Chapter 108: extra two

The next day, he woke up from his sleep, and before he even opened his eyes, Zhu Tong's eyebrows were tightly knit together.


Back pain, leg pain, **** pain, even knee pain.

Shao Ming had already woken up one step ahead of him. Seeing him closed his eyes and frowning, he kissed the center of his forehead distressedly, smoothed the wrinkled area, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong slowly opened his eyes.

With a charming face and a jade-like temperament, two completely different styles blend just right on him... seductive.

Zhu Tonggang's little resentment dissipated in an instant, he tried to move, his bones were like falling apart, but he couldn't help frowning, but it was not the person who tossed him last night, he didn't move like he gave up struggling , looked at the ceiling and said, "I must have been deceived by the system."

Shao Ming was slightly surprised: "How do you say?"

Zhu Tong said: "My body is still very weak."


After it started last night, he couldn't take it anymore after being crushed for a while.

The place where the muscles were active was sore and numb. He begged for mercy and asked Shao Ming to change his posture, but his knee hurt again.

He's sure his knees are still red now, rubbing against the sheets yesterday.

And how did it end up...

Young Master Zhu realized what had happened last night, his face turned red, and he subconsciously looked for the quilt, only to find that there was no quilt on the bed.

It's summer now, and you have to turn on the air conditioner at night to fall asleep. Where do you need a quilt?

Zhu Tong raised his arm numbly and used his forearm to cover his eyes, but he couldn't stop the redness on his ears from spreading rapidly.

Shao Ming: "…"

He seemed a little too slow to respond.

With a low smile, he took the man into his arms and rubbed his neck mischievously, "This may not have much to do with being weak."

Zhu Tong loosened the arm that was blocking his eyes: "What's that for?"

Shao Ming said: "Lack of exercise."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming stretched out his legs. There were not many obstacles on Xia's body. The two people's bodies were sticking together. It was like reminiscing about the charming process last night.

Zhu Tong suddenly shrank his legs.

However, Shao Ming refused to let him go. He put half of his body weight on him, kissed his arm that was blocking his view, and asked, "Isn't it? I'm short of toughness, young master."

There is contentment and joy inside and outside the words.

Zhu Tong felt that he was lightly pressing the sore spot for him, and he didn't dare to move, and was unable to argue.

It really lacks tenacity.

But who would be free to exercise the toughness of that kind of place!

Zhu Tong buried his face again.

Shao Ming smiled and pulled his hand away, lowered his head and rubbed the tip of his nose, "How is it? Let's exercise more in the future?"

Zhu Tong became angry and covered his mouth with force.

Shao Ming looked at him and smiled in this state.

Laugh like a fool.

Zhu Tong couldn't help laughing, and it was useless to cover his hand... He didn't have much strength at all.

As the monitor said, he might not be able to get out of bed today.

Shao Ming hugged him and said, "Zhu Tong, I'm very happy, especially happy."

Of course, Zhu Tong knew what he was happy about.

Although he felt embarrassed, and even though his face turned red when he thought about it, he was also happy.

That kind of thing isn't just painful.

To be one with the person you like, to be possessed and invaded, it makes people feel amazing, just like being dyed with poppy, knowing that it is poisonous but willingly addicted.

Zhu Tong hugged Shao Ming tightly.

Shao Ming also hugged him tightly.

The person in his arms gave him too much special.

What happened last night, he thought it was difficult for Zhu Tong to accept.

Although it was really not that smooth, even if it hurt and felt uncomfortable, he didn't show rejection. Even if he was nervous or scared, his last choice was to hug himself tightly and accept himself.

Shao Ming was both content and distressed, and he asked next to his ear, "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Zhu Tong shook his head gently: "It's fine if you don't move."

Shao Ming smiled and touched his stomach: "Then... Are you hungry?"

Noticing that the hand was moving in the wrong direction, Zhu Tong immediately said, "I'm hungry."

Shao Ming kissed his ear again, "I'll make breakfast, you can rest for a while, I'll hug you to wash up later."


Zhu Tong blushed and nodded.

After finishing yesterday, it seems that Shao Ming carried him to the bathroom to wash him.

It was past breakfast time, Shao Ming was worried that he was really hungry, so he didn't bother him anymore. After letting go of people, he got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Zhu Tong watched him walk out of the door, turned over and buried his head in the pillow Shao Ming had just slept on.

The entrance banquet is arranged half a month after the announcement of the college entrance examination score line.

It is not unusual for a famous city in City A to hold a school entrance banquet for the juniors who have succeeded in the entrance examination, but this time the protagonists are not ordinary, and there are two.

Even the invitation letter sent out was signed by two people.

When receiving the invitation, Rosso also joked in the WeChat group: The two made the invitation letter for the entrance banquet like a wedding invitation.

Later at the banquet scene, Rosso blurted out "Fuck", "Aren't you two really having a wedding banquet?"


The two were wearing the same haute couture suits, one was navy blue, simple and high-end yet calm, and the other was dressed in light gray, clean and elegant with a gentleman's charm.

The students from Class 3, who were picked up before the banquet started, seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

Not only the completely subversive outfits of their classmates who had been in the same class for two years, but also the high-profile and gorgeous banquet venues that they had never stepped into or even seen before.

Several people inevitably felt a little out of place nervousness.

If it wasn't for publicity, Zhu Tongzhen would not have wanted to be so high-profile, and today's banquet scene was arranged by grandpa.

Seeing them being cautious, Zhu Tong said with relief: "The banquet hasn't started yet. You can stroll around in the main venue. When the guests arrive, we will go to the small venue in the back. Just the few of you, you can play whatever you want."

Those who dared to attend the banquet finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Rosso looked at the whole venue and said with emotion: "I know that Zhutong's family is very rich, but I didn't expect your family to be so rich, Zhutong, you transferred to our Gongshui County, it's really not for the eldest young master to experience life. ?"

"What kind of life do you experience?" Shao Ming emerged from behind Zhu Tong, "He transferred to our county, obviously to meet me."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Rosso: "…"

Intuit shameless!

Zhu Tong was helpless, because what Shao Ming said was completely true.

Luo Suo glanced at Shao Ming and said suddenly: "So, brother Ming, are you married to a wealthy family now?"

Shao Ming said calmly: "Yes, are you envious?"

Rosso: "…"

Is it so righteous to eat soft rice?

Of course, Rosso knew better than anyone that Shao Ming didn't need to eat anyone's soft rice, and laughed at him a few words.

Suddenly, someone called "Brother" not far away, and a girl in a blue dress walked over gracefully and greeted Rosso first, "Brother Rosso, long time no see."

Rosso was flattered, "Little...Xiao Xin? Do you still remember me?"

Zhu Xin smiled like a flower: "Of course, don't you remember me, Brother Rosso?"

Rosso: "Remember, of course."

You must remember to look at her and Zhu Tong's almost identical faces!

Zhu Xin smiled and greeted Lu Zheyu again.

Tang Nuan and the other two girls had never met Zhu Xin, but there was a natural topic between the girls, and they quickly became mixed up.

Zhu Tong asked his sister to take the classmates to the small venue at the back. When he finally left, Tang Nuan looked at Zhu Tong and hesitated.

Young Master Zhu thought he had something to say, so he asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, Tang Nuan looked at him up and down, and said mysteriously: "You are dressed like this today, can Shao Ming really resist taking off your clothes?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

What is going on in the head of the monitor every day? !

He sighed and asked Xiao Xin to invite the person away.

It didn't take long for Uncle Liu to arrive. Today's banquet was held in the name of Uncle Liu. It's been a long time since Uncle Liu saw Zhu Tong, he was so excited that he was speechless.

Zhu Tong had to ask, "Uncle Liu, when will Grandpa arrive?"

Uncle Liu said: "Come on, I guess I can arrive at the start of the banquet. Sir, I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Zhu Tong smiled and nodded, and his initial thoughts were a little more firm.

After the banquet started, Zhu Tong and Shao Ming naturally became the focus of the audience.

Many people came to this school entrance banquet, some came alone, some couples attended together, and some brought their families...

Those who came to the banquet with school-aged children nominally wanted to meet two Q students as incentives, but the actual purpose was obvious.

Walking in the middle of the venue, the gazes of peers always fell on him. Zhu Tong turned a blind eye to those gazes, and never let go of Shao Ming's hand from beginning to end.

This is his purpose today.

Today is the entrance banquet for him and Shao Ming.

He must let others know about the people he has identified.

When other people approached him, no matter what the purpose was, he wouldn't even look at them.

The people who came to the banquet hall seemed to be familiar with each other. Three or two gathered together and looked at the two people who were hand in hand to entertain guests at the venue, with mixed feelings.

"Isn't Zhu Tong pretending to be sick before? How can he look like he was seriously ill now?"

"If I knew this was the case, I should have looked for him at school."

"Hey, if he was like this at school, where would he get you?"

"I really can't tell, I wish Tong Yuan was so good-looking."

"He was good-looking in the first place, but his condition was not good before, and his boyfriend was also good-looking, a perfect match!"


Some people want to refute, but they can't open their mouths, because looking at the two people standing side by side, no one can say a few words that are not a good match.

When they came to the banquet, some people gave up their thoughts, and some people were unwilling, but two people so blatantly held hands in front of Liu Jianbai to declare their relationship to others, even if they were interested, it was impossible to start with Liu Jianbai.

So someone directly stared at Zhu Tong.

Halfway through the banquet, the person who didn't notice the abnormality at first, realized something after a person appeared.

Zhu Shou Shan did not appear at this school entrance banquet for Zhu Tong and his boyfriend.

And the person who appeared, had a good relationship with Zhushou Mountain in City A, and his name was Zhang Hui.

I still have an impression of this person, Zhu Tong. On his eleventh birthday, he was not hospitalized. This person came to the house.

So when greeting him, Zhu Tong politely called out, "Uncle Zhang."

Zhang Hui was very relieved and wanted to touch Zhu Tong's head intimately, but he gently avoided him.


Zhang Hui pretended not to notice, turned to look at Shao Ming, "Who is this?"

Zhu Tongdao: "On the invitation letter to my dad, his name is written."

He didn't invite this Uncle Zhang, so it was obvious why Zhang Hui came and how he entered the arena.

Zhu Tong guessed that his father would definitely not come.

He used to look down on Shao Ming so much, belittled Shao Ming in front of him, and was slandered by Jiang Wan. After his sons and daughters recognized others as fathers, he lost all face. In addition, Shao Ming brought down Xia Weiyi in a high-profile way. Zhu Shoushan's personality is to save face, he will never come to attend the entrance banquet.

But what is Zhang Hui doing?

Zhang Hui was slightly embarrassed when he heard him reveal the origin of the invitation letter, "Really? I was a little excited when I received the invitation letter, and I didn't read it carefully, then he..."

"He's my boyfriend."


The people around them fell silent at the same time.

For Zhu Tong's straightforward admission, others were both surprised and taken for granted.

Being able to write her boyfriend's name on the signature of the banquet invitation letter is enough to show that Zhu Tong values ​​and cares about Shao Ming.

Shao Ming extended his hand politely: "Hello."

Zhang Hui glanced at his hand and ignored it.

He looked at Zhu Tong again, "Tong Tong, did you really decide to be with a man? Have you asked your father about this?"

Zhu Tong held Shao Ming's hand, pulled back the hand he held out politely, and said, "You don't need to say hello to him."

Then he answered Zhang Hui's question: "I asked, he disagrees, but it doesn't matter to me whether he agrees or not."

He asked Shao Ming not to say hello to him, which has already explained his attitude, but what is even more surprising is his attitude towards his father.

Zhang Hui was embarrassed by him, and his face changed slightly: "What do you mean? You don't recognize your father?"

Others perked up eavesdropping.

City A had doubts about Zhu Tong's sudden recognition of Liu Jianbai as his godfather, but since Zhu Shoushan didn't say anything, naturally no one went to the bad.

Now Zhang Hui suddenly mentioned it, attracting the attention of many people.

Zhu Tong said calmly: "I didn't deny him, I sent him an invitation letter, but he didn't come."

Zhang Hui: "…"

As more and more people gathered, Zhang Hui glanced at the clasped hands of the two, thinking that Zhu Tong had just been disrespectful to his elder for such a kid, and he had no scruples in speaking.

"Send an invitation letter? Who is your father?" Zhang Hui said in a reproachful tone: "I don't know why you suddenly became Liu Jianbai's son, but what did your father do wrong? He took you and Xiao Xin for so many years. Yangda, has he treated you badly? He is in trouble with his business now. You, a son, don't want to help him share the burden. You are still holding a graduation banquet at someone else's house. Since you entered Liu's house, you haven't gone back for more than a year. After that, you are treating an outsider as your own father, have you forgotten your roots? How can there be such an ungrateful son like you in this world?"

Shao Ming's face was gloomy, but Zhu Tong firmly held his hand.

The person being accused had a calm expression on his face, Zhu Tong said: "First, why did I leave Zhu's house, what did my dad do wrong, you should ask him why he dared not come to my school entrance banquet today, second , the problem with my dad's business is that he doesn't manage his own business properly. He hasn't taught me anything about business. I can't share anything for him. If you want me to help him find other help, will others be willing Helping him is someone else's freedom, and I have no right to ask outsiders."

He emphasized the word "outsider", making Zhang Hui's face even more ugly.

In his father's eyes, he has no value in helping him run the company, only the value in marrying others to maintain interests.

After he left Zhu's house, his father never called him or bowed his head to his grandfather.

He is still the same as before, only his own self-esteem is valued.

And... if he didn't agree, how could Zhang Hui get the invitation letter for the entrance banquet?

Does Zhang Hui really not know the reason behind it?

Even if Zhu Shoushan didn't tell him, he must have guessed the reason, but he chose to pretend to be confused, so that he could stand on the moral high ground to condemn Zhu Tong, interfere with his choice as an elder, and question his boyfriend .

Zhang Hui said angrily: "Even if there is something wrong with your father, but the father and son have no overnight feud, you can't help but go home and bring your sister with you. How do you let others see your father and how do you think about your brother and sister? You two? Your surname is Zhu, how can there be any reason to live in an outsider's house all the time?"


The guests around the banquet began to whisper.

Zhang Hui's words aroused discussion, which made him faintly proud.

When Zhu Tong left Zhu's house, Liu Jianbai suppressed Zhu Shoushan inexplicably, and even his company was implicated.

Since Liu Jianbai dared to do it, he dared to stab it out.

I wish Tonggan to unite with outsiders to deal with his own father, and he should bear moral condemnation.

I'm too embarrassed to hold a college entrance banquet.

He sneered in his heart, Liu Jianbai had already walked towards them.

Zhang Hui is not cowardly, no matter how he looks at this matter today, he is in charge, and Liu Jianbai can't do anything to him.

Zhu Tong frowned, not wanting to mention Jiang Wan's matter, but just as he was about to speak, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Where does Cheng Qingsong's grandson want to live, and when will it be an outsider's turn?"

A solemn and low voice sounded, everyone stopped at the same time, and the surrounding guests turned their heads subconsciously to make way.

Seeing the old man who suddenly appeared at the venue, the others were silent for a moment at the same time, and then the voices of surprise came one after another.

Zhang Hui was dumbfounded.

Who in their circle doesn't know Cheng Qingsong's face?

At this time, Zhu Tong bent his lips, took Shao Ming and walked over, and shouted generously: "Grandpa."

Zhang Hui: "…"

Cheng Qingsong was very fond of the name he called out in the public, his face softened a lot, and the corners of his mouth were about to be raised, but in the end he maintained his seriousness and looked at Zhang Hui, who was pale: "My grandson and granddaughter, no. They need a father who uses them as tools, and the choices they make are not in the hands of others to make irresponsible remarks. If those who are here today don’t come to congratulate sincerely, the door will be open at any time, so it’s good to leave.”



The huge banquet scene was so quiet that you could hear needles falling.

Zhang Hui was naturally "invited" to go out, and he had an unbelievable expression on his face when he went out.

The guests at the scene were quite frightened, but they dared not reveal any more thoughts.

The most calm are the parties.

Not only did Zhu Tong not let go of his boyfriend's hand in front of Cheng Qingsong, he even gained a sense of presence through Cheng Qingsong's appearance.

It was not until Cheng Qingsong finished saying what he should say as an elder, and when the banquet was over, no one could say the shock in his heart.

Zhu Tong is actually Cheng Qingsong's grandson?

The person behind Liu Jianbai turned out to be Cheng Qingsong? !

Is Zhushoushan crazy? A father-in-law like Cheng Qingsong still can't climb up the pole and use his children as tools?

How stupid would someone be to do such a thing?

Their questions, Zhu Tong, could no longer be heard. After the grandfather arrived, he and Shao Ming left the venue early. The small venue behind them knew nothing about the liveliness of the main venue. They were watching a somewhat familiar man walk in. After greeting them, he took away Lu Zheyu, who had been drinking too much and was dozing off on the sofa.

"That person just Zhu Tong's cousin, right? The one who was waiting outside the clubhouse during the last celebration party?"

Several student cubs who had just graduated from the college entrance examination stared at them and opened their mouths, completely ignorant of the situation.

Rosso was even more stunned. He turned his head to look at Zhu Xin with a stiff head: "Xiao Xin, your cousin he..."

Zhu Xin also shook his head blankly.


When Zhu Tong and Shao Ming walked into the small venue, several people in the venue seemed to be greatly frightened, and they stared together, and their eyes were dull when they saw them entering the door.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Grandpa hasn't come in yet?

they already know?

But why did Xiaoxin stay still?

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you playing with wooden figures?"

In the end, Rosso couldn't help but say, "Zhutong, your cousin... What's the relationship with the second child?"

Zhu Tong: "Huh?"

Rosso made a princess hug: "Just now your cousin came in and took the second child away."

Zhu Tong: "…"

When he woke up from the hotel bed the next day, Cheng Chen only felt that his body was not his own. His waist and legs were sore and uncomfortable. He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw the person sitting by the bed with an expressionless face.

He propped himself up and sat up, his face twisted in pain.

At this moment, the person beside the bed stretched out a hand towards him.

Cheng Chen puzzled: "What are you doing?"

Lu Zheyu said as a matter of course: "Prostitute money."

Cheng Chen: "…"

Did he hallucinate?

Lu Zheyu said, "I don't understand the market, you can give it to me."

Cheng Chen: "…"

Cheng Chen looked down at the marks all over his body, and looked up in disbelief.

Who the **** prostituted who? !


The author has something to say:

That's all for the story of the deputy cp, and the story of Tongtong and the others will follow. After the full text is over, I will open another short story to write about my cousin and their stories, and there won't be too many~

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2022-01-07 17:32:10~2022-01-0815:44:21~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 9 bottles of Muchu; 6 bottles of lier; 1 bottle of Soft'sdady, zl and zl;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!