Shao Ming was not scared because of the video, but because of the photos.

Although he can understand, with Zhu Tong's previous body, it is understandable for his grandfather to let him follow him.

But when he thinks of an elder sitting in a home theater solemnly looking at photos of the two of them, Shao Ming still feels embarrassed until his scalp tingles.

Seeing that this young master who didn't know the society's sufferings without being there in front of him dared to laugh at him about it, Shao Ming couldn't help but raised his hand and scratched the tip of his nose, and said with a smile, "Aren't you afraid?"

Zhu Tong imagined it and said honestly, "I'm afraid."

The mouth said fear, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

Shao Ming's eyes are also deep and bright.

The two of them just stared at each other, and they both understood that Yu Fang shared the same joy of being recognized by the elders as himself.

Zhu Tong's face was warmed by Shao Ming's straightforward gaze, and he said nervously, "There is no surveillance in the room now."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows: "So?"

Zhu Tong clenched his palms, raised his head and kissed Shao Ming on the lips.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened instantly, and he lowered his head and covered his lips.

When the young master finally fled, his whole face was red, and when he ran to the door, he did not forget to remind the "guests" in the room to drink the hot milk.

Although the milk may have cooled off.

Shao Ming watched people go out of the room, listened intently to the movement next door, took the mobile phone from the bedside, and sent a voice message to the person next door.

—Good night, young master.

Zhu Tong quickly replied to him.

Shao Ming looked at his reply and smiled, then exited the interface and read the message that Jiang Wan sent him.

Even if the Xia family's stock price has plummeted now, if the Xia family is to be completely overthrown, the short period of ten days a year ago is definitely not enough.

But as long as the foreshadowing is done, the entire Xia Group will be completely defeated in a short time.

Early the next morning, when the two of them were called downstairs by the servant, two people were already waiting in the living room downstairs.

After breakfast, Shao Ming was taken to the company by someone arranged by Uncle Liu.

There was only one person left to accompany Zhu Tong to sit at the dining table.

Zhu Tong looked at the people who were supposed to be busy working in City E, and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Cheng Chen looked at him ambiguous and said, "I heard that your sweetheart was dragged by the old man to work as a coolie in the company. I am afraid that you will be alone and lonely, and come to accompany you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Cheng Chen was not embarrassed to be ignored, and continued: "I said you guys are progressing fast enough, you have not graduated from high school, you have already seen your parents for life, tsk, it's not in vain that you fainted and shouted at others. The affection of the name."

The boiled water that Zhu Tonggang entered almost sprayed directly on his face, "...What do you say?"

"Isn't it?" Cheng Chen said, "Don't worry, your cousin is very open-minded. Your aunt and your uncle were both successful in high school. Love doesn't have much to do with age. I won't laugh at you."

Zhu Tong looked at him and said nothing.

In fact, he always wanted to ask what happened to his cousin and Lu Zheyu, but he felt that his cousin would not tell him the truth.

I already said what I wanted to say.

Just a perfunctory remark for the sake of others, I wish Tong would not do such useless things.

He put the water glass back on the dining table: "Are you coming to City A for something?"

Cheng Chen said: "It's a little bit, and it's also for you."

Zhu Tong said in surprise, "For me?"

Cheng Chen nodded: "Your little boyfriend, not only is not simple, his identity is not simple, he has been tossing, although there is no news about him on the Internet, but in City A he is already naked..."

"Can you change the adjective?" Zhu Tong interrupted him with a weird expression.

Cheng Chen was shocked: "You have to pay attention to this? Your cleanliness has expanded to the level of writing?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He simply didn't want to use bad words for Shao Ming, but he seemed to have missed the point.

He sighed: "Forget it, you continue."

Cheng Chen glanced at him suspiciously and continued: "Someone on the Internet has picked up photos of Xiang Shuyi when he was young, even if he doesn't admit it, people who have seen him in city A can compare his face to Xiang Shuyi's face. Knowing who he is, now that the Xia family and the Xiang family are falling out, everyone else is waiting to see which side of his genuine blood ties will stand."

Zhu Tong said affirmatively: "He won't stand either side."

Cheng Chen said: "Yeah, he doesn't stand either side, so I'll help."

Zhu Tong doubts.

Cheng Chen looked proud: "There is a specialization in the art industry, and most of the Xiang family's name is mainly in the entertainment industry. My cousin is not talented, and he can still speak in this circle."

Zhu Tong suddenly said: "So you want to pay Xiang's family?"

"Yufu is too flattering for them." Cheng Chen spread his hands and said, "Does the Xiang family still need Yufu? They are fighting against the Xia family, and their assets have been exhausted, but no matter how small the mosquito's legs are Meat is still profitable.”

Zhu Tong: "…"

So cousin is simply here to help?

"But for this kind of thing, you don't have to come here in person, right?"

"That's why I said I was for you." Cheng Chen suddenly approached him, "My dear cousin, I finally took a vacation and went to play with my cousin?"

Zhu Tong decisively refused: "I'm not interested."

Cheng Chen was helpless, "Then what are you doing at home on vacation? How is your body recovering? Are you going to lock yourself up?"

Zhu Tong said solemnly: "No, I still have winter vacation homework."

Cheng Chen: "…"

His cousin is definitely insane.

Cheng Chen shook his head, originally wanting to take him out for a walk, but seeing that he was unwilling, he was not reluctant, "Then you can continue to wander in the ocean of learning and wait for good news from cousin."

Said to get up to go.

Zhu Tong suddenly stopped him and said, "Cousin."

Cheng Chen stepped back to look at him.

Zhu Tong hesitated, "If possible, leave the Xiang family to Xiang Shuyi."

Cheng Chen was startled.

Zhu Tong did not explain.

The marriage between the Xiang family and the Xia family was, in the final analysis, a voluntary exchange of interests. Some people on the Internet condemned them with morality, but they were not qualified to judge them.

He doesn't care how Xiang Shuyi wants to go crazy and how to get revenge on others. After the Xiang family is pushed to the cusp of public opinion, he doesn't care how others will bring him down. He just doesn't want Xiang Shuyi's actions to be labeled "for Shao Ming". 's name.

He didn't want Shao Ming to feel that he owed others.

Even if Xiang Shuyi and the mermaid became utterly destitute after their death, it was not Shao Ming's responsibility.

Even if Xiang Shuyi's original intention was just to make up for his cowardice and contempt.

But if it is decided that there will be no intersection, they still owe each other.

Cheng Chen looked at Zhu Tong in surprise for a while, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, cousin is measured."

Watching his cousin leave the villa, Zhu Tongcai breathed a sigh of relief and went upstairs to do his homework by himself.

The news that Shao Ming was brought into the company by Liu Jianbo quickly spread in City A. Xiang Zhuanghe (Xiang's father) who heard the news repeatedly hinted that he wanted Xiang Shuyi to bring people back to Xiang's house to recognize him, but Xiang Zhuanghe (Xiang's father) who heard the news repeatedly hinted that he wanted Xiang Shuyi to bring people back to Xiang's house to recognize him. The art of calligraphy is over.

"That child has been raised in someone else's house for more than ten years. It's not easy for him to agree to meet me, and even though he is being brought by Liu Jianbai now, it doesn't mean that he has established a firm foothold in the company. You want to meet him. , let's wait a while."

Xiang Shuyi still had an unhurried attitude, as if he had a plan.

Xiang Zhuanghe couldn't sit still anymore.

During this time, he competed with the Xia family on the basis of his belief that he could bring Shao Ming back to the Xiang family.

Xiang Shuyi told him that it was their sincerity to publish the truth about the child’s abandonment on the Internet. She, the mother, took the responsibility for the child’s abandonment. Xiang Zhuang and the grandfather were innocent people who were completely ignorant. Shao Ming would not hold any grudge against him.

Xiang Zhuanghe originally believed this statement.

He has to believe it or not.

He and the Xia family have already torn apart their faces. The Xiang family wants to continue to develop, and the grandson who has not been brought back is his last hope.

And Shao Ming wants to be with Zhu Tong, and needs an identity that can be side by side with him.

But now Shao Ming has gone to Liu Jianbai's company.

Even if there is no Xiang family without them, Shao Ming has also been recognized by Liu Jianbai.

That kid doesn't need them anymore!

Even if it was his own daughter, Xiang Zhuanghe couldn't believe it at all.

He looked at Xiang Shuyi and said solemnly, "I want to see him now!"

Xiang Shuyi said calmly: "He can't get through on his phone now, I can't get in touch with him..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a crisp sound on the ground, and a glass was smashed by Xiang Zhuanghe at Xiang Shuyi's feet.

Xiang Shuyi looked down and looked down, still expressionless.

Xiang Zhuanghe's chest rose and fell violently, glaring at her.

He already knew very well that he was being tricked.

He was played by his own daughter!

But he was powerless.

The Xiang family father and daughter were silently confronting each other, and even the surrounding air became dark and turbulent.

The situation of the Xia family is worse than that of the Xiang family.

Xia Weiyi never thought that he would finally be able to sit at the same table with Liu Jianbai, but the table in front of him was a negotiating table.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-24 16:17:56~2021-12-2516:20:48~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Chestnut Meow, 1 Houxixi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 32 bottles of Soft'sdady; 20 bottles of Vanessa; 536338995 bottles; 1 bottle of strange and cute, and 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!