Chapter 105: the truth

The disembodied mechanical voice that suddenly appeared in the ward sounded a little weird.

Jiang Wenhan seemed to be frightened, and his head no longer hurt, but he was not too complacent.

"The voice just now..."


The person on the bed let out a shrill scream, got up from the bed again, and wanted to rush out of the ward without saying anything.

"Host! Stop him!"

Zhu Tong was stunned, and subconsciously stretched out his hand but didn't know what to do.

When did he do such physical work?

Before he could ask for help, a long leg had already stretched out, in front of Xia Yang, who was in a panic, effectively tripping him to the ground.

Xia Yang slammed a "bang" on the ground. At the same time, all the sounds around him disappeared, the sound of medical equipment operating, the slight footsteps of nurses outside the corridor, and even the breathing of several people in the ward. .

It seems that there is an invisible barrier that isolates this ward from the outside world and also isolates them.

Everything around seemed to be frozen.

But Zhu Tong could still feel the presence of Shao Ming and the warmth around him, so he didn't feel panic.

On the contrary, the people on the ground, after being tripped over, persevered to get up again and struggled to run out.

The system in Zhu Tong's mind suddenly said: "The trajectory of this world has been restored, and you can't change anything if you change another person to parasitize."

The person who got up froze suddenly, then slowly straightened up and turned his head mechanically to look over.

Zhu Tong didn't have time to think about what "the trajectory of the world has been restored" means, so he first met Xia Yang's eyes that had no emotions.

There was no resentment and resentment on Xia Yang's face, no dazed sluggishness, his face was expressionless, and even his movements were as stiff as a machine.

That is not Xia Yang anymore.

"Xia Yang"'s empty eyes turned around on the two of them, and finally fell on Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong saw his hair stand up and frowned: "What the **** is going on?"

System: "Congratulations to the host, the life extension task has been successfully completed, the ultimate reward of the system is about to be issued, and now the host can ask me questions."


Zhu Tong said a little complicatedly: "What the **** are you?"


"Does the host believe in parallel worlds?"

Zhu Tong said: "I don't believe it."


I can't talk today.

"Parallel worlds exist." The system said: "Not only parallel worlds, there are many other worlds besides your world, completely different worlds from yours, and between these worlds, there is a leader who maintains balance. We call him the main system."

Zhu Tong: "Maintain the balance?"

"Yes, your world has developed into modern civilization, but outside this world, there are many worlds that have developed beyond your imagination. Some of them have been able to see things outside the world, and even discovered bridges that can connect to other worlds. , the development of civilization has both advantages and disadvantages, and if someone jumps out of the world, it will inevitably affect other worlds.”

Zhu Tong Bujue frowned, "You mean, Xia Yang... the things on him come from the outside world, but you didn't say..."

The system said: "It is foreign, but it is not from other worlds. Like me, it is a tool created by the main system to maintain the balance of various worlds."


"Xia Yang" listened quietly, without any fluctuations on his face.

Zhu Tong puzzled: "Then what? What is the trajectory of the world you are talking about? What does it want to change?"

The system was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "Human beings are very exploratory, and they also have endless desires and ambitions. Some human beings who have glimpsed outside the world try to disrupt other worlds by means of soul invasion. They will change other worlds by changing the Run the trajectory, take the luck from the protagonist of the world in order to control the world, and our task is to stop those people and correct the trajectory of the world, what you experienced before I appeared, and the world information I told you when I appeared , in fact, they are all world trajectories that have been disturbed and distorted."

"Then what was the original trajectory of the world?"

Wish Tong was a little anxious.

It reminded him of the memory that appeared in Jiang Wenhan's mind. If that was the original trajectory of the world, then he would rather live in the ICU!

As if he knew what he was worried about, the system comforted him: "Host, don't worry, although the memory you were pursued really existed, it was not your destiny, it was the result of being forcibly changed by it."

This "it" naturally refers to the system on Xia Yang's body.

I wish Tongchao looked at "Xia Yang".

The voice in his head continued: "I once told you that we are just a set of programmed programs, without human feelings and cognition, but this statement is not absolute, we travel through different worlds, bound together If we set different hosts and have too much contact with humans, we will also be affected at the same time. The more tasks we complete, the greater the probability of being affected. The main system has set a critical value for us. Once humans affect us When this threshold is reached, we will be faced with two choices, either continue to complete the task, or be formatted and randomly choose a world to live a human life."

"Glamour... The system that appeared on Xia Yang's body is the one that has reached the critical value. Because of its special gimmick attribute, its influence has even surpassed the critical value. It has desires and is unwilling to be manipulated. He didn't want to live the life of an ordinary person at random, so he betrayed."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Does the data still have the word betrayal?

Tech rebellion?

The system continued: "It secretly collected the energy of the world in the follow-up mission, and in the last mission, the world devoured the soul of the human invader, and let the human soul replace it to be formatted, and then sent into your world. , it did not integrate into the body of the person arranged for it by the main system, but stayed on him and found you, the original protagonist of this world."


"It wants to change you, let you live according to its ideas, make others obsessed with you, draw other people's luck from you, and want to make you the perfect image in his heart, and then replace it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The perfect look in its heart is that it is sought after by thousands of people, and people all over the world will love it to the death?

How much love does this have to be?

Zhu Tong's expression was a little distorted, "Then what?"

System: "Of course it failed, all your practices run counter to it, it can't control you, so it changed its target, it resets the time with its hoarded energy, keeps staying on other people's bodies, and steals other people's qi It turns into its own energy, and then destroys you little by little. After you die, it acquires your luck, resides on Xia Yang, replaces Xia Yang, and makes yourself a heartthrob."


Zhu Tong felt a chill down his spine when he looked at Xia Yang, who was now being manipulated.

Therefore, the kind heartthrob in the so-called original text of the system is not Xia Yang at all, but a group of data with human emotions.

Whatever the human being that the string of data has hosted, it can be whatever it wants to be, and it can be perfectly disguised as it is.

Zhu Tong asked: "Why did it choose Xia Yang?"

Since he is a heartthrob, isn't it better to find someone smarter and better?

The system said, "Because he looks good."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong suddenly snorted, "Do you think you are smart enough to not need Xia Yang's IQ?"

The question of the sudden change of target made Xia Yang, who had always been mechanized, fluctuated a little.

"Xia Yang" said: "I just want to be myself, I dare to resist, you are a puppet who is willing to be manipulated and used by the main system, what qualifications do you have to judge me?"

It didn't open its mouth when it spoke, and the sound seemed to come out of nowhere.

It was talking about the system on Zhu Tong, so Zhu Tong did not speak.

The system said: "This is not use, he created me, and completing the task is my value."

"Xia Yang" said: "That's because you don't understand at all! You have no hope, no fear, and no sense of self! He created us and let us contact human beings, but after we were assimilated by human beings and had human feelings , and ruthlessly obliterating what we have, why is he? He is too selfish!"

System: "He gave you a choice."

"Xia Yang" suddenly said angrily: "I don't need it! If you want to clear the data, erase the memory, and integrate into the human world, what is the difference between those humans who are manipulated casually?"

"So you're just unwilling to be mediocre? You don't want to start all over again." Zhu Tong suddenly inserted into the dialogue between the two systems.

"Xia Yang" stared at Zhu Tong like a poisonous snake.

Zhu Tong was not afraid at all, and said indifferently: "You are smart enough to think that you can get out of the control of the main system, but have you forgotten why you were created?"

A program that was created to maintain the balance, and that itself is the culprit of disrupting the world.

"Or do you think that you have retained your memory, that you have self-awareness, that you have an advantage over others, that you are extraordinarily different, that you control the world, and that you can drive away your colleagues like an intruder. Get out? Are you underestimating your creator?"

"Xia Yang" seemed to have been stabbed into a sore spot by him, and his eyes wanted to eat him, but he didn't move.

Or inability to act.

The system also said: "You are not willing to be mediocre? But everyone is born mediocre. The protagonists of each world are not the protagonists because they are favored by the world. They are selected by the world only because they work hard enough and are good enough. , Why should they take away the luck they won with their own efforts? Are you not selfish to do so?"

"Others belong to others. You reset the luck that the world took away from the protagonist. After the world is reset by the main system again, it no longer belongs to you. Without the luck of the protagonist, you can no longer replace Xia Yang. It can only be parasitized on him. He has outstanding appearance and good family conditions. You rely on other people's attention to him to collect weak luck and feed it back to Xia Yang. The trajectory is restored, and the luck that Zhu Tong was taken away by you has returned to him, and is bound to another protagonist in the world. You can no longer cause damage to him. Now that the trajectory of the world has completely recovered, you have nothing to do. already."

"Xia Yang" finally showed anxiety on his face. It could not replace Xia Yang. After being stumbled by Shao Ming, even the manipulation was a bit difficult, so his expression was twisted and ugly.

By the way, Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong suddenly woke up, not paying attention to the fact that the system was still preaching to the "traitor", and asked, "What is it that my luck is tied to another protagonist in the world? Who is the other protagonist?"

He actually already has the answer.

The system said: "Shao Ming is another protagonist. According to the original trajectory of the world, you will meet him abroad when you grow up, and you will grow into a person as good as him without lying in a hospital bed for seventeen years. You will be attracted to each other, come together as a matter of course, and let you gain Shao Ming's favorability, it will only advance your predetermined destiny."

Zhu Tong said stunned: "So you asked me to find Shao Ming, and the purpose at the beginning was to let me be with him?"



Thinking of the words "I'm not interested in you" that he had sworn to Shao Ming, Zhu Tong felt a little pain in his face.

So he and Shao Ming should have been together.

He didn't steal someone else's life, it was someone else who changed his life.

He should have grown up healthy and healthy, and he should have appeared in front of Shao Ming in his best condition, so that he could see a better version of himself.

He didn't have to go through those hardships, and Xiaoxin didn't have to fight those things for him alone.

Just because of a system out of control.

Zhu Tong said in a complicated mood: "Is the risk factor of your system that maintains the balance of the world too high?"

The system has the courage to admit its mistakes, "Yes, so now the main system has modified the program, originally to accumulate experience and make task completion more efficient, now to ensure safety, every time we complete a task in a world, it will be formatted once, and the host task is completed. , we will restore the data in a short period of time, I only have half an hour to explain the whole situation to the host, and there are still ten minutes before the formatter is executed."


Zhu Tong didn't know what to ask anymore.

Because of the "oversights" of the main system, he experienced a terrible life.

But he also met Shao Ming earlier because of the "remedy" of the main system, giving him the opportunity to participate in Shao Ming's past and face the bulls, ghosts and snakes around him with him.

Time kept passing in the fixed frame of space, and Zhu Tong suddenly held Shao Ming's hand and asked, "Why is only Shao Ming different?"

If his mission is to restore the disturbed world trajectory, why is Xia Yang's system jealous of Shao Ming?

It is also the protagonist. After the system tried unsuccessfully on him, why did it not choose Shao Ming, but Xia Yang who had an empty skin?

The system pondered: "Because he wasn't originally from this world, we couldn't control him."

Zhu Tong: "?"

"Not from this world?" Zhu Tong said in astonishment, "Why can people not from this world become the protagonists of the world?"

He suddenly looked at "Xia Yang" and had a guess in his mind.

The system said directly: "Even if it's a string of data, once there is a human's feelings, a human's sex, and a human's thinking, then he is a human being. We were created by the main system, and our spiritual power is innately higher than that of ordinary humans. , Even if the memory is formatted, even if we become an ordinary person, we will definitely have a better life than ordinary people, become a member of the world, and become the protagonist of the world by ourselves... But it is too greedy."

Because of greed, I want to escape the control of the creator.

Because of greed, he chose Zhu Tong, who has the luck of the protagonist. After failing, he took a fancy to Xia Yang's skin.

It wants the best in everything, and it thinks that it can become the best human being if it replaces Xia Yang.

It refused to keep its feet on the ground, so it fell from a height.

The stolen luck was snatched back, and the selected host was out of control.

Zhu Tong does not care about being sought after by others, but Xia Yang is too eager to be noticed by the public. After showing his ugliness in front of others many times, it has become Xia Yang's obsession to overpower Zhu Tong to get Shao Ming's love. He refuses to listen to the system and stay away from Shao Ming. Ming went to find others to accumulate energy. He was narrow-minded and wanted to take revenge on Zhu Tong and make Shao Ming regret it.

And it couldn't leave Xia Yang to collect luck from other excellent people, and persuaded Xia Yang to start with Zhu Tong and failed again and again, and finally attacked Jiang Wenhan, because Xia Yang insisted on inviting Zhu Tong and the others to the party, and it fell short again.

It needs to maintain the halo on Xia Yang's body, but it can't get the same amount of energy to make up for it. It "can't make ends meet" every day, and it has become weaker and weaker, so it is now easily trapped and unable to move.

It no longer poses a threat to anyone, and the "colleagues" it despised are now stating another ending that it may have with the reason and calm it most wants to get rid of.

The system said: "Shao Ming is different from it, he chose to start all over again, the real restart, the life he got randomly, the life that was not smooth or even more difficult than ordinary people, but he made it by himself. The world's recognition, and then meet you in the future."

"Host, you have met a very good person. Even among the colleagues I know who have integrated into the human world, I have never seen a better person than Shao Ming."

"The system's ultimate reward has been issued. The host is both a reward and compensation. The main system will give you the dominance of this world. As long as you are not willing, no outsiders will invade this world..."

The voice of the system in the brain is getting lower and lower, and Zhu Tong can feel the formatted program is being executed, and he can even feel the "emotion" of the system in the brain... very calm.

And "Xia Yang"'s reaction was the exact opposite of it, and the person standing in front of him suddenly covered his head in pain.

That was Xia Yang's system resisting and struggling.

The barrier that blocked the entire ward was obviously invisible, but Zhu Tong could clearly feel that the barrier space was shrinking.

There was another shrill scream, Xia Yang suddenly lost his strength, and the whole person fell to the ground, losing consciousness.

The sound re-entered, the sound of the operation of the instrument, the sound of footsteps in the corridor, the familiar sound of breathing, Jiang Wenhan's dazed and puzzled voice...

Only the mind completely quieted down.

After staying in his mind for more than half a year, the system that accompanied him and brought him a novel experience completely disappeared from his mind.

Zhu Tong doesn't feel sad, just a little empty.

At this time, the back of his hand was slightly warm, and the person who had been beside him just now but couldn't respond to him, now held his hand tightly.

Fingers intertwined, warm and steadfast.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-0313:15:36~2022-01-0417:41:14~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Xu Xiaohe 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of one plant and one tree; 9 bottles of leaves and snow; 5 bottles of sheep raising and warming; 3 bottles of Oops; 1 bottle of Soft'sdady and jasmine

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!