Chapter 1320: Demonic Path

Name:The Steward Demonic Emperor Author:
Chapter 1320: Demonic Path

Writer: StarReader

Proofreader: Silavin

It was a daunting task to be sure, trying to complete ten paths in such a short time when even one would take ages, if not eons, on a normal basis. But, form the start, nothing about this was normal. Heavenly Sovereigns thirst for a cleansed world, whatever that meant, was a project of gargantuan size and length bound to have unforeseen and disastrous consequences.

On the other hand, following the other Sovereigns wishes in opposing the annihilation of the human race as Zhuo Fan knew it was no picnic either. Fortune was with him, or misfortune. He went through highs and lows and everything in between with the culmination of losing Yuyu and Shuanger. It brought about insight into the emotion path, however short-lived it was.

The Child Sovereigns path came next, but even that he didnt feel like it was much of a challenge, since he liked to toy with people and twist the facts to suit his needs. All he had to do this time around was just follow his whims, while leaving anything devious, convoluted, and downright murderous out of the picture. While letting go wasnt easy by any means, having had his mind locked in his body, aware yet unable to act, helped reevaluate his situation more times than he could count.

Next up on the list, while he was after the easy paths, would be the demonic path Nine Serenities completed, which was now with Heavenly Sovereign. He gave the Child Sovereigns path over without a fuss knowing he could achieve it again, having done so already. Now he went with a path Heavenly Sovereign had because he knew the final showdown would be anything but sunshine, rainbows, and a friendly handshake.

The demonic path was what Nine Serenities completed, it was all about reading the hearts of humanity and taking in the good and the bad, while also working on removing any qualms, resistance, and disgust one might have regarding any aspects of it. It was the awareness that humans were capable of anything. They could be saints, but also monsters in disguise. The biggest help was the trials and thought processes he went through throughout his past lives, giving him a subjective and objective view of how things were. It helped him see aspects he missed, ignored, or was blinded to. Even his want to beat Heavenly Sovereign came into question, all had to be answered and understood on the base level to complete this path.

The process was anything but easy, taking days and nights stuck on simple concepts like why he wanted the Luo Clan and everyone he knew to survive. The answer might come easy, but knowing wasnt enough, he had to also believe it was the real reason, not just another excuse to hide some aspect of himself that he was compensating for.

And this was supposed to be one of the easy paths, but it went to show that nothing was easy in life, not even being evil. It might look good on paper or when someone else did it, but it was a completely different thing following it yourself. Even if two people walked the demonic path, the answers they would reach at the end of it might be completely opposite. This was what made ones path as unique as it could get, despite sharing similarities with another.

As he toiled in his own mind with all the knowledge he had about the subject, it all came to a head two months later.

The result did not trigger a prismatic event as the other two did.

So he hasnt finished fusing he demonic path yet, good. Zhuo Fan grinned.