Chapter 103: solve

Qin Junhong was dragged out of the box by two bodyguards. Someone from the art class who was partying next door happened to bump into him and recognized Qin Junhong. He was so frightened that his metabolism went back, and he quickly got back to the box.

"Fuck, guess who I saw? I wish Xin his big brother! He was knocked out and dragged away!"

"Being knocked out? No way?"

Another person rushed out curiously, but the bodyguard was so efficient that the person no longer knew that he was not in the corridor. The person turned to look next door and saw a familiar profile face.

The box door closed again.

"What big brother? That's Zhu Xin's own brother. How did Zhu Tong come to such a place? Is he in good health?"

"Zhu Tong? Where is it?"

The door to the box was opened for the third time, and Zhu Tong was gone in the corridor. There was only someone standing against the wall outside the box next door, playing with a mobile phone. A girl peered out of the box, and a girl's heart suddenly fell.

"Fuck, sisters, there's a handsome guy outside! He's wearing a suit, he's so handsome! Oh my god, I'm going to hook up!"

"Handsome guy? Isn't it Zhutong? Who the **** is out there? How do you all look the same?"

After an oolong for a long time, someone finally reacted and scanned the box, "Where's Zhu Xin?"

"Yeah, where's Zhu Xin? Sisi, give her a call..."

They subconsciously went to the person in the box who had the best relationship with Zhu Xin, and found that Qi Sisi was sitting alone in the corner in a daze, his face as white as paper.

In the box next door, Shao Ming didn't follow up. The two brothers and sisters sat on the sofa, speechless for a long time.

Zhu Xin didn't act like a spoiled child on Zhu Tong as usual, nor was she calm and indifferent to Qin Junhong just now. She was like a child who did something wrong and was waiting to be taught a lesson, and she nervously lowered her head and rubbed her fingernails.

Zhu Tong moved his lower lip and asked, "When did you know?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhu Xin knew that he must have heard everything.

The bodyguards in the box must have discovered it long ago, but no one reminded her.

Thinking of what she just said, Zhu Xin wanted to go out and jump from the corridor immediately... What a shame!

She raised her head and said, "Brother, I..."

Zhu Tong said: "Why didn't you tell me now?"

After he finished speaking, he froze for a while.

What can I tell him?

Xiao Xin obviously knew it a long time ago, earlier than he did.

Before others were in the hospital, he couldn't even take care of himself. Knowing what he could do?

He sent Xiao Xin to his grandfather's house under a systematic guarantee. This is something he has always felt guilty about... He didn't trust his grandfather before.

He also lacked self-confidence, he was afraid that he would be bored one day.

He was afraid that his grandfather would be like his father, and his love for them was only temporary.

He has too many concerns, maybe Xiao Xin is just like him.

But after he knew that there was a system to share, Xiaoxin could only bear it by himself.

Besides herself, the person she trusts and relies on the most at home, is she afraid when she hears Qin Junhong and Qin Manwen say those words?

How old is she? How sad should she be?

Zhu Tong felt pain like a needle in his heart, he reached out and put Zhu Xin into his arms.

Zhu Xin was stunned by his sudden action, and then his nose was sour, "Brother, I don't want you to worry about me."

Zhu Tong hugged her and said "um", "Have you thought about telling Dad?"

Zhu Xin smiled bitterly, "I was frightened at the time. After returning to my room, I called him. He said he was busy and asked me to find Aunt Qin."


Zhu Xin lowered his head and said, "I also tried to talk to him about moving out, but he didn't agree."


Disappointment builds up from trial after trial.

"So I can only pretend that I don't know anything. I want to secretly collect evidence, and I want to wait until there is enough evidence to bring it to Dad. I want to tell you after they leave Zhu's house."

I just didn't expect that the two brothers and sisters would leave Zhu's house first.

Zhu Tong listened quietly, but he was thinking about what the system told him.

If Xiaoxin knew the true face of Qin Junhong's mother and son early in the morning, and she also obtained reliable evidence, why did she not give the evidence to Zhu Shoushan until the end of the college entrance examination?

Zhu Tong suddenly called her: "Xiao Xin."

Zhu Xin: "Huh?"

"If..." Zhu Tong paused and said, "If I die, what will you do?"

Zhu Xin suddenly raised his head and looked at him with red eyes.

Zhu Tong breathed for a while, and hurriedly said, "I mean if I'm fine now, I'm really fine."

Zhu Xin hugged his arm and said tightly, "If you dare to leave me, I will leave City A and never come back to see you again."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It was a funny and angry remark, but Zhu Tong couldn't laugh.

Because Zhu Xin will really do that after his death.

She would give up and let Zhu Shoushan see Qin Junhong's mother and son, because it was unnecessary.

She would leave Zhu's house after graduating from high school, leave the city, and let the moth eat up what her father liked most.

But she couldn't go away, because of a friend's self-righteousness, because Qin Junhong ruined her.

Zhu Xin rested his head on Zhu Tong's shoulder, Zhu Tong raised his hand and touched her head, "I won't leave you."

Not this time.

Zhu Xin gave a dull "um" and asked again, "Brother, do you blame me?"

Zhu Tong said: "What's your fault?"

"It's my fault for not telling you, what I looked like just now...isn't it particularly ugly?"

"Just now?" Zhu Tong thought about how Zhu Xin had just folded his legs and sat on the sofa, smiled and said, "No, you are very cool and have the temperament of a big sister."

Zhu Xin: "…"

"elder brother."

Zhu Tong replied in a low voice, "Yeah."

Zhu Xin put his pillow on his shoulder and said, "I don't want to have friends with friends. Is this wrong?"

If she could honestly and clearly express her dislike of "family" and let her friends know what kind of person Qin Junhong was, would things not happen today?

Inexplicably, Zhu Tong thought of Zhou Sui.

His disgust for Qin Junhong was also used by Qin Junhong to make him talked about in school. The worse his attitude was, the more people preferred "step-brother".

He said helplessly: "It's not your fault, there are too many ways to harm people, it's impossible to prevent."

After leaving the clubhouse to go home, Zhu Xin went to the next box to say goodbye to her classmates, while Zhu Tong and Shao Ming stood in the corridor waiting for her.

Occasionally someone passed by in the corridor, and it was no longer the face they had seen when they came in.

After walking towards Shao Ming, Shao Ming naturally pulled him, "Finished talking?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

Shao Ming asked, "What do you think?"

Zhu Tong wondered, "What do you think?"

"Yeah?" Shao Ming chuckled: "When I was eavesdropping before, I found your chin at the door of the box."

Zhu Tong: "…"

When he first heard Xiao Xin say those words, he was really surprised.

For a long time, especially after the system was bound to him, every time he met with Xiao Xin, he could always feel an indescribable sense of disobedience.

Only now did he realize that Xiao Xin had so many things hidden in his heart.

She always showed her purest and most relaxed side in front of herself, and she took everything by herself.

Distress is the main thing, but…

Zhu Tong smiled and said, "It's surprising, but I'm also relieved."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Relaxed?"

Zhu Tong said: "A little bit."

He didn't expect the word "pleasant" to be used on him so early.

Xiaoxin is stronger than he thought, and even without him, he will not be bullied.

And the appearance of Xiaoxin just scolding Qin Junhong was really cool.

Thinking that Zhu Tong suddenly turned to look at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming squeezed his fingers: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong said a little awkwardly: "That... what did I look like when I used to hate people?"

He suddenly discovered that since he was discharged from the hospital, Shao Ming was present almost every time he scolded people.

What does he look like in the eyes of others?

Will it be too aggressive? Or hideous?

Shao Ming doesn't think he is a gangster, does he?

He suddenly understood why Xiao Xin was nervous in front of him just now.

Shao Ming said, "Why did you ask this?"

Zhu Tong rolled his eyes and said, "...curious."


"Emmm..." Shao Ming pretended to ponder: "I don't quite remember it, why don't I record it for you next time you insult someone?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is this really taking him as a scumbag? In such a hurry to slap people.

Zhu Tong defended in a low voice: "I don't hate everyone."

Shao Ming pursed his lips and held back his smile, holding his hand and pulling the person closer, "Liar, when you are angry with someone, you are very energetic and imposing, which makes people feel very secure."

Zhu Tong's eyes suddenly lit up: "Really?"

Shao Ming nodded: "Well, I like it very much."

The corners of Zhu Tong's lips are slightly raised, and his heart is sweet.

Shao Ming resisted the urge to press him into his arms and rub it, and whispered in his ear: "Don't worry about these, I like everything you look like, I like it the most..."

The words that followed were submerged in the warm breath close to the auricle.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, then his ears turned red, and he turned to stare at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense outside."

Shao Ming looked wronged: "I am telling the truth."


I wish Tong Tong's cheeks were flushed.

no clothes or anything...

He avoided Shao Ming and turned his head to the side, feeling that Shao Ming was squeezing his fingers between his fingers. .

The three returned home by car, and Mr. Cheng had already returned to the villa first.

Zhu Tong has been worried since the morning. After attending the party, he has not stopped tossing and tossing. When he got home, he was very tired, but he had not forgotten to explain the headache to Shao Ming.

And what Xia Yang said was wrong, which triggered a headache for him and Jiang Wenhan.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, the housekeeper was waiting for him at the door.

"Master, sir, let you go upstairs to find him after you come back."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He glanced upstairs, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go back to my room and change clothes."

He turned his head and said to Shao Ming, and went upstairs first.

Shao Ming hesitated whether to go upstairs or sit in the living room for a while, and suddenly saw Zhu Xin glance at him, then turned and walked towards the living room.


After a moment's pause, Shao Ming followed slowly.

The person walking in front suddenly stopped, and before anyone could react, a roundabout kick turned towards the face of the person behind him.

"Miss!" the servant exclaimed.

Shao Ming seemed to feel something, and easily grabbed her ankle.

The maid in the living room who was going to pour water for the two of them covered her mouth with force, obviously frightened.

There was an eerie silence in the villa.

A few seconds later, Zhu Xin moved her leg, Shao Ming let go, she immediately retracted her leg, turned her head and smiled at the maid: "Sister Lin, we're just kidding, go and help me warm a glass of milk. ."

Sister Lin: "...Oh, good."

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with them, Sister Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

After the others left, Shao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly: "The roundabout kick is good, but the strength is a little worse."

Seeing that he was neither frightened nor angry, Zhu Xin snorted and said, "I wanted to do this for a long time."

Shao Ming nodded: "Well, I see it."

As early as the first meeting in Gongshui County, Zhu Xin's attitude towards him was not so friendly, but her attitude changed later. She lived under the same roof these days, and she did not show any dissatisfaction.

Shao Ming knew that it was because Zhu Tong was there.

So she is letting herself go now?

Zhu Xin looked at Shao Ming, "If you dare to treat my brother badly in the future, I will really kick you."

Shao Ming didn't make any promises, he just silent for a moment and said, "You two are worthy of being brothers and sisters."

Zhu Xin: " to say?"

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Show tiger claws to outsiders and sleep on the cat couch at home."


Seeing her suspicious face, Shao Ming added, "I just wanted to say that he treated me the same way."

Zhu Xin: "…"

I wish. Single dog. Xin was severely hit by the dog food from his sister-in-law and lost a round.

Looking at Shao Ming's smug and arrogant smile, Zhu Xin thought to himself: Let's kick now!

Then she heard Shao Ming solemnly say to her: "Don't worry, I will do my best to be nice to him, I love him."

Zhu Xin: "…"

She swallowed another ton of dog food, this time making it herself.

Her sister-in-law owes so much!

Upstairs, Zhu Tong also encountered a problem.

After Cheng Qingsong cared about Zhu Xin's situation, he directly asked him a question that hit his soul: "How do you know that the people around Xiao Xin will have problems?"


"I don't ask what you are going to do until the matter is settled. Now that the matter is settled, I need your confession."

Now, even if Zhu Tong said that he was dreaming about the future, Cheng Qingsong didn't find it strange.

His grandson, there are too many strange things about him.

Zhu Tong has no scruples now, and without hesitation for a while, he told his grandfather the matter.

With Shao Ming as the foreshadowing, with the care and trust of his grandfather everywhere, when Zhu Tong spoke about the system, his heart was very calm.

He said everything including system tasks.

Mr. Cheng was shocked, but his face did not show the slightest.

He was silent for a long time before asking, "Is your body so good?"

Zhu Tong: "...Yes."

"So you really depended on that child to survive?"

Zhu Tong pursed his lower lip, "It is indeed because of him that I survived, but Grandpa, I am not with him because of this, I just like him and want to be with him, there is no other reason."

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

This sounded familiar.

Mr. Cheng's expression became complicated for a moment, and he asked, "If I don't agree with you being together, what are you going to do?"

Zhu Tong was dumbfounded for a moment, "I will try to get a score of 700 in the final exam next semester?"

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

If he is not recognized, then he will try to make himself excellent, so good that he does not need recognition from others, and so good that he can take on the future of two people by himself.

In the end, Grandpa didn't say anything, but I wish Tong could feel his relief.

Going downstairs, returning to Shao Ming's room, looking at the person who came out of the bathroom, Zhu Tong, regardless of the state of the person, quickly stepped forward and hugged him.

Shao Ming's hair was still wet, he stretched out his hands subconsciously when he was hugged, and then slowly put his hands on his back, "...What's the matter?"

"It's okay." Zhu Tong said, "Just give me a hug for a while."

A lot happened today, and he didn't know where to start.

He hugged Shao Ming and took a deep breath, then slowly let it out, "Is Xiao Xin asleep?"

Shao Ming said, "I have already returned to my room."

Zhu Tong buried in front of him and said "um".

Shao Ming asked again, "What did Grandpa say?"

Zhu Tong shook his head lightly and said, "It's nothing. After talking about Qin Junhong's decision, he said that he would try to keep him inside for a few more years."

Even if he came out in the future, he would never have the chance to appear in City A again.

Thinking of Zhu Tong's sudden start, he straightened up from Shao Ming's arms, "I have something to tell you."

Xia Yang was caught off guard about his system mission.

Shao Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, "Well, you said."

Zhu Tong was about to speak when the phone in his hand suddenly rang, and he could only look down at the phone first.

A string of unfamiliar numbers.

He looked up at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming said: "It's okay, answer the phone first."


Zhu Tong pressed answer and turned on the speakerphone.

A voice came from the loudspeaker, "Is it Zhu Tong? I'm Jiang Wenhan."

Zhu Tong and Shao Ming looked at each other and responded.

On the phone, Jiang Wenhan's voice was tentative: "Have I pursued you before?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong felt that he was struck by lightning.


The author has something to say:

Holidays are not fake, it's all about leaving _(:з"∠)_

Jealous (mistakenly) take a wave, the next chapter will reveal it~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-0115:32:09~2022-01-0215:29:08~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of wine in a pot in the flower room; 5 bottles of Xiao Rui's food; 1 bottle of Mo Qi and Soft'sdady;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!