Chapter 104: reveal

Jiang Wenhan's words seemed to have thrown a muffled thunder between the two of them.

You can eat and talk nonsense!

Zhu Tong raised his head, just in time to meet Shao Ming's gaze that was also looking at him, his heart jumped, and he stared back at the phone calmly: "Mr. Jiang, I haven't seen you before today."


Jiang Wenhan was suddenly silent.

Zhu Tong: "?"

Seeing Shao Ming like this, Zhu Tong suddenly panicked. Just when he wanted to hang up, Jiang Wenhan said, "Does your head still hurt?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

It's better not to say it!

Shao Ming narrowed his eyes.

Tong Tong keenly turned into a mind-reading expert and read four words from his seemingly calm eyes: Are you so concerned?

He subconsciously said to the person on the phone, "What does this have to do with you?"

Ask what you should ask!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Wenhan said: "This has something to do with me."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Want to be rough.

Hold back!

He seemed to understand what Jiang Wenhan wanted to say.

Jiang Wenhan said anxiously: "After I had a headache, something appeared in my mind, like a memory that didn't belong to me, how about you?"

Zhu Tong said, "I don't."

He only saw a few pictures that could not be put together, but in the few pictures, Jiang Wenhan did appear.

Not only Jiang Wenhan, but also several people he didn't know.

"What memory do you have?" Shao Ming said suddenly.

Zhu Tong raised his eyes in surprise, but he didn't expect that Shao Ming would take the initiative to ask, and he didn't interrupt.

On the phone, Jiang Wenhan didn't know if it was a distraction or a brain attack. The person who didn't hear the words changed and whispered: "I pursue you, but you don't seem to like me... Especially don't like me, I think about this memory now. Headache."

Zhu Tong didn't dare to speak, because the hand around his waist was constantly tightening.

Hearing him not speaking, Jiang Wenhan became even more anxious: "Do you know something?"

Zhu Tong said, "I don't know."

"Then don't you want to know?" Jiang Wenhan said on the phone: "You don't want to know why you have a headache? Don't you want to know why I have this memory? Don't you think what Xia Yang said is strange?"

How could Zhu Tong not want to know?

But he doesn't dare to know now!

He felt Shao Ming staring at him from the top of his head, and said stiffly, "I..."

Jiang Wenhan didn't listen to him at all, and said directly: "I want to see you."

Zhu Tong frowned suddenly: "Now?"

When is it now? It's almost morning!

Jiang Wenhan said: "Is it your arrangement for those people who are guarding outside Xia Yang's ward now? I'm going to the hospital now. We will meet at the hospital. Go to Xia Yang and make it clear. I'll be waiting for you at the hospital."

Without waiting for a reply, he hung up the phone.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Those people in the hospital... he asked his cousin to arrange it.

Jiang Wenhan almost forgot if he didn't say it, he did have something to ask Xia Yang.

But... Zhu Tong was a little afraid to look at Shao Ming's face.

It doesn't seem to be his problem! What's he up to?

There are so many people pursuing Shao Ming, isn't Shao Ming not guilty in front of him?

Zhu Tong gave himself some mental construction, put down his mobile phone, and raised his head: "I..."

The back of his head tightened, and Shao Ming had already held him down and kissed him.


Zhu Tong's first reaction was: Are you not angry?

He blinked, but was soon forced to keep his eyes open.

Shao Ming's lips and tongue pressed against him fiery, and the scorching temperature seemed to burn with him.


It would be strange if he wasn't angry.

Zhu Tong was dizzy when he kissed him, and vaguely felt that the front of his face was cold and cold, he barely opened his eyes to take a look, and found that it was Shao Ming's wet hair.

Before he could feel uncomfortable, Shao Ming had released him, panting heavily: "Wait for a while, blow my hair and change my clothes."

Zhu Tong was also a little short of breath, and watched Shao Ming go to the cabinet to get the hairdryer, and then walked into the cloakroom.

After being stunned for a while, Zhu Tong slowly curled his lips.

It was already agreed that he went.

And plan to go with him.

Zhu Tong obediently waited in the room for a while, and when he came out of the cloakroom, he fell silent.

Who is this man dressed up even more than he was at the party?

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming's handsome face and swallowed his throat, and reluctantly reminded: "We are going to the hospital, you don't need to..."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows lightly: "No?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Okay, just be happy.

He turned around to open the door, but was stopped by Shao Ming again.

Shao Ming looked at him and said nothing.

Zhu Tong's scalp felt a little numb when he saw him, "Is there any problem?"

Shao Ming held his hand and gently rubbed the back of his hand with his fingertips, "Kiss me."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Taking the opportunity to be a demon?

I wish the young master to be able to bend and stretch, and decisively stepped forward and kissed him on the lips.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened, and he smiled slyly, "It's not a kiss here."

Zhu Tong: "...Where is the kiss?"

Shao Ming raised his head slightly, revealing a fair neck, a perfect jawline, and an obvious and **** Adam's apple. He raised his finger and pointed to his side neck, "Here."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming said, "You leave a mark here for me."

Zhu Tong: "!"

Seeing that his whole person was frozen, Shao Ming pretended to be disappointed: "Can't you?"

Zhu Tongnao didn't understand which one he was going to fix, so he stumbled and said, "I won't."

Shao Ming held his face and smiled: "It's okay, I'll teach you."

The warm lips and tongue came up again, this time the kiss was a little soft, not very deep, but sometimes it was biting and sometimes sucking, and Zhu Tong was so numb from his sucking.

Shao Ming released him again, pressed his forehead and asked, "Have you learned it?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why did he want to learn this kind of thing from Shao Ming?

Shao Ming taught him to plant strawberries around his neck?

Did he remember that they were going out soon?

Zhu Tong didn't dare to ask, and after being forced to accept two more lessons, he finally reluctantly left a kiss mark on Shao Ming's neck awkwardly.

Shao Ming contentedly followed him out the door.

On the way to the hospital, Zhu Tong always looked at the red mark on his neck. When he thought that it was left by himself, he couldn't help blushing and heartbeat, and felt a little strangely satisfied.

When he got out of the car, Shao Ming put on a scarf, which made Zhu Tong heave a sigh of relief.

Finally, I saw Jiang Wenhan in the hospital corridor. He was sitting in a medical chair by the side of the corridor, holding his head in one hand and pressing lightly, frowning tightly, obviously suffering from a headache.

There was a strange memory in my mind, it was impossible not to think about it, but thinking about it would give me a headache... a vicious circle, no wonder Jiang Wenhan was so eager to call him out.

The sound of footsteps in the corridor gradually approached, Jiang Wenhan looked up eagerly, and when he saw Zhu Tong appear, he quickly got up, "Why are you here so late? You..."

Before he got close, a taller figure suddenly crossed between him and Zhu Tong.

"Sorry, Mr. Jiang's phone call is really not at the right time."

As Shao Ming said apologetically, he slowly took off the scarf he used to "keep warm".

Zhu Tong subconsciously wanted to stop: "You..."

Jiang Wenhan's eyes widened at the same time: "You..."

Can't stop it, the seal that someone asked to leave before going out was exposed in front of Jiang Gongzi.

It's not that his eyes are sharp, it's just that someone's actions are too purposeful.

Jiang Wenhan's head suddenly stopped hurting, and his face was full of embarrassment. He looked at Shao Ming, then looked at Zhu Tong, and finally said sincerely: "Congratulations, it seems that your body has really recovered."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Where does this come from?

Jiang Wenhan couldn't help but glanced at Shao Ming's neck again, and Zhu Tong followed his gaze... I understand.

It turned out that this was the reason why Shao Ming had to teach him?

Jiang Wenhan obviously misunderstood something, he hesitated several times, and kept looking at the height and size of the two of them, unable to hide the surprise that some perception had been subverted in his eyes.

I didn't expect Zhu Tong to be the one above?

Zhu Tong didn't know what he was thinking, he felt that he had to explain, "Actually we..."

"It's alright." Jiang Wenhan said, "I understand it all, you... hide it."


Probably because there were outsiders present, Zhu Tong really didn't dare to show his embarrassment too obviously, but it was inevitable that he would be embarrassed.

Jiang Wenhan was even more embarrassed than him, and quickly turned his eyes away, remembering the business, "Let's go first...hs."

When he mentioned this, he immediately had a headache.

He patted his head and pushed open the door of the ward first.

Zhu Tong waited for him to leave before he dared to turn his head to look at Shao Ming, "How do you..."

Shao Ming's plan succeeded and said, "This is called a soldier without blood."


"Little young master." Shao Ming suddenly put his arms around his shoulders and leaned over him and said, "You left a mark on me, but you must hold me responsible."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He really made him cry.

Looking at the red mark on his neck again, Zhu Tong's face was slightly hot, and he whispered, "Let's go in too."

Shao Ming: "Okay."

As soon as he entered the ward, Zhu Tong met Xia Yang's malicious gaze.

I haven't seen each other for a few hours, and Xia Yang is like a different person.

He didn't wear the hospital gown, he was wearing the same clothes he wore at the party, but he took off his coat, his eyes were red, bloodshot in his eyes, messy bangs covered his eyes, he didn't tidy up, just sat On the bed, staring at the person who came in from the door of the ward in this state.

When has the heartthrob, who has been loved by thousands of people, ever so sloppy?

Zhu Tong almost didn't recognize him.

Xia Yang kept staring at Zhu Tong, until he saw Shao Ming who was following behind, a little light appeared in his eyes, but it quickly went out.

As soon as Zhu Tong approached Xia Yang, he felt the headache he felt in the tea room before, but it was not so unbearable.

Countless images flooded into his mind. He had met, he had never met, and different people appeared beside him, just like the dream he had had before.

The disgusting feeling of suffocation came up again, Zhu Tong's brows were slightly tight, and suddenly his palms became hot, he tilted his head, and met Shao Ming's worried gaze.

The smog surrounding him suddenly dissipated, Zhu Tong clenched Shao Ming's hand and shook his head gently, "I'm fine."

He turned to look at the person on the bed again, "Xia Yang, let's talk?"

Xia Yang stared at him without speaking.

Zhu Tong looked at Jiang Wenhan again, "You said you pursued me, why did you pursue me?"

Sure enough, as soon as he asked this, Xia Yang's pupils instantly widened, and he looked at Jiang Wenhan in disbelief, with a look of anger at being betrayed.

Jiang Wenhan's headache was even worse, he didn't go to see Xia Yang, and said solemnly: "I don't know, I just saw you once at the banquet, and I wanted to be with you as if in a daze, I don't know why, it's like... "

He couldn't help looking at Xia Yang.

Just like Xia Yang some time ago.

Why does he like these two people?

I like that Zhu Tong is just an extra memory. He can think rationally now, but he just thinks everything is outrageous.

His liking began to be inexplicable, his behavior had no logic, he was not a person who looked down on and was obsessed with stalking, but in his memory he was rejected again and again by Zhu Tong, and he could clearly feel Zhu Tong. Tong Yu was disgusted with him, despite this, he still did not have any self-respect.

Too rude.

As for Xia Yang, he really likes Xia Yang a little bit, but he is not infatuated with him, but when Xia Yang called to find him, he was inexplicably ecstatic, the kind of love that wanted to hold everything in front of him, and he had been playing steadily and steadily with him. the opposite of the behavior.

And after seeing Xia Yang's crazy side in the tea room, the emotion of sympathy and even liking disappeared in an instant.

But the headaches started endlessly.

Zhu Tong frowned: "You mean banquet? What banquet?"

Jiang Wenhan frowned: "I don't remember."

Zhu Tong asked again, "How old do you remember me? What did I look like?"

Jiang Wenhan pondered: "Seventeen or eighteen years old, looks...about the same as you are now."


Zhu Tong fell silent.

Seventeen or eighteen years old, what he looks like now...

According to the world line in the book, at the age of seventeen or eighteen, he was either lying in the hospital and ICU for company, or already dead.

How could he stand in front of Jiang Wenhan like he is now?

If the extra memory in Jiang Wenhan's mind is not what happened in the original text...

No, it couldn't have happened in the original text, because he had no impression at all.

He was quite sure that he had not met Jiang Wenhan before today's party.

According to Jiang Wenhan, he likes that he is too dazed, so what is the memory of when?

There are also pictures that pop up in his mind, he is approached by strangers, being pursued, and the fiery gaze that he can't avoid wherever he goes...

This is simply... like a copy of Xia Yang in the book!

Just thinking about Zhu Tong gave goosebumps all over, he unconsciously leaned into Shao Ming's arms.

Seeing him meditating, Shao Ming didn't interrupt him, but just hugged him tightly.

Zhu Tong thought of what Xia Yang said - you stole my life.

Did he really experience Xia Yang's life?

But he obviously rejects that kind of life, he hates that kind of life.

If he had a life like that, why did he die later?

Whether it was the original world line or after the system appeared, the pain he suffered during the period from birth to seventeen was real, and the experience of facing death several times was also real.

He has nothing to do with Xia Yang until now in his life, why do you say he stole someone else's life?

Where is the problem?

Zhu Tong looked up at Xia Yang, whether it was him or Jiang Wenhan, their headaches and extra things in their minds appeared after Xia Yang said those words.

Zhu Tong asked, "What do you mean by saying that I stole your life?"

Xia Yang's eyes were cloudy, and he watched him repeat a few words: "Damn you! Damn you!"


Shao Ming looked gloomy and looked at him coldly.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Shao Ming looked at it, Xia Yang seemed to shiver.

But his expression did not change, he was not afraid of Shao Ming.

If not for his fear...

Zhu Tong suddenly turned his head to look at the person holding him.

Also in the tea room, he and Jiang Wenhan both had headaches, why is Shao Ming okay?

Why does he want to live, the mission goal must be Shao Ming?

He moved in his heart, turned to Xia Yang, and said directly: "I know you have a system, and I have it too. You said that I stole your life, why me? How did I do it? You don't want to ask what's in your mind. something?"

Xia Yang was stagnant for a while, and suddenly became excited. He rushed to Zhu Tong from the bed: "It's really you! It's really you! You robber! Give it back to me! Give it back to me!"

Zhu Tong said: "I can give it back to you, but I don't know how to pay it back, why don't you tell me?"

Xia Yang was instantly overjoyed, and then he was dazed again.

How to pay it back?

Why did Zhu Tong survive? It's because of Shao Ming!

He suddenly looked at Shao Ming, pointed at Shao Ming with excitement and said to Zhu Tong: "You tell him, you tell Shao Ming, why are you approaching him? You don't like him at all, you are just to survive, you Break up with him, break up now!"

Zhu Tong's eyes darkened, and he said coldly: "You are right, I have a purpose in approaching Shao Ming, I just want to survive, only by his side can I live until now, but that was before, not now , I won't break up with him because I like him."

"Liar! Liar!"

Xia Yang roared and interrupted him: "You just want to take advantage of him! You liar! Shao Ming, have you heard? He admitted that he is by your side just to survive, and he likes you all to lie to you! He is lying you!"

Xia Yang said that he wanted to grab Shao Ming's hand, but he stepped back half a step to avoid it.

But he never let go of the hand holding Zhu Tong, and Xia Yang complained in surprise that he didn't show any emotion.

But he still looked at Zhu Tong.

No doubt, just puzzled.

Why didn't you tell him something so simple?

Will he question Zhu Tong because he has a purpose in approaching him?

He likes Zhu Tong, not because Zhu Tong likes him, but because he likes this person.

Even if Zhu Tongzhen was with him only for a purpose, he would not be disappointed, he would feel fortunate that there was a reason why Zhu Tong could not be separated from him.

What's more, if you like this kind of feeling, you don't need anyone to tell you.

Jiang Wenhan beside him was stunned.

what system? What to live?

He had absolutely no idea what they were saying!

But the more they talked, the more his head hurt.

Xia Yang has completely froze.

Zhu Tong was nervous, although he believed that Shao Ming would no longer be shaken by the "truth", and although the progress bar did not drop, he was still nervous.

I was nervous because he transferred schools to find Shao Ming on purpose, and nervous because he kept hiding it.

Suddenly, a mechanical voice prompts in his mind, "Congratulations to the host, you have obtained Bai Yueguang's favorability +1%, and Bai Yueguang's favorability is full."

"The world's information is being reshaped, please accept it."

"Warning, the system bound to the heartthrob is collapsing, please pay attention to the host."


A series of prompt sounds in his head made Zhu Tong a little unable to respond. He was stunned for a while, and suddenly felt a little strange. When he turned his head, he met Shao Ming's slightly shocked gaze.

Not only him, except for Xia Yang who fell on the bed with a headache because of the system collapse, Jiang Wenhan also looked at him in shock.

Shao Ming was a little uncertain: "The system has collapsed?"

Zhu Tong paused for a while: "...Did you hear?"

Shao Ming: "...Well."


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-0215:29:08~2022-01-0313:15:36~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Bai Baibai, 536338995 bottles; Shirley 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!