"The emperor's Sutra is the most powerful skill in congenital realm! It's the best in heaven. A monk can't practice if he's not born in heaven! "

Zeng Xiaoyu just slightly checked the contents of his mind, and immediately said: "depend on it! This is another skill that can be seen but can't be practiced! I'm only seven the day after tomorrow! I don't know if I can cultivate to the innate realm in my life

Zeng Xiaoyu sat on the rock in depression and gasped for breath.

For Zeng Xiaoyu, it's better to give him a prefecture level skill that he can cultivate rather than a heaven level skill that he can't practice.

After all, it is very difficult for a warrior to enter the innate realm. Even though Zeng Xiaoyu has the help of the skill upgrading system, he is not sure that he can enter the innate realm at this time.

The innate state is just like a natural moat, which blocks the vast majority of warriors at one end of the natural moat.

Only a small number of martial arts people with good quality and luck can cross the natural moat and become the masters of congenital level.

As soon as the martial arts entered the innate world, they began a road of transformation. They were not ordinary mortals, but really embarked on the path of immortality.

After birth, there are also the foundation building period, the golden elixir period, the yuan infant period, the God transforming period, the refining deficiency period, the fitness period, the crossing robbery period, and the Mahayana period.

The martial arts of the acquired realm are as weak as mole ants in front of these strong ones.

Everything is inferior, only Xiandao is high!

This is the world's unified evaluation of the collection of cultivating immortals.

It's just, fairyland, it's too hard!

"Congenitally! Congenitally, you're a big head ghost! I'm so happy in vain!"

just when Zeng Xiaoyu was still depressed, his body suddenly snapped.

Under the impact of Zhuguo's powerful medicine, the eighth meridians were washed away without warning.

Zeng Xiaoyu also successfully entered the day after tomorrow.

"How could you enter the eighth day after tomorrow! The medicinal power of the fruit is too strong, isn't it? "

Zeng Xiaoyu scratched fluffy hair, some shocked by his carelessness and broke through a level.

"Well, it's so dangerous here. It's a good thing to go one step further."

Zeng Xiaoyu has a small surprise in his heart.

But Zeng Xiaoyu has not been surprised for long, his ears suddenly shake.

With his keen hearing, Zeng Xiaoyu can judge that there must be an animal quietly approaching him behind him.

Zeng Xiaoyu's dark eyes flashed, suddenly turned around, as if facing a major enemy.

With a shudder of the dwarf trees ahead, a monster's head came out of the blocked branches and leaves.

The monster is green all over, body like a frog, long neck, red eyes, nose collapsed, mouth open, face full of teeth.

Monster with a pair of bloodthirsty eyes, tightly staring at Zeng Xiaoyu, Zeng Xiaoyu to see hair.


Zeng Xiaoyu exclaimed.

It is a kind of mountain demon with green body, rough skin and thick flesh. It has a face like a devil and long claws on its limbs.

When Zeng Xiaoyu was young, he often heard from the old people in the village.

I didn't expect that I was so lucky. I met such a terrible mountain demon when I spent the night in the mountain forest for the first time.

Fortunately, this mountain boar is not big in size. It is only about the waist of Zeng Xiaoyu. It is obviously still in its infancy.

But even when they are young, they are also very terrifying, especially their serrated teeth and claws. Once they are bitten or caught, they are not for fun.

Moreover, it is said that the mountain boar is extremely bloodthirsty and has a habit of drinking human blood. Once bitten, it will suck human blood until the blood of that person is drained.

Therefore, Zeng Xiaoyu didn't dare to be careless at all. He reached out to his waist and planned to take out the Kunyu sword to deal with the mountain boar.

But when the mountain owl saw Zeng Xiaoyu's movements, he let out an ugly roar. His powerful limbs sprang up from the ground and opened his mouth wide, biting at Zeng Xiaoyu's neck!

It's good at bouncing, very high, and very fast.

Whoosh, has come to Zeng Xiaoyu near.

"I really want to suck my blood! No way

Zeng Xiaoyu immediately gave up the sword, and let the hill's attack on his side.

Zeng Xiaoyu in let the mountain after the attack, backhand toward the neck of the mountain catch.

From behind, he grabbed the slender neck of the Kobayashi and lifted it into the air.

If there is any defect in Shanhe's body, it is that its neck is particularly long and thin, and its defense is the lowest. It is easy to become the target of attack by the opponent.

Zeng Xiaoyu was also aware of this point, and seized the neck of Xiaoshan.

Although his neck was caught, Koyama's body still kept moving in mid air, scratching his limbs, trying to scratch Zeng Xiaoyu.

However, Zeng Xiaoyu has pinched the key of it at this time, no matter how it struggles to grab, it can not catch Zeng Xiaoyu."Such a bloodthirsty mountain tiger can't be left!"

Zeng Xiaoyu was born to the gall and wanted to take out the Kunyu sword again and kill xiaoshanhe.

At this time, the ground on the top of the mountain suddenly shook violently, and the trees on the mountain rustled.

It's obvious that some powerful animal is coming this way.

Zeng Xiaoyu's eyes shrunk and his face changed.

At this time, two adults, more than two meters tall, were standing in front of Zeng Xiaoyu.

Ferocious face staring at Zeng Xiaoyu angrily, has the posture of tearing up Zeng Xiaoyu.

Looking at the angry faces of the two adults, Zeng Xiaoyu almost didn't cry.

The strength of an adult mountain catfish is stronger than that of a ten heavy warrior the day after tomorrow. Two adult mountain boars are together, and obviously a couple. How can Zeng Xiaoyu fight?

Escape is the only option.

"Is this your child? He has a nose and eyes. He is very handsome

Zeng Xiaoyu reached out his hand and touched the head of Xiaoshan, which was disgusting in one's heart. He forced a smile on his face and said against his heart.

But Zeng Xiaoyu laughs far fetched, even worse than crying.

No way, suddenly met these two guys, Zeng Xiaoyu wanted to cry heart.

Shanhe is very human. Zeng Xiaoyu can be sure that they will understand him.

Roar ~

two mountain crabs roared at Zeng Xiaoyu.

"Oh, my God!"

Zeng Xiaoyu was so scared that he threw xiaoshanhe towards them, but he ran for his life in the opposite direction.

One Shanhe catches the one that Zeng Xiaoyu threw away, and the other chases Zeng Xiaoyu in a murderous manner.

Its limbs on the ground, running up, compared with cheetah are faster, Zeng Xiaoyu is very quickly to it to close the distance, its big mouth open, only a little bit, Zeng Xiaoyu's back will be bitten by it.

Run, run, run!

At this time, Zeng Xiaoyu had no other thoughts in his mind. His only thought was to escape from the pursuit of the adult mountain boar.

As long as escape from its pursuit, the rest is easy to say.

Seeing that Shanhe was very close to him, Zeng Xiaoyu was in awe. He quickly injected his whole body's internal force into the soles of his feet and stepped on the ground with both feet. The whole person leaped forward like a shell.

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