Chapter 98: relief

Zhu Tong still pays great attention to expression management in front of his sister. After his face warmed, he quickly became serious: "Why are you a little girl asking about this?"

Zhu Xin solemnly reminded him: "We are twins, born on the same day, and I am a little girl, so what are you? You are in love early."

Zhu Tong: "…"

When he doesn't hate people, Zhu Tong can't be said by anyone.

He looked at Zhu Xin helplessly.

"Yes, that's the expression." The younger sister was suddenly excited, "And your serious look just now is so similar to your grandfather."


Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment.

Like your grandfather?

No one ever told him what he was like.

Not like my parents, but like my grandfather.

Thinking of Grandpa's serious face at all times, Zhu Tong looked strange, "Do you also talk like this in front of Grandpa?"

Zhu Xin nodded without feeling the slightest difference: "Yes, my grandfather is always reticent to talk, but every time I talk to him, I can feel that he is very happy."

Zhu Tong slightly curled his lips.

In this way, he does look like a grandfather.

In the past, he was hospitalized alone. Although he didn't seem to care, every time Xiao Xin came to see him, he was actually very happy.

Even if he had no other purpose at the beginning, it was a correct choice for him to send Xiao Xin to his grandfather.

Thinking of choices, Zhu Tong inevitably thought of Zhushou Mountain.

He smiled slightly, tilted his head and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Xin, do you want to go back?"

Zhu Xin's face was slightly stagnant, and then he shook his head: "Dad... he's doing fine now. I heard from the servant at home that he and Aunt Qin divorced. Every day is busier than before, and he hasn't gone back for a long time. "

He can be so busy, he must have something to do with his grandfather.

Grandpa didn't push him to a dead end, he just made him the same as his ideal... to be able to concentrate on his own work without any entanglement.

It's just that without the help of his grandfather, how far he can develop on his own is his own business.

Zhu Tong didn't want to talk about it, so he changed the subject and said, "I heard it? How can you hear it anywhere?"

Zhu Xin pretended to sigh, "Then what can I do? I'm bored at home alone, I have to find someone to talk to."

It is convenient to have a good relationship with the maid and to ask about anything.

Zhu Tong smiled again: "I'll talk to you in the future."

Zhu Xin immediately curled his lips, "I don't believe it. You have a sister-in-law now, how can you still have time to talk to me?"


"Hey, brother, you haven't answered me yet! How far are you?"

Zhu Tong became angry, "Don't ask about this."

Zhu Xin was satisfied to see his blushing, and leaned his body back to the seat again, and said obediently: "Okay, I won't ask, but my sister-in-law lives in our house now? Will my dinner be dog food?"


"But don't worry, brother, even if the two of you are in front of me, I will pretend that I didn't see it, and I won't make a notice to the outside world."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Where was his former cute and quiet sister?

Why does he feel that his sister's style of painting seems to have changed?

Zhu Tong was teased by her all the way, and finally said numbly: "Don't worry, we won't let you have the opportunity to sue."

Because Shao Ming is very busy, especially busy.

It is not so easy to investigate a group and convict it. Even if the result is given, the time line will be very long, and during this period, there will be no relaxation for a moment.

Grandpa intends to exercise Shao Ming, or he also means to test the depth, and let Shao Ming participate in the whole process.

Grandpa took time to come back a few years ago and had a reunion dinner with their three juniors. After that, Shao Ming returned to the small county to spend the New Year with Shao's mother.

After being forced to separate, Zhu Tong realized what a wise decision Shao Ming had made to take pictures.

Shao Ming had no scruples outside and took a lot of pictures with his mobile phone.

However, Zhu Tong was not very open at that time. He only had a few photos on his mobile phone, and the pictures were not very good.

Even when Shao Ming returned to Gongshui County, he did not take time off. He was so busy every day that he did not forget to contact Zhu Tong regularly. Despite this, his thoughts continued to grow wildly.

What Shao Ming does every day also makes Zhu Tong more clearly aware of the gap between the two.

Zhu Tong can only add learning tasks to himself every day.

Even if it was just a little bit, he wanted to catch up with Shao Ming a little more.

When Zhu Xin came back from school, he didn't eat dog food, but drank a lot of chicken soup.

On New Year's Eve, no matter how busy people are, they have to have a holiday.

Shao Ming sent a video to Zhu Tong, one side was a familiar guest room, and the other was a residential room that Zhu Tong was not familiar with at all.

"Are you at home now?"

Zhu Tong suddenly realized that he had never been to Shao Ming's house.

Shao Ming gave a "hmm" and smiled knowingly when he saw the familiar background in the video: "Sleep here again today?"

Zhu Tong has been sleeping in the guest room where Shao Ming slept since he went back. When he first started posting the video, he deliberately went back to his room to cover it up. As a result, he came out of the shower yesterday, but he didn't remember it for a while, and was directly captured by someone.

Even if he had been embarrassed once, and now being asked about it again, Zhu Tong would still be embarrassed. He pretended to be calm and said, "The bed here is easier to sleep in."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows very insincerely: "Really?"

Congratulations to Tongmo.

This person simply knew why he was sleeping here deliberately teasing him.

In fact, Shao Ming didn't want to express his worries, but he couldn't help but ask, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Zhu Tong said: "It's good, how about you?"

There was a smile in Shao Ming's eyes, "No, I miss you so much."

Zhu Tong: "…"

"I miss you too" came to my lips, but I couldn't say it calmly like the people in the video.

Zhu Tong hesitated for a long time, his ears were slightly red, and he hesitated: "Can you... send me a few photos?"

Shao Ming froze for a moment, then said in surprise, "Photo?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "It's the photos I took outside last time."

Shao Ming said, "What do you want a photo for?"

Zhu Tong blinked, "Just... take a look."

Shao Ming asked, "What are you looking at?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Probably seeing someone's determination to break the casserole and ask to the end, Zhu Tong quickly compromised: "Look at you."

As soon as he finished speaking, his face turned red.

The people in the video suddenly laughed softly, with contentment in their eyes.

But he didn't nod, and said narrowly: "Is it all you need for the photo of that day? Don't want anything else?"

Zhu Tong was at a loss: "Others?"

Shao Ming: "For example, the restricted level?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Some discordant pictures popped up in Zhu Tong's mind instantly, and the whole person was on fire.

He shook his head hastily.

It looked like he was shaking his head.

Shao Ming regretted: "I really don't want it? Alas, I haven't exercised recently, and my figure is no longer attractive to my boyfriend."

Zhu Tong subconsciously said: "No..."

Shao Ming's figure is still very good.

Shao Ming tempted: "Then do you want it?"

Zhu Tong squeezed the phone tightly, and the temperature on his face could cook an egg, "...Yes."

Shao Ming immediately hit the snake and followed the stick, "Okay, then you can exchange yours."

Zhu Tong: "!"

His hand holding the phone froze.

Seeing the stunned expression on his face, Shao Ming smiled as if he had succeeded: "It's a matter of etiquette, young master, you wouldn't want to prostitute for free, would you? This is too unkind."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Can he not?

But want it very much.

Reason and desire are pulling together, and the young master is speechless.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened, and he lowered his voice and said, "I want you to hide under the quilt and secretly look at me, secretly miss me, and secretly do bad things..."

Zhu Tong blurted out his defense: "I wouldn't..."

Shao Ming said brazenly, "I will."

Zhu Tong: "..."

The young master snapped his phone over the quilt... he didn't want to hang it up.

The perpetrator's uncontrollable low-pitched laughter came from the phone, and Zhu Tong's heart trembled when he heard it.

Soon there was another voice of his reflection and apology: "Baby, I was wrong, I won't talk nonsense anymore, I will hand in myself now, can you be merciful and release me from the little black screen?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

What is the little black screen?

Zhu Tong Chenggong was teased by him, picked up the phone again, the heat on his face hadn't faded, he could only look at him seriously while holding back his laughter, but in the end he didn't hold back, turned his head and smiled.

Shao Ming smiled and asked, "Aren't you angry anymore?"

On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, Zhu Tong was reluctant to be angry with him. He turned around and lay on his side on the bed, looking at the handsome and handsome face in the video, and asked, "Next year, will you bring your aunt to live in City A?"

With Shao Yujie's character, it is unrealistic to want her to come to the house for the New Year.

When she saw that her grandfather might be too frightened to speak.

But he also wanted to celebrate the New Year with Shao Ming.

The time apart is so hard.

But he wasn't sure if Shao Ming was willing or not, so he was a little nervous when he asked this.

Shao Ming chuckled: "Okay, I will try my best to convince her."

Zhu Tong suddenly cheered up, "I'm with you."

Shao Ming's heart softened, he nodded and said, "Okay."

The future belongs to the two of them, and the two of them work together.

At zero o'clock in the morning, the New Year's bell rang on time in the city. Zhu Tong ran to the floor-to-ceiling window with his mobile phone and watched the fireworks blooming at a fixed point in the distance, illuminating a night sky, bright and splendid, dazzling.

In the sky of fireworks, he heard the person over the phone say to him, "Happy New Year, boyfriend."

Zhu Tong couldn't hide his excitement, nodded vigorously and said, "Well, Happy New Year!"

Just after the second day of the new year, Shao Ming returned to City A.

Xia Weiyi was destined to not have a good year, and the involvement of the judicial department made him spend even the first day of the new year in the company.

After some rumors spread a few years ago, most of the senior management of the group received an olive branch from others. After experiencing the fear of New Year's Eve, they resolutely betrayed Xia Weiyi and actively cooperated with the investigation team's investigation. Some people even took the initiative to report and handcuffed. Put on Xia Weiyi's wrist.

When Xia Weiyi was taken away by the relevant departments, Shao Ming appeared at the door of the Xia Group headquarters building.

The original high-spirited founder of the group walked out of the building with a look of embarrassment.

As soon as he saw Shao Ming waiting outside, Xia Weiyi's eyes were splitting, and he wished he could rush up and take a few bites.

Xia Weiyi looked violent, scolded him for being an unfilial son, and the iron handcuffs kept making a harsh sound in his hands.

"Do you think you are very smart? Do you think you are great? You are my son of Xia Weiyi, you have my blood on you, you don't want to get rid of me for the rest of your **** life, do you think Liu Jianbai will really help you? He just I'm taking advantage of you! Without me, you will only be a slave to others for the rest of your life, and you will never be able to get ahead!"

Xia Weiyi struggled, facing his roar, Shao Ming always smiled, and even waved at him "friendly" after he was escorted into the car.

At the same time, after Zhu Tong finished a chemistry paper, he received a system prompt in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for getting Bai Yueguang's favorability +4%, and the current favorability is 99%."

Zhu Tong: "…"

What does one percent mean?

The increase in favorability indicates that the matter of the Xia family has been dealt with.

Zhu Tong couldn't wait to pick up his mobile phone and wanted to call Shao Ming to ask, but he was not sure if it was really over, for fear that he would disturb them with a phone call in the past.

While he was hesitating, someone knocked on the door.

Zhu Tong went to open the door without putting down his mobile phone, and saw that the person he wanted to contact was already standing outside his door.


Zhu Tong was both surprised and happy, and before he had time to ask, he was hugged and moved into the house.

Shao Ming closed the door with his backhand, pressed the person against the door panel, and kissed him fiercely.

Zhu Tong's face was stunned, and he was messed up by him.

Why are you so excited?

When he couldn't help but ask, Shao Ming just hugged him tightly and didn't speak.

Zhu Tong quickly reacted and stopped asking.

Because of liberation.

Because of freedom.

Zhu Tonghui hugged Shao Ming and said, "At the Xiang family's side, I asked my cousin to leave the rest of the assets to... Aunt Xiang. Although it is not as good as before, life is definitely not worrying."

Shao Ming's voice was dull: "Well."

He didn't feel that it was his responsibility for the Xiang family to fall to where they are today.

The Xiang family fell because they were stupid.

Cooperation without trust and only relying on interests will break down sooner or later because of uneven "splitting of the spoils".

Even if he didn't let Jiang Wan spread the news, even if Xiang Shuyi didn't choose to die, the Xiang family and Xia Weiyi would tear their faces away sooner or later because of their interests, and then they would perish themselves.

He has no feelings for the Xiang family, so he won't blame himself.

But he will not show his cold-blooded side to Zhu Tong.

He loosened Zhu Tong slightly, squeezed the back of his sensitive neck deliberately, and shrank his neck as if in a conditioned reflex from the person in his arms, bowed his head and said, "Why do you think about me so much? What should I do if I'm too moved?"

He breathed slightly as he spoke, as if excited and yet eager.

He looked happy, and Zhu Tong was also happy, and even the air around the two seemed to be filled with joy.

Zhu Tong smiled and said, "Then kiss again..."

Before he finished speaking, the lips that were already close at hand touched them without hesitation.

Shao Ming put his arms around his waist, Zhu Tong clasped his shoulders, and raised his head slightly to meet his kiss.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-27 16:04:59~2021-12-28 16:02:11~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 8 bottles of you are a dream that I can't touch; 3 bottles of 17; 1 bottle of jasmine, Qing, Soft'sdady, strange, cute and lovely;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!