Chapter 106: ending

After the system disappeared, everything had returned to normal, the inexplicable headache disappeared, and the extra memory in Jiang Wenhan's mind was gone.

He looked at the people who were standing together with their hands clasped together, and Xia Yang who lay on the ground for some reason.


Before the words of doubt were spoken, the door of the ward was pushed open.

"Is Xia Yang living in this ward?"

The man who walked in was wearing a police uniform with a serious face.

Jiang Wenhan replied subconsciously, "Yes."

The police asked again, "Who is Xia Yang?"

After speaking, he saw the man lying on the ground.

Jiang Wenhan: "...he is."


After Qin Junhong was sent to the police station, he confessed to the person who assisted him in the crime. The police came to the hospital and asked Xia Yang to cooperate with the investigation.

Jiang Wenhan took care of the rest of the matter. Zhu Tong didn't want to stay in the hospital too long, so he took Shao Ming back.

On the road, two people sat in the back seat, and the soundproof panel was raised. Zhu Tong slowly told Shao Ming what happened after the space was frozen.

"The reason why Jiang Wenhan and I have headaches may be the reason for the data leakage."

Because of his weakness, the system on Xia Yang's body began to collapse before his favorability was at full value, that is, before the trajectory of the world was completely restored.

Shao Ming lowered his head and squeezed his hand, and asked, "Are you all right now?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Well, it's all right now."

Although he didn't know what the master system compensated him for, he didn't feel any changes in his body now.

Maybe it's only when there's a threat.

He hopes the threat never arises.

After a while, Shao Ming asked again, "Is the favorability level just full in the hospital?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He glanced at Shao Ming cautiously, and then nodded slowly.

Shao Ming also turned his head to look at him, his emotions unclear.

The street outside the window kept receding, and the lights on the road left different shades of light and shade on his face.

Shao Ming didn't speak anymore, and Zhu Tong didn't know what to say.

He felt that he should explain something, such as his understanding of the reasons why his favorability was not full, such as comforting Shao Ming not to care too much.

But if he said it, would it appear that he was very concerned.

The two returned to the villa in silence, but unexpectedly bumped into the old man who went out in the early morning.

Before they had time to care that my grandfather was busy with work so early, the two were trained by the old man first.

Shao Ming took the initiative to take the responsibility, "I made you worry, it won't happen next time."

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

Neither of them are disrespectful people, and the old man doesn't really want to blame them. The man has come back and he knows it's wrong, so he won't say anything.

I just asked Zhu Tong to do another medical examination before boarding the plane.

I wish Tong would gladly agree.

He finally had a chance to let Shao Ming formally experience Dr. Johnson's broken Chinese.

However, he failed.

Shao Ming has the same automatic translation ability as his grandfather, and can communicate with Dr. Johnson without any obstacles.

The two even had a good time talking... glad to wish Tong's recovery.

After returning from the hospital, Zhu Tong was entangled by Zhu Xin again.

Zhu Xin wanted them to transfer back to City A in their third year of high school, but Zhu Tong refused.

If you can read quietly, why should you go back to City A to trouble yourself?

At least in high school he wanted to live the life of an ordinary high school student.

"Isn't your school going to arrange practical activities? Let my cousin arrange it for you, and we'll go to City E to find you."

Zhu Tong patted his sister's head.

Zhu Xin's eyes suddenly lit up, "Then we've agreed."

Zhu Tong: "Yeah."

Because of the temporary arrangement of the physical examination, the two were still late for one class when they returned to school. The moment they stood at the door of the classroom, the classroom was silent for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

History is always strikingly similar.

I remember when they came back from City A last time, the classmates in the classroom also had the same reaction.

Shi Wenshu was very calm, and let them go back to their seats without asking anything.

Others are restless.

"I said they will definitely appear together, right?"

"It's a coincidence that we went back to school together last time, but we're also late for school this time?"

"What's the difference between the two of them and the official announcement?"

"Mom, I got it for real!"


The school atmosphere is as lively as ever.

It's just that Shao Ming's attitude always makes Zhu Tong feel weird.

Is the favorability thing over?

Really don't care at all?

It’s fine if you don’t care, anyway, the system is gone now, so it doesn’t matter.

But he always felt that something was missing.

Contradicting, Zhu Tong took a bite of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that Shao Ming brought to his lips.

…It is too sweet.

Zhu Tong asked, "When did you buy it?"

Shao Ming said: "At the gate of the school, when you called your cousin, how did it taste?"

Zhu Tong tasted it, "It's very fragrant."

Shao Ming immediately curled his lips.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Rosso is always on the front lines of eating dog food. He also prepared a chair and sat down in the aisle.

Shao Ming naturally stuffed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that Zhu Tong had taken a bite into into his mouth, turned his head and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Rosso said, "There's something."


"Did you know that Xia Yang dropped out of school?"

Shao Ming was very calm: "I see."

"Understood?" Rosso said in surprise: "I'm not talking about transferring, but dropping out. Do you know that? His family is bankrupt, and he doesn't even want to go to high school?"

Zhu Tong listened next to him, he reached out and took a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and said in his heart: he might not be able to read even if he wanted to.

Assisting the crime and shielding Qin Junhong, he is probably still in the custody of the bureau at the moment.

As for what will happen after he comes out, Zhu Tong doesn't know, and he doesn't want to care.

Because Rosso was too surprised, his voice was a bit loud, and people around him soon participated, and a topic was discussed in full swing.

Shao Ming quickly withdrew from the topic of "Xia's family went bankrupt" and "Xia Yang dropped out of school", and turned to look at Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong was slightly startled: "What's wrong?"

Shao Ming shook his head gently, and reached out to wipe the rice crumbs on the corner of his mouth.

Shao Ming said: "There is still one evening self-study."

I wish Tong was at a loss.

What's up with the evening self-study?

Shao Ming just looked at him with a smile, afraid that he would choke, so he went to the podium to get him some water.

Zhu Tong: "…"

This operation is quite normal, but it seems a little abnormal.

After the evening self-study, the two returned to the homestay. It was rare for Shao Ming to go to the bathroom ahead of him. After taking a bath, he took the initiative to find pajamas for Zhu Tong and asked him to take a bath.

When Zhu Tong came out of the shower, the air conditioner had raised the temperature of the room very high.

Shao Ming took on the responsibility of blowing Zhu Tong's hair again. The moment the hairdryer was put down, Zhu Tong was thrown onto the bed.

This little bit of mental preparation, I wish Tong had some.

I have a grandfather and a younger sister at home. Although they are very warm, they are a little less comfortable, and it is inevitable that they will be cautious in front of the elders.

The homestay is a different place for them. It is equally warm. It belongs to the two of them. It is a place where they can work together to be more casual.

Shao Ming kissed the person in his arms.

Zhu Tong was a little nervous at first, a little stiff, but gradually relaxed and began to respond to his kisses.

Consciousness began to blur, into chaos.

Suddenly it felt wrong.

His hands were bound.

Shao Ming took out a scarf from the head of the bed and circled Zhu Tong's hands, directly holding his hands above his head.

Zhu Tong: "???"

"what are you doing?"

His breathing hadn't slowed down yet, his red lips were slightly open, and he was breathing unevenly.

Shao Ming lowered his head and pressed down, the pressure was overwhelming.

Zhu Tong couldn't help but earn a bit, he couldn't earn it at all!

Shao Ming said: "Don't push too hard, I can't bear it if it hurts."

Zhu Tong: "…"

So why are you suddenly tying him up?

Shao Ming looked at him with a pair of eyes, bewitching and affectionate, "Why didn't you tell me about the unsatisfactory favorability score?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

what is this? Settlement after autumn?

He moved his lips.

Shao Ming did not let him speak, "You are afraid that I will worry, that I will blame myself, that I will doubt myself, so you dare not tell me, right?"


He said what he had to say?

Shao Ming pressed his hands with one hand and put the other hand on his neck.

Fingertips pressed against his neck, dangerous and irritating, Zhu Tong shrank sensitively.

Shao Ming asked, "Don't you believe me?"

Zhu Tong said: "...No."

"Even if the favorability level is not full?"


The reason why the favorability is not full has nothing to do with the degree of liking, he has already experienced it.

Zhu Tong sighed and told Shao Ming the whole story of his task in detail.

Shao Ming was stunned: "...The last time you fainted, was it because of me?"

Zhu Tong couldn't move his hands, and said awkwardly: "Actually, it's also because of me."

It was he who didn't explain things clearly at first, which made Shao Ming misunderstood.

At that time, anyone would have misunderstood the situation.

His body is more brittle than the crunch, the real medical records, and he also happened to receive the "critical illness notice" sent by his cousin to Lu Zheyu...

Shao Ming suddenly fell silent and looked at him deeply.

Zhu Tong raised his chin and said, "You said you don't blame yourself."

Shao Ming said confidently, "I didn't say it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It doesn't seem to say.

Shao Ming suddenly leaned over him and rubbed his neck, "If I blamed myself at the time, would it have an effect on the value?"

"I don't know, I can't be sure," Zhu Tong said.

Don't even try.

Shao Ming buried his head in his neck, breathing shallowly.

Zhu Tong wanted to hug his head, but couldn't, so he could only comfort him verbally, "It's all right now, everything is fine."

Shao Ming gave a "um", looked up from him, raised his lips slightly and said, "Thank you for believing in me."

Zhu Tong also smiled: "Then I thank you for not giving up on me when you were sad."

He even went to City A to find him.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and their eyes were not right.

The person who just took a bath has a red face, and even a thin layer of red on his body, a handsome face, slightly swollen lips, and a body that he held down without any resistance.

Zhu Tong's cheeks were hot from his straightforward and fiery gaze, and he swallowed dryly, "You... can you let me go first?"

Shao Ming tilted his head and said, "Why?"


Zhu Tong said: "You still blame me?"

Shao Ming: "I didn't blame you."


"I didn't bind you because you lied to me."

Shao Ming smiled lightly, his eyes full of cunning.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming lowered his head to hold his lips and sucked gently.

The hand holding him tightened slightly, and Zhu Tong couldn't help trembling.

Shao Ming let go of him again and repeated a process that both of them were already familiar with.

Zhu Tong faintly felt that something was not right, but he couldn't say it.

He bit his lip, not letting himself speak.

Shao Ming suddenly came up, released his lips, and said in a low voice, "Afraid?"

Zhu Tong immediately shook his head: "No, I'm... nervous."

Shao Ming asked, "What are you nervous about?"


Zhu Tong was speechless, he lowered his head to avoid his gaze, and his eyes fell on Shao Ming's neck.

Suddenly remembering something, Zhu Tong raised his head again, "I still have something to ask you."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "You said."

Zhu Tongdao: "Did you know that your favorability for Rosso and the others is only 30%?"

Shao Ming: "…"

After knowing Shao Ming's origin, Zhu Tong actually understood a little, why does Shao Ming's favorability to others fluctuate so smoothly, and why is he always so rational?

His soul used to be a string of data, and even if he became a human, his rational nature would not change.

Shao Ming thought for a while and said, "I never thought of staying in this place before. The people I meet here will meet new people after they separate. They also have their own lives. If you lose contact, you will be diluted by your new life, so…”

Zhu Tong was stunned to interrupt him and said, "Are you already thinking about something so far?"


Shao Ming also seemed to find it funny: "Is it a bit unfounded?"

Zhu Tong said decisively: "Yes."


"You can't think that way." Zhu Tong said: "No matter what your current friends look like in the future, at least they are sincere to you now, and they are partners with whom you can share your joys, sorrows and sorrows. The future has nothing to do with the present, and... You can stay now."

Even if they go back to City A in the future, even if they go to college and go their separate ways, they can still come back here, to this small county town that is remote but full of joy.

Shao Ming's eyes flashed slightly, and he said seriously: "You are right, it is very important to have fun in time."

Zhu Tong: "Yes..."

It was sealed before it was "right".

Zhu Tong bent his lips and closed his eyes, suddenly feeling strange, Zhu Tong Meng opened his eyes: "Wait...wait, what are you doing?"


Zhu Tong couldn't bear the embarrassment, and pushed the person on him.

Shao Ming's voice was hoarse, and he put it in his ear and said, "Cooking."


Suddenly realizing something, Zhu Tong was stunned, and then the whole person froze: "No...No, you...Did you make a mistake?"

Shao Ming said: "No mistake."



Zhu Tong nodded without hesitation: "Afraid! Afraid..."

He said that he couldn't help but want to sit up and lean back.

Shao Ming immediately let go, hugged him and comforted him with a soft kiss: "Don't be afraid, I won't do it, don't be afraid."

Zhu Tong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

After a long delay, he hugged Shao Ming again and said, "It's not that I'm afraid, I'm actually... I'm not prepared, I..."

Shao Ming kissed his forehead: "It's okay, I'm too impatient."

It's nice not to scare people away.

Zhu Tong stubbornly said: "I'm really not afraid."

Shao Ming couldn't help but chuckle: "Okay, our young master is bold, and we are not afraid of anything."


Zhu Tong didn't argue anymore, buried his head that turned into a spicy crayfish in his arms and said, " wait for me."

Shao Ming said: "Okay, let's take your time."


Walking into the classroom the next day, Zhu Tong had very serious dark circles under his eyes. He was so sleepy that he insisted on coming to class, but he felt bad for the culprit.

Shao Ming could only go into battle in person, using his knowledge to make Zhu Tong forget what happened last night, and did not dare to stimulate him for many days in a row.

More than a month later, the school organized a spring outing.

It was the first time to participate in an off-campus group activity, and Zhu Tong didn't know what to do. He followed Shao Ming like a sticky worm and let him do whatever he wanted.

Rosso couldn't stand it any longer. When Shao Ming set the pot and was about to have a picnic, he asked Zhu Tong to go with him to pick up branches and make a fire.

Zhu Tong did not refuse.

The two walked towards the grove near the picnic site, with Roseau coming in high spirited and coming out lethargic.

Zhu Tong did not change, holding a bundle of dry branches in his hand.

Shao Ming ran towards them from a distance, first glanced at Zhu Tong: "What happened?"

Zhu Tong: "We..."

Rosso sighed: "I didn't read the calendar when I went out, I went the wrong way."


What does going the wrong way have to do with reading the almanac?

Zhu Tong said helplessly: "He had to pick up a dry branch on the lower slope, and accidentally slipped."

"Pfft." Tang Nuan, who had just come over, heard this and laughed mercilessly: "You are talking about a **** on the edge of a quagmire over there, right? You dare to go down such a steep slope, Rosso. You are brave."

Rosso: "…"

His first name is ruined today.

Rosso sighed and explained reluctantly: "You don't understand, there is plenty of sunshine on that slope, and the branches are drier. Isn't it easier to start a fire?"

Tang Nuan said: "The branches are still a little dry, are you going to drill the wood and start a fire? Isn't the lighter fragrant? Don't make excuses for your stupid behavior?"

Rosso: "…"

At this time, Zhu Tong suddenly turned around, and Shao Ming wondered, "What are you doing?"

Zhu Tong said: "Go get the alcohol and Band-Aid, his hand has just been bruised."

Shao Ming looked at Rosso again: "Is your hand injured?"

Rosso said carelessly: "It's okay, a little scratch, just wash it off."

The tent was next to it, and Zhu Tong took out the tools and gave them to Shao Ming.

Seeing Shao Ming squatting down, Rosso stretched out his hand and said, "Oh, why are you so embarrassed?"

Shao Ming ignored him and handled his wounds skillfully.

Rosso looked at him without letting go of the mud he wiped on the side, and sighed, "You two are worthy of being married, this obsessive-compulsive disorder is terminally ill, and the mud on my buttocks just wasn't cleaned, I wish Tong to come back. He stared at me all the way... ah!"

The cotton swab was dipped in alcohol and pressed against the wound by surprise, and Rosso took a breath.

Shao Ming looked at him and smiled: "Who do you say stared at your **** all the way?"

Rosso: "I'm talking about staring at the mud on my ass..."

"Take it." Shao Ming stuffed the alcohol into him, "Wipe it slowly by yourself."

Rosso: "…"

Saying that, he straightened up, not shy about the people around him, and dragged Zhu Tong into the woods.

The two of them didn't shy away, and Rosso didn't shy away from it. Seeing the service he got flying, he shouted at Shao Ming's back, "What about the promise of stabbing a knife for your brother?"

Why is this still jealous? What's so vinegary about this?

A boy next to him sneered and said, "That's a brother who doesn't have a target. If you have a target, you're going to put two swords on your brother for the target, so you can be content."



A few people around were laughing, and it was no surprise that the two walked into the woods holding hands.

There is no teacher anyway.

Zhu Tong was pulled by Shao Ming. He thought he was looking for a branch, but he didn't see him move his hand all the way.

Zhu Tong couldn't help but ask, "Where are you going?"

Shao Ming said: "It's hard to come out and take you to a good place."

Zhu Tong: "...what's a good place?"

"Reaching soon."


The sunlight in front became obviously more dazzling, Zhu Tong couldn't help squinting his eyes, raised his hand to block the dazzling sunlight above his head, and when his pupils refocused, a sea of ​​flowers came into view.

The green grass, the flowers on the tip of the grass seem to be embellished, and when the warm wind blows, you come and I sway to and fro, and on the distant mountains, the peach and plum trees are full of flowers, like a tree. The picture that was frozen in the second frame caught Zhu Tong's eyes tightly.

Shao Ming saw his stunned look, and held his hand tightly, "Does it look good?"

Zhu Tong nodded unconsciously: "It looks good."

"Every year after that, we went to different places to see, and we went together."


Zhu Tong turned to look at him.

The breeze turned in front of them, blowing towards them, bringing bursts of floral fragrance.

I don't know if it's the fragrance of flowers that makes people feel relaxed and happy, or the people around them make people more fascinated.

Zhu Tong's eyes flowed with brilliance, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he said, "Okay."

Spring is blooming, and the four seasons are undefeated.

Next to the dazzling sea of ​​flowers, two teenagers join hands and promise their future lives.


The author has something to say:

I tried my best to modify _(:з"∠)_ Review and ask to let go T^T


Let's cook a meal, add some details, and sweet daily~

Flowering is over!

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2022-01-04 17:41:14~2022-01-05 17:35:31~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Warm 5 bottles; Soft'sdady 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!