Chapter 102: Calculate

Qi Sisi was the first friend Zhu Xin made after she went to high school. They have been in the same class since high school, and later signed up for the art class together. The two have similar interests and are the best friends to talk to.

In Zhu Xin's impression, Qi Sisi is sunny and lively, treats people kindly, always loves to joke with her, listens to her sharing happy things when she is happy, and stays by her side when she is depressed.

She never doubted her.

But how could it be so coincidental?

It was Sisi who called her to invite her out to the dinner.

Just leaving the box, she didn't just go to the bathroom, but to connect with other people.

Ten minutes ago, Qin Junhong entered the Changshengtian Club, and as soon as she came out of the bathroom, she was taken to this separate box by Qi Sisi.

He also brought her a drink.

Zhu Xin looked at the goblet she carefully pushed in front of him, and chuckled as usual: "This is?"

Qi Sisi said, "This drink is called Chasing Dreams, how about it? Isn't it beautiful?"

Zhu Xin: "…"

It's really beautiful, the shades of pink and blue intertwined and gradually layered, as unreal as a fantasy.

She nodded, held up the goblet, smiled and said, "But why did you think of preparing a surprise for me? Is today a special day?"

Qi Sisi said as a matter of course: "Today is the Lantern Festival! Actually, I wanted to ask you to come out during the Chinese New Year, but I know that you will definitely not come out when your brother comes back. The school will start soon, so I can't bring it here. The school will let you taste it? Even if it is non-alcoholic, the teacher will scold me to death. This is a new product designed by a professional beverage engineer, and no one has ever tasted it. I specially made it for you."


With the familiar expression and tone, Zhu Xin felt a little cold in her heart. She asked, "Sisi, how do you know my brother is not at home tonight?"

Qi Sisi was startled.

Zhu Xin said, "Why did you invite your classmates to dinner today?"

Qi Sisi blinked and said, "The Lantern Festival is rare, and didn't you say that your brother's boyfriend lives in your house now? You must not give them a little private space? You are a single dog... No, what's wrong with you, Xiao Xin? ? Why are you looking at me like that?"

She finally realized that something was wrong, and the smile on her face was a little stiff.

Zhu Xin looked at her emotionally.

When calling her out to play, Qi Sisi didn't mention her brother's participation in the party, and used it as an excuse not to disturb her "brother and sister-in-law" during the festival.

Does she really not know?

Qi Sisi's face was more dazed than nervous and guilty.

Zhu Xin didn't know if he was relieved or sighed, put down the goblet, and said directly: "Who prepared this cup?"

Qi Sisi: "Huh?"

Zhu Xin said: "Sisi, if you still take me as a friend, tell me."

Qi Sisi was a little surprised, and barely covered her mouth: "What are you talking about, Xiao Xin?"

Zhu Xin said impatiently: "This drink was not prepared by you at all."

Qi Sisi: "…"

Zhu Xin asked, "Who is it?"

Seeing her suddenly being so serious, Qi Sisi was also a little panicked. She said, "You already know? This is really not what I prepared, but how did you know... Xiao Xin, what happened?"

Since the two had been friends for so long, Qi Sisi could see that Zhu Xin was in a very wrong mood now.

She just helped someone give a gift to Zhu Xin, why did she react so much?

Zhu Xin said: "Do you know that this cup has been drugged?"

Qi Sisi was stunned for a moment, then said in shock, "Drug?!"


"Impossible!" Qi Sisi suddenly stood up, "Your brother made this drink for you himself, how could he possibly prescribe it?"

The blurted words silenced both of them at the same time.

After Qi Sisi finished speaking, he realized what he had said, and held his breath for a moment.

Zhu Xin looked at her and asked, "My brother?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Qi Sisi's face, "It's not your brother, it's your other big brother, the one your stepmother and father brought to your house after they got married."

Sitting in the box reserved by Qin Junhong, Qi Sisi told what happened.

It was more than a year ago that she had contact with Qin Junhong.

They met by chance at the school gate. Qin Junhong went to the school to find Zhu Xin. In order to give her a copy of the zongzi made by himself at home for the Dragon Boat Festival, Qi Sisi and Qin Junhong had also met before that, and Qin Junhong also went to find Zhu Xin. I saw it when I was in Xin.

Encountered at the school gate again, Qin Junhong recognized her and asked her to help bring Zongzi to Zhu Xin.

Later, Qi Sisi met Qin Junhong several times outside the school. He came to pick up Zhu Xin from school, but he and Qi Sisi just nodded to say hello. After all, Zhu Xin did not introduce them to each other.

The real connection was when he went to a restaurant for dinner. When Qi Sisi entered the store with his family, he met Qin Junhong who was checking out at the counter. He lost his wallet and was in an embarrassing situation in the store. Qi Sisi helped him settle the bill.

"He didn't let me tell you, saying he felt embarrassed. Later, after he found his wallet, he added my WeChat and transferred the money to me."

It has been more than a month since Qin Junhong contacted her again.

"You have a bad cold in your first year of high school, do you remember? You came to school with a fever. He didn't trust you. He contacted me and asked me to buy medicine for you. In fact, he always cared about you silently. He didn't want to let you I thought they were too interfering in your life, so they contacted me secretly. You... you never tell me about your family affairs, and people always ask you with a cold face. I don't think it's a big deal, so I didn't tell you. ."

dare not say.

Zhu Xin doesn't like her stepmother and stepbrother, and hates being asked by others. Qi Sisi plays with her and knows how to keep boundaries.

Qin Junhong didn't have much contact with her, and every time he contacted her, he cared about Zhu Xin.

He was worried about Zhu Xin's eating habits, that she would always skip breakfast, that she would hurt her stomach if she didn't eat spicy food, and he secretly told Qi Sisi about many details of life, including Zhu Xin's food preferences.

He knew Zhu Xin so well, and Qi Sisi was surprised, so he couldn't help but ask him: Do you like Xiao Xin?

Surprisingly, Qin Junhong actually admitted it.

"He said it was impossible between you, and you didn't like him either. He was just afraid that you wouldn't take care of yourself, and wanted me to help take care of you."

His likes are humble and forbidding, and it is easy to arouse the sympathy of others.

He took the initiative to reveal things at home to satisfy Qi Sisi's curiosity, but also made her dare not speak out because she was worried about Zhu Xin's "reverse scale".

He never inquired about Zhu Xin's affairs at school, and his concerns never crossed the line. Gain Qi Sisi's trust.

And then there is today's drink.

Qi Sisi said: "He suddenly contacted me a few days ago and said that your father and his mother divorced. He said that your father wanted to divorce because his mother moved your family's property. He felt very sorry... He decided to go abroad, he said. He doesn't want to have any regrets, and wants to tell you what he thinks before he goes abroad, so please let me ask you out today. In addition to this drink, there is also a letter of confession. He asked me to give the letter to you after you tasted it. you."

After speaking, Qi Sisi took out the letter and said with a firm expression, "This is a drink, and it is impossible to put medicine in it."

Zhu Xin didn't pick up the letter and said calmly, "Qin Junhong is outside the box now."


Qi Sisi's face turned pale, "No, he told me about his flight tonight..."

The door of the box was pushed open from the outside, and Qi Sisi was speechless.

The moment Qin Junhong was brought into the box, all his forbearance and affection turned into lies with other purposes.

The suitor who sent her an airport photo and went abroad without even wanting to wait for a result is still staying in the club where they had dinner.

Qi Sisi looked at Qin Junhong who was covering his mouth and glared at them, and then looked at the drink on the table that Qin Junhong had sent to the box, his face turned pale for a moment.

Zhu Xin said to one of the people who entered the door, "Send Miss Qi back to the box next door."

Someone stepped forward.

Qi Sisi subconsciously wanted to hold Zhu Xin, "Xiao Xin, it's not me, I didn't know he would..."

"Sisi." Zhu Xin interrupted her and said, "Even if we are friends, you are not qualified to decide for me whose kindness to accept."


Whether it is pity or being moved by Qin Junhong's deep emotions, if he hadn't been prepared, what would have happened today?

I wish Xin did not want to think about it.

Qi Sisi didn't even dare to think, her hands and feet were cold and she was taken out of the box in a dull manner.

After Qi Sisi left, Zhu Xin glanced at what Qin Junhong had prepared for her on the table, and said softly, "Give it to him, it's a pity to waste it."

She put it lightly, and the person holding Qin Junhong was surprised for a moment. She quickly reacted, took the drink on the table, let go of Qin Junhong's mouth, and poured it directly into him.

Qin Junhong couldn't stop coughing, and the medicine didn't work. He struggled to rush towards Zhu Xin, but was quickly restrained.

The bodyguard wanted to keep sealing his mouth, but Zhu Xin said, "No need, let him speak."


Qin Junhong coughed for a long time before he could breathe, and he looked at Zhu Xin gloomily: "...How did you find out?"

Zhu Xin sat down in the seat just now, "What do you mean? Is it to discover you, or discover the hidden dangers around you? Or discover the intentions of you and Aunt Qin?"

Qin Junhong's pupils shrank: "What do you mean?"

Zhu Xin sorted out the folded hem of her clothes when she sat down and said, "You will leave Zhu's house. My dad knows that you and Aunt Qin are carrying money to buy a house on his back. I told him."

Qin Junhong's eyes widened immediately: "is it you? You fucking..."

He said that he was about to burst again, and was held down by people.

He breathed suddenly, "ungrateful slut! You are an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. My mother raised you since you were a child, and she took care of you with all her heart. What the **** are you doing to me?"

"Conscientiously responsible?" Zhu Xin smiled and said: "She is very dedicated, she raised me wholeheartedly, and then figured out with you how to make me depend on her, how to use me to win her property, and figured out how to let you do it Big my belly lets me have a baby for you, doesn't it?"

Qin Junhong choked in one breath, his face flushed.

This is what he said to his mother at Zhu's house once, and was reprimanded by his timid mother at the time.

Did Zhu Xin hear this?

Zhu Xin ignored his surprise and the sympathy and anger of the bodyguards around him, and continued: "You are very cautious, I have only heard it once after living under the same roof for almost ten years, but fortunately it is not too late, It's a pity that there is no evidence left."


Zhu Xin said: "You say I'm ungrateful? If you take care of me like this, how will I repay you? You asked me to give me medicine today, and now it's in your own stomach, why don't you tell me? Tell me about your next plan? I can repay you double."

I don't know if the effect of the medicine is starting to work, Qin Junhong has begun to feel that his limbs are weak, and he feels that the current Zhu Xin is terrible.

His knees softened and he said, "What do you want to do? Zhu Xin... Xiao Xin, you can't treat me like this..."

He suddenly softened his attitude, but his pupils gradually dilated.

The bodyguards holding him have changed from holding his shoulders to holding his hands.

It wasn't until he fell to the ground powerless that Zhu Xin got up from the sofa and muttered in a low voice, "It works pretty fast."

She turned her head and walked out the door: "He..."

Before the word "take away" was spoken, he looked up and saw the person at the door of the box.

Zhu Tong supported the door frame with one hand, and leaned against Shao Ming behind his back. The two stood at the door of the box, not knowing how long they had been here.


The author has something to say:

Going to eat wedding wine, I can't grow thick _(:з"∠)_

Some people may think that this chapter is unnecessary, but the tragedy of my sister is the original intention of Tongtong to complete the task and live, so I still want to write it clearly.

Happy new year acridine~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-3116:38:03~2022-01-0115:32:09~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: chant-, limo 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: a rabbit is eating 30 bottles of carrots; 22 bottles of Nuan Nuan; 10 bottles of Xue Yunyao and Mu; 9 bottles of vic; Leek essence, Yanning, colorful paper flowers, cautious words and deeds, Soft' sdady, 536338995 bottles; Ye Luo Lingxue, Qingqiu Pinglan, Han Han Qiong 3 bottles; Hong Jasmine, Li Mo 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!