Chapter 22: Misdirection

Name:The Stars Have Eyes Author:
Chapter 22: Misdirection

Agent Johanson was in a bit of a bind. Of all the idiotic experiments shed been forced to participate in, this was by far the worst. Being told to find a particular rock hidden somewhere in a public park was just as impossible as it sounded. There were several acres of ground to cover, not to mention she had been given absolutely no clues as to its whereabouts. Her objective might have been buried in the dirt, or perhaps tucked away on some tall tree branch. It was also possible that it was hidden in a public restroom or something.

At the very least the woman had thought to ask Maggie exactly what this rock looked like, but that didnt help much. It was a grey, flat stone with an oval shape that was roughly the size of her hand. Shed found several lookalikes already, though none of them had that infuriating girls name on them. She still carried them around, just in case it turned out the writing was incredibly tiny, mostly transparent, or otherwise made difficult to spot. It was surely within that Class-3s deviousness to pull something like that, and she didnt think to inquire about the lettering until she had already climbed down all those stairs. She considered going back up all the way to get more clarifications, but then remembered the rules of this engagement. She was not to return until she had found her quarry.

And so, AJ had spent most of her morning painstakingly sifting through dirt in a strict search pattern. Thankfully it couldnt have been buried too deep since the layer of soil was only about fifty centimeters down before it gave way to concrete. The entire park was essentially a glorified sandbox with synthetic plants, but nobody really cared since they looked, felt, and smelled like the real deal. AJ personally wasnt a fan of it for the same reason that she didnt like virtual reality too much. It was an illusion the common folk willingly bought into just so their lives seemed a little less dull and pointless.

That aside, the park was most assuredly public property, so the sight of a peeved woman in a military uniform digging the place up did not go unnoticed.

Excuse me, madam?

The soldier, who was knee deep in freshly upturned dirt, winced before turning towards the familiar voice.

Good morning, Officer Maloney, she spoke in a tired voice.

Agent Johanson? the policeman lifted his hat in surprise. What are you doing out here?

Her uniform was so filthy from all that digging that he hadnt recognized it in the slightest.

Oh, just some, uh, military business. Super secret stuff. Nothing to concern yourself with.

The man crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

Did you seriously think Id buy that?

It was worth a shot? she grimaced awkwardly.

Look, I may not know why youre digging up the place, but I will have to ask you to stop. This is practically vandalism.

He gestured towards the small field of grass that AJ had already sifted through with her shovel. What was once orderly park greenery had turned into a desolate wasteland one would expect to find on some war-torn planet.

Its fine, my bosses will handle it, she brushed him off.

According to the agreement between the Supernatural Eviction Agency and Magh'rathlak the Observer, the former would be responsible for cleaning up after any messes made in the latters wake. This experiment probably counted towards that.

That may be so, but youre upsetting the civilians. We got five calls about, and I quote, some weirdo with a shovel cocking up the park, end quote.

Oh. Yikes.

AJ had been so lost in her own head that she didnt even consider how weird she must have looked to the public.

Yeah, yikes. Youre lucky it was me and not one of my colleagues that decided to investigate, otherwise theyd try to haul you in. I cant imagine thatd end well.

No. No it would not.

I still have half a mind to try, so why dont you tell me what in the Queens name are you doing.

Ugh. Its an experiment, she groaned. Or at least thats what that witch calls it.

She then briefly and unflatteringly described her predicament, starting with her involuntary relocation to Maggies new apartment. Maloney hadnt heard all the details surrounding the soldiers presence there, so her explanation answered quite a few questions he never bothered to ask. Most importantly, he understood why the psionic was so irritable, and accepted that she had every right to be. That was why he let her vent as much as she wanted.

And then she has the gall to call it an experiment! her tirade reached its peak, as did her voice. I swear, the only thing that witch is testing is my patience!

Maybe thats the point? he offered.

Dont you start with that, too!

Easy now, Agent Johanson. Theres no need for the finger-pointing and the yelling.

No, theres definitely a need for it! Ive had it with people deciding that all this abuse is somehow good for me, and acting like its part of some master plan. She just likes tormenting me and wont admit it!

But she cant lie, right? If she really is just bullying you, she wouldve said so.

Pft. As if. Shes probably convinced herself that making me do all these laborious assignments somehow counts as legitimate experimentation, when in fact her main goal is to just watch me squirm. You know how these Class-3 arseholes are!

Good to hear. Want me to give you a lift back to your place?

No, thats alright.

You sure? Thats a lot of steps if you wanna do it the hard way.

Ill be fine, really. I need to follow my instructions to the last, even if I dont agree with them.

Riding on a flying car would surely count as getting technological assistance, thereby violating Maggies orders. Going against her in any way could very well lead to the entire agreement with the Agency getting voided. AJ wasnt sure whether things would escalate that far, but shed be neck deep in trouble either way if she dared to compromise that contract.

I see. Must be tough, being a soldier and all, the policeman nodded empathically.

Sometimes, but its worth it in the long run. Also, youre not one to talk, Officer Maloney.

Hah. Everyone down at the stations too lazy to give out orders, he chuckled.

If you say so.

Come on, the least I can do is walk you to the hyper-scraper.

Why would you do that? her eyes narrowed. Getting me to stop digging up the park is one thing, but this has nothing to do with you.

Maloney was baffled by her sudden and, in his opinion, unwarranted suspicious attitude. It was as if she was accusing him of having ulterior motives. The policeman decided to come clean, seeing as this was indeed the case.

Look, I just feel like we got off on the wrong foot last time. What with you slamming me against the wall and then me pinning you down. You got some moves, by the way. Yknow, for a psionic.

She softened her glare and raised an eyebrow.

Youre not too bad yourself. Yknow, for a constable.

Hey, Ill take it, he smirked. But yeah, I had a feeling Id be seeing a lot of you, seeing as how I like to drop by Miss Ohs place now and then, and I wanted to make sure there wasnt any hostility between us.

You really dont have to go through all that effort, she sighed. I mean, I hit you first because I wasnt using my brain, and yet you still helped me out in a big way. If anything, I should be the one trying to make amends to you.

Well, if thats how you feel, then how about you let me take you out to dinner tonight?

Youre serious?


Im not sure if thats a good idea.

Give me a chance, thats all I ask. I can even get us the best table at Leonardo da Pinchi, Maloney offered. I hear their nebula lobster special is phenomenal.

AJ crossed her arms as she contemplated the invitation. It wasnt as if she had anything against Maloney in particular. He was handsome enough and seemed like a decent sort, not to mention she could tell he wasnt interested in her just because she was a psionic. Shed be lying if she said she wasnt at least a little curious about him. The issue was that the lifestyle of an intergalactic psychically-powered commando didnt leave a lot of time or opportunity for romance. Dating within the team was strictly forbidden, and AJ moved around too much for a long-term relationship with a colonist to be feasible. Then again, her current assignment was more or less permanent for the foreseeable future. A casual date would be a good opportunity to blow off some steam, if nothing else.

Last but not least, she really wanted to try that nebula lobster for herself after seeing Maggie munch on it with such a satisfied face awhile back.

You know what? That actually sounds pretty good. Lets do it, she decided.

Great! Pick you up at eight?

That works. Now, if youll excuse me, I need to get going.

She had to climb a hundred floors and then take all the showers. Afterwards shed need to go buy a dress or something since she didnt own anything even remotely suitable for a fancy place like Leonardo da Pinchi. She wasnt going to make a big deal out of the date, but she wasnt going to take it lightly, either. If Maloney was willing to look past their initial clash, then the least she could do was put in a bit of effort.

As she walked back to the apartment, AJ couldnt help but feel a certain amount of excitement and elation. She had some reservations at first, but found herself looking forward to the evening quite a bit. That thought did bring a certain concern to the forefront of her mind, however. Namely, that Maggie might dream up some new inane experiment to keep her busy and make her miss her date. That girl was a total bully in AJs mind, so it seemed like a likely development if her plans for the evening were discovered. Even more so if she returned this early from her current task.

Therefore, she decided to kill some time and wander around the neighborhood for a few hours. She intended to wait until late afternoon before she reported her success. That would give her enough time to freshen up and prepare for her date, but would be too late in the day for that witch to give her more inane work. She might still try, but AJ felt confident she could lean on Joe to have him reign in his eldritch girlfriend. Normally the agent wouldnt resort to underhanded manipulation like that, but she felt like it was warranted on this occasion.

Unfortunately for Agent Johanson, it wasnt until she eventually climbed all the way up those stairs that she realized she had made two slight miscalculations.

Namely, that the Class-3 hadnt specified whether it had hidden more than one stone in that park, and that Maggie wasnt its true name.