Chapter 97: Grind people

After hugging for a while, the annoying images in the dream were gradually expelled from my mind. The room was very quiet, and Shao Ming was still patting his back lightly, as if he was not curious at all. Zhu Tong couldn't help it. He raised his head and said, "Don't you ask me what nightmare I had?"

Shao Ming said as a matter of course: "If you are afraid, don't think about it."

If he asked, Zhu Tong would be forced to think again.

"But you can tell me if you feel more comfortable about it."

Zhu Tong thought for a while, then gave up decisively, "I have nothing to say, I will soon forget it, that's what dreams are like."

Shao Ming accommodated him without a bottom line, "Well."

He put his hand on the back of Zhu Tong's neck again, and pressed lightly on his neck to help him relieve the tension.

Zhu Tong's neck was very sensitive, and he couldn't help shrinking. After his emotions eased, he suddenly realized something, and hurriedly pushed the person away: "Are you... Are you tired today?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Zhu Tong has already put his legs off the bed, "You should rest immediately after taking a shower, I..."

"Not tired." Shao Ming took his hand and said, "If you come back every day and receive such a warm hug from your boyfriend, it will be worth it no matter how tired you are."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The clasped palms conveyed a familiar temperature, hotter than usual.

Zhu Tong raised his eyes to look at Shao Ming's face. The face of someone who has been busy for many days is not tired. Looking at him, there are the same things in his eyes... misses and desires.

After returning home from vacation, he couldn't be as unscrupulous as he was in a homestay. Shao Ming got up early and went to bed late every day, and the two of them had very little time to talk.

At the beginning, I didn't think that, the more time passes, the more Zhu Tong misses the days when he could sleep with Shao Ming and wake up together.

The leg that originally wanted to leave the room shrank back, Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming and said, "Can I sleep here tonight?"


Shao Ming squeezed his hand tightly, "Yes."

He agreed too quickly, but Zhu Tong was stunned.

His eyes lit up: "Really?"

Shao Ming laughed and said, "Why are you so surprised?"


Zhu Tong paused, unable to say why.

He said a little aggrieved: "You didn't let me stay here for a few days."

Even if he used the question as an excuse, Shao Ming would urge him to go back to sleep after the question was answered.

Shao Ming smiled bitterly and said, "Who told you to come over and tease me every night? If you keep me longer, I will break my merits."


This is very unreasonable.

Zhu Tong subconsciously retorted: "When will I tease..."

Suddenly thinking of something, he changed his voice, "Then you are not afraid of breaking the power now?"

Shao Ming coughed tactically, "Aren't you having a nightmare in today's special situation? My boyfriend has a nightmare, so I can't comfort him?"

Zhu Tongxin said, didn't he already comfort him just now?

He is all right now.

But he was a little curious, "How are you going to comfort me?"

Shao Ming asked back: "How do you want me to comfort?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

What does he want him to say?

Shao Ming reached his forehead with one hand, lifted his bangs, quickly kissed him on the forehead, then got up and said, "Think about it, I'll take a shower first."

Seeing that the person went directly to the bathroom, Zhu Tong raised his hand and touched his forehead, the corners of his lips lifted involuntarily, he took off his shoes again, and got into the place where he had just lied, with a satisfied look on his face.

After Shao Ming came out of the shower, Zhu Tong Zheng lay flat on the bed and stared at the crystal lamp on the ceiling in a daze.

There was only a bulge where he was lying on the bed, his head sunk in the pillow, his hands out of the quilt, and he looked so cute that it was a little foul.

Shao Ming got under the quilt and took the man into his arms, asking, "Have you figured it out yet?"

Zhu Tong tilted his head and blinked, "No."

Shao Ming couldn't help laughing, "Isn't that serious without you?"

Seriously because he was thinking of something else.

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming and thought that double standards are probably a trait everyone has.

No matter what is wrong with a person, there will always be one person who becomes an exception.

Shao Ming is his exception.

He rejects contact with others, but anything he does with Shao Ming, or anything Shao Ming does to him, he will not feel rejected.

Even a little addictive.

In fact, there is no need to think about what comfort you want. The two of them are lying on the same bed, their bodies are leaning against each other, their eyes are on each other, sparks are rubbed out, and they are hot and hot.

He couldn't even tell who took the initiative first, and when he came back to his senses, his lips were already inseparably pressed together.

Zhu Tong was a little dizzy after being kissed, and felt the changes in their bodies in a daze.

He moved his legs impatiently, and was quickly suppressed by Shao Ming again.

"Don't move, if you move again, something will happen."

Zhu Tong's throat was a little dry, "...Aren't you going to do it?"

Shao Ming kissed him lightly, but didn't say anything, but he was breathing heavily, and he obviously had to endure it hard.

Zhu Tong suddenly remembered something, looked up at Shao Ming and said, "You said to tell me to cook raw rice after the exam... um."

His lips were blocked before he finished speaking.

Shao Ming kissed him heavily, "Don't talk about this now."

Zhu Tong wondered, "Why?"

Shao Ming couldn't say how much he was suffering. He buried his head in the crevice of his neck and said, "I might be beaten to death."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't really understand anything. He smiled and hugged Shao Ming and said, "I won't let you be beaten."

Shao Ming raised his head from the socket of his neck, his dyed eyes looked very sexy, but his eyes showed helplessness.

Sure enough, leaving people behind is to find guilt for oneself.

The two spent a long time recovering, looking for various topics to chat, and gradually Zhu Tong fell asleep in his arms.

But he closed his eyes and didn't stop, "Rosso contacted me today, complaining that you didn't reply to his news, you're... wrong, you can't treat your friends like this."

Shao Ming: "…"

It's not that he didn't reply, he didn't dare to reply, because once Rosso's news is returned, it may be endless.

On the way back, someone called back.

But people who are confused can't make sense, Shao Ming can only say: "Okay, I know I'm wrong, and I won't in the future."

Zhutong grunted with satisfaction, and then said, "Tomorrow, Xiaoxin is on vacation. I'll pick her up from school, saw it in City E."

Shao Ming said: "Well, she is very beautiful."

Hearing that his sister was being praised, Zhu Tong bent his lips in a sleepy mood, but quickly retracted, and continued: "And... Xia Yang, there may be someone to help him..."

The voice was no longer clear at the end.

The person in his arms had already slept. Shao Ming tucked the quilt for him, changed him into a comfortable position, and took the mobile phone from the bedside to read the news on the Internet.

In the past two days, there have been more and more negative news about the Xia family, but the remarks against the illegitimate child have almost disappeared, and even a lot of sympathy for the illegitimate child has emerged.

Xia Weiyi's crimes really have nothing to do with Xia Yang.

But the Internet is mixed. There are always some people who want to find a sense of superiority to talk about "illegitimate children". It is not surprising that some people speak up for the innocent, but the original negative comments have all disappeared, and "sympathetic" comments have appeared one-sidedly. It's not normal.

Xia Weiyi is in a daze now, it is impossible for him to do this.

And the people who helped Xia Yang didn't seem to have any plans to help Xia Weiyi.

At least their investigation of the Xia Group has not encountered any obstacles during this time.

Shao Ming looked down at the man in his arms.

Zhu Tong has a system, and Xia Yang also has it. It is best if they are not related to each other. What he is worried about is that what Xia Yang can do by relying on the system will affect Zhu Tong.

Raising his hand and brushing the broken hair that covered his eyes, Shao Ming told Uncle Liu his doubts.

Just in case, some things need to be checked out.

After receiving a very rigid but affirmative reply from Uncle Liu, Shao Ming smiled, turned off his mobile phone and bedside lamp, and lay down in his "Gentle Township".

Some people slept well that night, and some people couldn't sleep.

Xia Yang has been away from the Xia family for many days, and his father has not even called him.

He knew that he had been given up, and even if he was not given up, he could not go back to that home after watching the progress of the investigation team's investigation of their home that was constantly updated on the Internet every day.

It's no use going back.

He held the phone in his hand, with the strength that he wanted to crush the phone. Only in this way could he maintain his expression so that he would not lose control.

At this time, a hand came over and held him, took the phone from his hand, and sat down beside him, "Don't watch if you feel uncomfortable, I know you worry about your dad, but it's all about him. self-inflicted..."

"Brother Wenhan." Xia Yang suddenly held his hand and said, "Can you help him? Go to Liu Jianbai and ask him to let go of our family. As long as you help me, I can do anything you want!"

Jiang Wenhan likes him and has the ability to help him.

They grew up together when they were children, and Jiang Wenhan invited him on a date before the Xia family's accident.

Shao Ming wants to destroy his family and wants to destroy him, but he will not let him do it, let alone let Zhu Tong do it.

Seeing Xia Yang holding his suggestive hand, Jiang Wenhan frowned and sighed again: "Yang Yang, I know you are very scared now, and there is such a big change in your family, you don't know what to do. Now, I have already let people clean up those things on the Internet. You don't have to worry about what people say about you when you go out. I will protect you and take care of you, but I can't help your father. I have investigated the matter and he did something wrong. , you must take responsibility yourself, and now the person in your family is a victim like you, he is seeking justice for himself, we can't stop him, do you understand?"

Jiang Wenhan comforted him softly.

Xia Yang listened, but his hands became tighter and tighter.

He looked in disbelief at the person in front of him who persuaded him with "reason".

This person was not like this before. He would be jealous for him, and would agree to any unreasonable request for him to oppose Shao Ming.

But it's different now.

The aura of the system's blessings on him has weakened, and Jiang Wenhan is not so enthusiastic about him anymore. He can no longer feel the scorching gaze of Jiang Wenhan when he looked at him on the last date. Not any kind of affection.

Jiang Wenhan looked awkward by his questioning eyes, and took the lead to look away and said, "Don't think about it, you should have a good rest first."

Xia Yang lowered his eyelids and whispered, "I see."

He stood up slowly and refused Jiang Wenhan to send him back to the room, so that no one could see the gloomy expression on his face after turning around.

Xia Yang, who returned to the room, smashed the phone heavily on the bed.

The phone bounced from the bed to the floor, tenaciously not scrapped, and connected to a phone call.

Xia Yang picked up the phone again and pressed it to answer.

The next day, Zhu Tong was born for more than ten years, and finally fulfilled the responsibility of being an older brother—going to school to pick up his younger sister from school.

The school where he had been nominally for a year did not leave any good memories for Zhu Tong, so standing in front of the gorgeous school gate again, he had no trouble in his heart.

Zhu Xin was overjoyed to see Zhu Tong standing at the school gate waiting for her, and ran towards him quickly.

If he wasn't worried about Zhu Tong's body, he might have given him a bear hug.

Most people in the school know Zhu Tong, especially the students in the art class. Most of them also know about Zhu Tong's recovery. They heard that Zhu Tong appeared at the school gate, and many people followed.

Zhu Tong probably committed a social fear as soon as he left Shao Ming. He didn't know how to deal with it.

"I haven't seen you for more than two months. My brother is getting more and more handsome. The female students in our art class will be excited when they see you."

As soon as Zhu Xin closed the car door, he hugged Zhu Tong's arm affectionately.

I haven't seen her for too long, and Zhu Tong was also very excited to see her, and scolded her with a smile: "What nonsense?"

Zhu Xin said: "What nonsense? It's true. When I left the school just now, someone pulled me and asked me for your contact information, but I told them that you have an owner."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Famous grass is not a thing, but it is true that there is a master.

On the way here, he was struggling with how to tell Xiao Xin about this, but now it seems that he doesn't need any special explanation anymore.

Zhu Tong hesitantly looked at his sister for a while, then tentatively asked, "Do you... know everything?"

Zhu Xin said reluctantly: "It's not that you are too high-profile, the whole city A already knows about you talking about a boyfriend in city A, and people in the school are asking me about it, not to mention you It's hard for me to not know if someone brings it home."

I wish complexities flashed in Tong Tong's eyes.

Also, although city A is very big, the circle is very small. With his relationship with Xiao Xin, as long as someone in the school knows about him, it will definitely reach Xiao Xin's ears.

But Xiao Xin did not show any unhappiness, and even teased him deliberately to make him relax.

Zhu Tong felt a little warm in his heart and asked, "You didn't go back, how did you know I brought him home?"

Zhu Xin shrugged and said, "Just ask the housekeeper and uncle at home about this kind of thing... You are so embarrassed to ask me, you didn't even tell me about such an important matter. Look at me at school, I asked you before and you didn't admit it, did you say you don't want me if you have a sister-in-law?"


Can such a long old account be turned over?

Zhu Tong looked at her sideways, and saw that her mouth was shriveled, but it was obviously fake, thinking of what she had said before, she couldn't help but smile, "Then you are still a prophet?"

Zhu Xin immediately snorted proudly: "Of course."

Zhu Tong didn't answer her, just looked at her fixedly and asked hesitantly, "Do you mind?"

Zhu Xin said: "What do you mind? Mind that you found a sister-in-law for me at such a young age?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The brothers and sisters looked at each other for a moment, and Zhu Xin also restrained his casualness and said seriously, "I know he treats you well."


Zhu Xin smiled again, resting his head on his shoulder, "I will definitely not mind the person you like, if you are worried about gender issues, now the marriage law has recognized it, you don't need to care whether others care, neither do I Don't worry, as long as my brother is happy, it's fine."

As long as he is happy.

Zhu Tong didn't know what to say, and couldn't even say "thank you".

They are siblings and don't need those two words.

He smiled and patted Xiao Xin's head.

Suddenly the people around him moved, and Zhu Xin came close to his ear mysteriously.

"But brother." Zhu Xin whispered to him, "Can I ask you a question?"

Zhu Tong: "What?"

Zhu Xin said: "How far have you developed?"


Zhu Tong deferred for a while, "What do you mean?"

Zhu Xin lowered her voice and asked a few more words, seeing the cheeks of the person being questioned quickly turn red.

The younger sister, who had never seen this scene, looked surprised.

Zhu Xin dragged his voice "Oh" in his heart.

Her brother is no longer fighting for himself.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-26 16:28:51~2021-12-27 16:04:59~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: the first one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of momo; 2 bottles of Houxixi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!