Book 12: Chapter 96

Book 12: Chapter 96

"Die! Lin Xiang! Die!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Several water bullets were shot out with force.

At that moment, it was no longer appropriate to call him Bloom Water, as he had completely transformed into a weapon. Yes, a weapon. His left hand was a blade, and his right hand was a gun.

Just as Bloom Water declared his intention to attack Lin Xiang with magic combined with his blade, a surprising scene unfolded that astonished Lin Xiang. Out of the blue, Bloom Water's previously normal right hand seemed to explode as if a bomb had been planted inside it. After that, a strange shape formed from the flowing black liquid. Lin Xiang was unable to discern what it was. However, after the black liquid dispersed, what appeared in Bloom Water's hand was a firearm made of intertwined black threads, solidifying into a gel-like substance.

Initially taken aback, Bloom Water quickly regained his composure and aimed the firearm at Lin Xiang, shooting out black ink bullets from within.

Lin Xiang swiftly dodged to the side, causing the ink bullets to hit a spirit behind him. In less than a second, black liquid started flowing from the spirit's nose, eyes, then mouth, until it flowed from all the seven holes. If bleeding from the seven holes was scary, bleeding black liquid from them would be horrifying.

The spirit's skin began to darken, convulsing a few times before falling silent on the ground.

"Ahaha! See that, Lin Xiang? This is the power of the demon clan. It has granted me rebirth!" Bloom Water began firing at nearby spirits.Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

Lin Xiang would not let him have his way. Moving at his wind speed state, he approached Bloom Water, brandishing his cold sword with its chilling edge.

"Clang!" A crisp sound rang out.

"Hmm?" Lin Xiang looked at Bloom Water with surprise.

"Hahaha! Don't forget, we water spirits can also release ice magic. If you're wondering why, it's because ice is just another form of water!" On the tattered armor worn by Bloom Water, a layer of black ice formed. When the cold sword struck, it did not cause any damage.

In other words, did the black ice just overcome the ice created by the cold sword? Lin Xiang could not believe it.

That was because when elements of the same kind confront each other, the weaker side could not harm the stronger one.

As the flames dissipated, Silent Water only blinked, because everything had happened too quickly, but she knew it was the nearby Fire Lotus that had saved her, "Thank you, Fire Lotus."

"Hmph, if you want to fight, always be aware of what might happen around you at any moment," Fire Lotus said, and with a flick of her hand, the flames swallowed up the demonized spirits sneaking up behind her.

Looking at the completely changed Bloom Water, Silent Water's gaze was somewhat complicated.

Seeing that Silent Water was safe, Lin Xiang heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time, anger surged within him.

"How dare you, how dare you lay a hand on Silent Water..."

"Are you angry? Come on then! Come and kill me! Hahahaha, if you can," Bloom Water taunted.

"Yes, you're no longer a spirit," Lin Xiang muttered to himself. "Yalide was right. You can be kind to other creatures, but not demons... because you don't understand kindness."

"Kindness? What's kindness!? You're still talking about kindness on this battlefield!? Lin Xiang! Don't make me laugh!"

"If you want to die so badly, I'll grant your wish." Lin Xiang raised his cold sword in front of him and as he slowly closed his eyes that were staring into Bloom Water's eyes.

"So, you're already ridiculous enough to talk about kindness on the battlefield, and now you're even closing your eyes in front of the enemy!?" Bloom Water aimed his firearm at Lin Xiang. "You’ve regretted coming back here, Lin Xiang."


"Master!" Silent Water did not understand what was wrong with Lin Xiang. With Lin Xiang's speed, he could still dodge at that moment, but now that he had closed his eyes, he showed no intention of avoiding it.

"Fuu~" Flames drifted out from Lin Xiang's body. Before the bullets could reach him, they vaporized due to the high temperature.

Opening his eyes again, those black pupils had turned red at that instant. His hair, as if it had faded, transitioned from black to fiery red.