Chapter 109: extra three

In September, when the university started, 20 days of military training, uniform camouflage uniforms, some people couldn't find them in the crowd, and some people were attracting attention wherever they went.

"Did you see that handsome guy over there riding a bicycle? Computer department, every day after military training, he will come to our side to find his boyfriend."

"I'm going, such a handsome person, he was slapped so quickly? Which one..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw their new finance department trot towards the bicycle from a distance.


"Is it Zhutong? You have to be careful. Yesterday there were people from other schools who asked me about him!"

"Hey, people today just don't have any self-knowledge, and don't look at the standard of other people's boyfriends. If I have a boyfriend who is so handsome and so good, I won't bring Grandpa Cheng when he stands in front of me. Take a look at his old man."

The two girls turned around.

Zhu Tong has arrived in front of Shao Ming.

Shao Ming quickly walked up to him and supported him, "Be careful."

Zhu Tong looked at his nervous look and smiled: "It's all right, you see, it's all peeled off."

As he said that, he raised his leg, revealing his knee which had a red mark after the scab had fallen off.

Shao Ming: "…"

During training two days ago, Zhu Tong was accidentally knocked down during the training process, his knee rubbed on the asphalt road, and his skin was broken.

Shao Ming had already asked the school to ask for leave, but Zhu Tong insisted on continuing to participate in military training. Shao Ming couldn't beat him, so he could only agree.

Back at the house the two rented outside the school, and when they came out of the shower, Shao Ming directly pressed them on the sofa and took out the medicine box.

Zhu Tong felt that it was a bit of a fuss, "I really don't need to rub the medicine anymore, it's all healed."

Shao Ming said: "Remove the scar marks."


After Q University started, the two went to an unfamiliar city together. Instead of living in the residence arranged by their grandfather, they found an apartment off campus.

After wiping the medicine, Shao Ming packed the medicine box, squatted in front of Zhu Tong, raised his head and said, "It's not a formal training, what are you doing so seriously?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why isn't the school's serious military training formal training?

Zhu Tongdao: "It's a rare opportunity. There are many things to learn after the military training, and there may be no time..."

He looked up at Shao Ming and stopped talking.

Shao Ming smiled clearly, got up and said, "Don't have time to exercise?"


He suddenly stretched out his hand, pressed the person sideways, and pressed himself up, "Then let me check your military training results today?"

Said he got into the hem of Zhu Tong's clothes.

Zhu Tong's body started to heat up like a conditioned reflex, and he grabbed his hand: "Don't..."

Shao Ming: "Why? The military training is over."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Yes, today is the last day of military training.

"Little Master." Shao Ming suddenly whispered to him.

Zhu Tong's ears trembled and looked at him fixedly.

Shao Ming rubbed his lips, "I'm very worried about you."

Zhu Tong couldn't help laughing: "It's just scratching the skin, how can I be so squeamish?"

Shao Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, "Really?"

Zhu Tong wanted to say yes, but when he met Shao Ming's gaze, he suddenly felt a little guilty.

What is he guilty of?

Shao Ming leaned into his ear and reminded him, "The night of the celebration, who called me in pain and said I didn't want to lie down?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming raised his head with a look of grievance: "It turns out that I am in your heart, and there is no more important military training."

There seemed to be a torch around Zhu Tong, which burned his face red.

He defended: "It's not the same thing at all..."

Shao Ming said, "Why isn't it the same thing? Isn't it all knees that are injured?"


Zhu Tong couldn't speak to him, was silent for a moment, raised his head and blocked Shao Ming's mouth.

Now that I think about it, he does seem to be a little squeamish.

He didn't know why, and he wasn't someone who couldn't bear the pain. No matter how much pain he used to be in the past, he could hold back and keep silent, but when it was just two people, especially at those times, he couldn't help but want to say a little bit of discomfort. come out.

When he took the initiative to kiss him, Shao Ming slightly bent his lower lip, pressed him enough to kiss him, and then smiled triumphantly: "I like that you act like a spoiled child to me, so if you feel uncomfortable in the future, just say it. okay?"

Zhu Tong agreed, but it was hard to say whether he was sincere or not.

Habits that have been formed over a long period of time are not meant to be changed.

Shao Ming made trouble with him for a while, and mercifully let him go.

Because there is a dinner party in the evening.

Rosso finally enrolled in the university in the same city as them. Today, their school also ended military training and proposed to get together.

The location was set at a Japanese food store. There was a restaurant next door to the Japanese food store. When passing by, Shao Ming didn't know what to think of, so he asked them to order food in the first place and entered the restaurant next door by himself.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Shao Ming walked into the Japanese food store with a cup of pudding sago.

Zhu Tong was surprised when he received it: "What did you do?"

"Well." Shao Ming sat down beside him, "I added ice this time, try it, if you don't like it, I'll make it for you."

Zhu Tong couldn't hide his surprise: "It's okay."

He can drink something cold now.

During the military training, when Shao Ming went to find him, he also bought milk tea for him, but it was just that others made it and he made it, and he always felt that it was not the same.

He inserted a straw and took a sip. On a hot day, there are cool things in the mouth, which is very refreshing and refreshing.

He turned his head and asked, "How did you tell the store owner?"

Shao Ming said: "I said that I want to propose to my boyfriend with milk tea, and I have to do it myself to have sincerity."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He absolutely believed that Shao Ming could do this, and he was dumbfounded for a while.

Rosso sat on the opposite side and complained: "How can you use milk tea for a marriage proposal? You can't **** it out with a straw in the ring. If you want me to say that you must sacrifice your color, Zhu Tong, this kind of person who attracts flowers and butterflies, you must He cannot be easily forgiven."

Shao Ming: "It seems that 20 days of military training has given you a fascination with confidence in your combat power."

Rosso immediately persuaded: "Just kidding, kidding."

As he said that, he looked at the two people on the opposite side, then looked at himself and Lu Zheyu next to him, and said contemptuously at the opposite side: "You two are the kind of people that girls would be jealous of and want to kill when they see it. "


Zhu Tong puzzled: "Why?"

Luo Suo said: "You can't get sunburned, look at the second child, and then look at me. After a military training, it looks like he went into a coal stove and came out."

Only then did Tong Tong notice that Rosso's complexion was obviously a few shades darker.

As for him and Shao Ming, although there were changes, as long as they didn't take off their clothes to compare them, they wouldn't be able to tell.

He couldn't help but smile and looked at Lu Zheyu again.

Lu Zheyu concentrates on cooking, usually only when he talks about the studio, he will participate in a few words.

Noticing his gaze, Rosso also turned his head to look over and asked bluntly, "By the way, second child, what's the matter with your cousin Zhu Tong?"

Lu Zheyu: "What?"

Rosso said solemnly, "Are you my brother? We all saw it that day."

Lu Zheyu said calmly, "I don't remember."

Rosso: "…"

Rosso looked at Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong shrugged helplessly at him.

After eating, a few people separated at the entrance of the Japanese food store. Rosso took a taxi back to school, and Lu Zheyu also went back to the dormitory. Only Zhu Tong and the others were left, walking slowly to the apartment.

When passing the restaurant, Zhu Tong couldn't help but think of the old milk tea shop.

"How is Auntie Shao now?"

Shao Ming said: "As usual, the store hired two long-term clerks. I went to City A last week, and I was in good shape after returning."

Zhu Tong said in surprise, "Go to City A?"

Shao Ming: "Yeah."


They would know what Shao Yujie did in City A even if they didn't say it.

She went to see Xia Yang.

After Xia Yang disappeared from the system, there was a mental problem, and he always said some nonsense that others could not understand. After he was released from detention, the police contacted Shao Yujie. After hesitating, Shao Yujie went to see him.

But Xia Yang didn't recognize her.

He sincerely refused to admit that he had a cowardly and timid mother, the most ordinary and ordinary mother, so after knowing the truth, he never went to Shao Yujie once.

Shao Yujie was not surprised by his attitude, she behaved calmly, and when Xia Yang was taken away and looked after, she left without saying a word.

"She said she was going to say goodbye and would not see him in the future."


Shao Ming paused and smiled: "Actually, she doesn't need to tell me anything."

Getting along with such carefulness was not what Shao Ming wanted.

Zhu Tong held him without saying a word.

Suddenly, a bicycle sped past on the road next to him, and Zhu Tong turned his head sideways, "I want to learn to bike."

Shao Ming: "...Huh?"

Zhu Tongdao: "Every time you ride me, I don't have a chance to go to your department to find you. When I learn it, I will also drive you out of school every day, how about it?"

He raised the corners of his lips slightly, like a warm wind, blowing away all the worries.

Shao Ming hooked his lips, "Okay, then tomorrow..."

"There is no need for tomorrow, just today." Zhu Tong pulled him forward: "The community park downstairs is quite big, let's go there to study."


Soon Zhu Tong regretted it.

He was sitting on the saddle of the bicycle, with one foot on the ground and the other on the pedal. The pedal that could have been flexibly turned, but now, like a rock, no matter how hard it was, the bicycle could not move forward half a step.

Zhu Tong stepped on it a few times, glanced at the iron arm-like hand that surrounded him, and said speechlessly: "How can you teach someone to ride a bicycle like this?"

Shao Ming put it on his back: "Didn't you say you wanted to carry me? This is the correct posture for two people to ride a bicycle."

Zhu Tong: "…"

"I'm talking about taking you when I learn."

He hasn't even started to learn yet!

Shao Ming said: "You can also learn this way."

Zhu Tong: "How do you learn this? Can you lift your legs?"

Shao Ming: "When you lift it up, the car falls back."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is his balance so bad?

It wasn't enough for Shao Ming to hold him in the public eye, and he brought his head close to him, taking advantage of his height to put his face to face.

Zhu Tong couldn't hide, and looked around like a thief, for fear that someone would suddenly look at them: "You... Are you still teaching?"

Shao Ming said: "You can teach, but young master, do you want to pay the tuition first?"


Push your nose on your face.

Zhu Tong asked with red ears, "How to pay?"

Shao Ming smiled softly: "You kiss me now, or make an IOU, and pay me back with interest when you go back. Which one do you choose?"

Zhu Tong was ticklish, shrank his head, and turned to look at him.

Generally speaking, the IOUs written by Shao Ming are high-interest loans, and the interest is much higher than the principal. Zhu Tong weighed it, looked at someone's face that was already in front of him, and pecked him decisively on the lips.

"That's it..."

Before he could dodge, Shao Ming quickly clasped the back of his head and kissed back deeply.


With a short and crisp exclamation behind him, Zhu Tong was startled, pushed the person away, and turned his head to look behind.

The little girl who screamed had turned around and ran away, shouting as she ran, "Mom, there are two brothers over there doing shameful things!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming: "…"

Time seemed to stagnate for a while, and Shao Ming let out a "poof" laugh.

Zhu Tong said angrily: "You have brought bad children, and you are still laughing."

"Don't blame me." Shao Ming said innocently: "The child came out from behind the green belt by herself. She looks very skinny at first glance. She also knows what we are doing is shameful!"


Zhu Tong's face turned even redder, and he was about to get out of the car when he released the handlebars.

Shao Ming immediately hugged him and said, "Baby I was wrong, I will never mess around outside again."

Mistake for a second.

Zhu Tong had nothing to do with him.

After that, Shao Ming finally showed his professionalism as a coach. After all, the tuition fee had already been paid.

Seeing Zhu Tong clumsily stepping on the pedals and walking crookedly, he stabilized the seat behind him, and the smile on his face was natural and satisfying.

The evening breeze blew gently, as if the air was full of sweetness.

He knew why Zhu Tong suddenly wanted to learn to drive, and what the young master wanted to tell him.

Now that they are together, he is the one who has always been by his side.

Families can't choose, but at least they don't have only one choice.

As long as you do what you need to do, ignore the troubles, and enjoy life is the most important thing.


The author has something to say:

Yesterday, the comment area seemed to be the scene of a disaster. Cousin is so hot, he must roll over! (Of course, there are also second-hand attacks) [cover your face.jpg]

And one last episode~