Book 12: Chapter 95

Book 12: Chapter 95

"Not only have you completely changed in appearance, your heart as well," Though Lin Xiang was stepping back, his face showed no hint of panic.

Bloom Water's attacks were indeed powerful, each strike was full of force, but it was evident he was not skilled in close combat. Aside from relying solely on basic slashing moves, he had no other techniques.

Lin Xiang glanced at Yalide from the corner of his eye. She was weaving through the battling spirits with ghostly footwork, avoiding their attacks effortlessly, and continued on toward the demon abyss.

"Clank!" Lin Xiang, distracted, was caught off guard by Bloom Water's upward strike, tearing his clothes and leaving a small gash on his abdomen, blood oozing out. His cold sword also spun a few circles in the air before falling far away.

Sh*t! He realized he should not have been distracted during the battle.

Once again, he remembered Yalide's words, understanding their significance.

"So, the game's over," Bloom Water said confidently.

"Yes, it’s over," The sun had dipped below the horizon as the rays of the setting sun cast a glow on Lin Xiang's face. Bloom Water noticed his smile, a smile tinged with sympathy.

"What are you smiling for!"

"Hey, let me ask you this. If you gain immense power but lose something worth protecting, does this thing, called power, still hold value?" Lin Xiang looked towards Silent Water and the others, who were aiding the spirits, "I also desire to be stronger, but I hope for power, so I can protect what matters to me. However, what's the use of your power if it only brings misfortune?"

"What can a puny human like you understand!!! For survival! We must gain power! If it were before, I might not care, but the future of the demon realm will be a world of the survival of the fittest!" Bloom Water raised his hand, ready to strike Lin Xiang.

"Hng!" The cold sword suddenly appeared in Lin Xiang's hand. Lin Xiang neither launched an attack, nor defended himself with his sword, he simply sheathed the sword back, and ice particles scattered in the air like stars, while Bloom Water was frozen in place. His hand blade trembled.

"You are wrong. The human realm is different from the demon realm. You can change the world, not let the world change you. If I were you, I would choose to maintain my previous life, rather than betraying my companions and altering my appearance for the power of survival after learning that my current life is over. This kind of survival... is meaningless."

In the sacrificial pit, a giant blood-red magic array appeared. The demon in charge of the sacrifice ordered the demon soldiers to suppress the spirits, letting them march into the array one by one.

"No! No! Don't make me go in!" The spirits at the front desperately tried to escape, but they were beaten by the demon soldiers like dead dogs and tossed inside.

As each spirit entered, the light of the magic array gradually dimmed, much to the delight of the demon in charge of the sacrifice.

"Boohoo! Mommy!" Just as a demon soldier reached out towards a terrified little spirit girl who could barely move, a dark figure descended from the sky, landing on the demon soldier's head.


The demon soldier fell to the ground, its head and waist were crushed, unable to move.

"Don't cry, little girl. Big sister is here to save you." Yalide bent down and, with a flick of her hand, a lollipop appeared. As if no one else was around them, she tore open the wrapper and placed it in the little spirit’s mouth.

Before the little spirit could give a reaction, the strange taste in her mouth stimulated her brain, easing her from her terror.

The other demon soldiers dared not make a move, because the aura emanating from Yalide made them feel uneasy. It was as if she was one of them, yet not quite.

"She is..." The demon in charge of the sacrifice, who had lived for so long, had never seen such pure dark energy. The dark warrior standing beside the demon saw Yalide and instinctively placed a hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Go, she doesn't seem to belong to us." With the words of the demon, the dark warrior leaped off the sacrificial platform.

"Oh my, oh my, I'm somehow a little scared." In face of the muscular dark warrior with over two meters tall, Yalide seemed like a delicate girl with no strength. No one would believe that she had the ability to confront the dark warrior.