Chapter 1319: Mindset

Name:The Steward Demonic Emperor Author:
Chapter 1319: Mindset

Writer: StarReader

Proofreader: Silavin

When is he getting back? Its been a month now! Dragon Ancestor tapped his foot harder and harder, cracking the polished marble of the meeting hall.

The other experts had shown great progress thanks to the recent prismatic event, with Danqing Shen exceeding everyones expectations. He could hold his own against a sacred beast now.

Do you know of any time that Zhuo Fan was random in his actions? He asked the others.

Yes! Everyone replied. More times than we can count.

Danqing Shen blinked and changed his question. But do you know of any time that his randomness wasnt part of a bigger plan?

That had everyone silent, proving he was right.

We just have to believe that he would come through like he had so many times before, despite his erratic behavior. In fact, being erratic shows that hes back to his old self and with a plan in motion. Danqing Shen added. All any of us can do now is learn from it. It has helped me a lot, and it can do the same to all of you. Dont we all wish to find our paths? To go beyond? We will find no better guidance than in Zhuo Fan!

The only way to prove it is if the prismatic phenomenon will reappear, so long as said paths were absorbed by the sea of blackness, but we can all agree that none wants to see that happen. In case it does, Yunhai, be sure to get the people clear from the blackness immediate vicinity while also announcing our actions to counter this expansion.

I will, Brother Zhuo. Stay safe. The Clan Head nodded.

Cant we come as well? Chu Qingcheng asked shyly.

No. The past month was alright because we had fun and learned to live a little, in tune with the path I was grasping. Zhuo Fan shook his head. Farewell, for now.

Zhuo Fan closed the door to the main hall, leaving the Luo Clan leadership in an uncomfortable silence.

Im entering seclusion until the next prismatic event. Danqing Shen walked out as well. I suggest you do the same. Be prepared to make the most of it.

The Luo Clan looked after the Sacred Domain in the meantime, posting guards at a very healthy distance from the edge of the sea of blackness, not wanting a repeat of the first expansion. Knowing that it would grow with absolute certainty, they got the people to move from its path, assuring them that it was just a precaution and that they were dealing with it.

In the case of Zhuo Fan, he didnt rush to complete the Sovereign paths he inherited, while he didnt tarry either.

The hardest thing a man could do was change, especially if that change was fundamental. He needed to clear his mind of the previous mindset before he could jump over to the next. There was the reason there hadnt been a new Sovereigns in millions of years. Yet now, he was attempting to get all ten path to completion in less than a year. To say it was hard was an understatement.

If there was one thing that gave him assurance this was going to work, that was the True Self Art he got from his master back in the Scheming Demonic Sect. It had never failed him. The deeper he trained in it, the more he understood about himself and the world.