The crescent moon is like a hook. It is very dark on the originally dark mountain. However, dark clouds float from the sky, covering up the remaining crescent moon.

On the mountain, he couldn't see his fingers. Zeng Xiaoyu couldn't see what was under his feet.

But at the moment, he could not care so much. Only when he escaped from the mountain and got rid of the mountain, could he have a chance to live.

Therefore, Zeng Xiaoyu's foot has infused most of his eight internal forces the day after tomorrow.

Even if I haven't learned the lightness skill, I still jump high.

Originally, Zeng Xiaoyu planned to take advantage of the falling force and make another jump to get away from the top of the mountain.

But Zeng Xiaoyu fell for a while, and the familiar down-to-earth feeling did not come.

His feet were still empty, and his body was falling faster.

"Oh, I'll go! It's a cliff

At this time, Zeng Xiaoyu realized how dangerous it was to trample on his own foot!

it turned out that there was no gentle slope behind the mountain, but a vertical cliff close to 90 degrees.

The height of this mountain is not low. The cliff below is very high.

The day after tomorrow, an eight heavy warrior who jumps from such a high cliff will be disabled if he does not die.

"I say it!"

In order to reduce the speed of his fall, Zeng Xiaoyu quickly lifted his true Qi to his chest, so that he could produce some floating force to his body, so that he would not fall down the cliff like a dead pig.

However, this cliff is too high, there is no place to settle down. Zeng Xiaoyu raised Qi several times in a row, and failed to reduce the speed of his fall.

"Am I going to die?"

A sadness suddenly rose from Zeng Xiaoyu's heart.

Suddenly, countless pictures appeared in his mind. These pictures, including pictures of the earth and the world, flashed quickly in Zeng Xiaoyu's mind, just like a high-speed train.

"It turns out that life is so short and fragile!"

Zeng Xiaoyu had no choice but to give up the unnecessary struggle, and tried to curl up his body and let the gravity pull his body down. He fell down like a meteor.

"How sad! It's like I've never been in this world before, and I'll soon be forgotten! Mom and Dad! I miss you

This is Zeng Xiaoyu's last thought.

Then, a burst of sharp pain and numbness came, accompanied by a strong sound of water, Zeng Xiaoyu finally could not bear the strong pain, and his consciousness fell into darkness.

Under the night, the sparkling stream, a thin body lying on the surface of the stream.

The body is rippling, I don't know where to drift.

This place is desolate. Maybe as Zeng Xiaoyu thought, he died here, and there was no one collecting corpse.

Fifteen years ago, he quietly crossed the earth into this world and became a baby of the immortal world.

Fifteen years later, his body lay silent on the surface of the stream, and even his soul seemed to have fallen into darkness again and was about to leave quietly.

Like an unknown weed, quietly grow, quietly wither, until rot.

No one knows that there is a weed that once grew there, and no one will remember that weed.

Because there are a lot of weeds in the world, they are ordinary and ordinary, and there is nothing easy to remember.

So even if they are gone, no one will remember them.

Ordinary people's life, and the weeds, how similar!

The sound of apes on both sides of the Strait can't stop crying, and their bodies have passed the ten thousand mountains.

Perhaps the only way to see Zeng Xiaoyu off is the sound of the ape crying like a baby.

Sad and desolate, reverberating in the dark night sky, added a trace of sadness to the night!


"so cold!"

On a stone beach, Zeng Xiaoyu, who had been immersed in the water, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, his face was pale and dead, and his lips were purple with cold in the mountain stream.

I'm all wet. There's no dry place.

Even the skin, because of soaking in water for too long, appears white and swollen.

If there is no God in the eyes, others will surely think that this is a dead body.

Difficult to climb up from the beach, Zeng Xiaoyu weakly sat on the stone beach, slightly panting.

Then, Zeng Xiaoyu suddenly laughed.

Because his face was extremely pale by the stream, which made him smile a little bit hideous.

I fell off that high cliff last night. I should have died.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to survive in the water.

Although he was knocked unconscious in the past, but fortunately the body did not lack any parts.

Zeng Xiaoyu checked what he was carrying and found that Huiyuan pot and Kunyu sword were still there.However, the burden and the remnant of the emperor's Sutra that I got earlier have not been found.

There is nothing about the remnant of the emperor's Sutra. Zeng Xiaoyu has used the skill upgrade system to upgrade it.

Even if the remnant book falls into the hands of others, it is difficult to cultivate it.

What Zeng Xiaoyu is distressed about is the gold in the package!

Tens of taels of gold, this is Zeng Xiaoyu's life has been touched by a huge sum of money.

These tens of taels of gold can buy a lot of things.

It's a pity that so much gold has been lost along with his falling cliff.

Think of these, Zeng Xiaoyu's heart is a burst of pain.

But then again, it's good to be able to save your life if you fall off such a high cliff!

No money to earn, no life, but nothing!

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoyu was a little relieved.

"It's said that if you don't die in a disaster, you'll be lucky. As long as there is life, there will be gold and skills in the future! "

Zeng Xiaoyu comforted himself like this.

Zeng Xiaoyu took out the Huiyuan pot, opened the stopper, and poured a large mouthful of Huiyuan water.

Originally cold body, in the supplement of vitality, began to produce a trace of temperature.

Zeng Xiaoyu used the water to replenish his vitality and recovered some physical strength before he walked out of the stone beach.

When I looked around, I found that this was a valley surrounded by peaks. In the middle of the valley, there was a stream flowing through it.

"It's said that if you fall off a cliff, you have a great chance to meet an old man, get his advice, or get his inheritance! From then on, he will go to the top of his life!"

Zeng Xiaoyu thought with some emotion.

"Old man, are you there?"

"Where are you, my peerless skill?"

but there are no caves around here, let alone some unique skills.

Zeng Xiaoyu went around the valley for half a circle, but he didn't find any martial arts secret collection or any outstanding expert.

On the contrary, a newly built wooden house was found in the open space covered by green trees and flowers.

The cabin was closed and there was no movement in it.

Zeng Xiaoyu was a little curious. He knocked on the door of the wooden house: "master, a great master!"

But the cabin was still dead.

"Maybe that great master has gone up the mountain to collect herbs?"

Zeng Xiaoyu thought to himself.

This place is isolated from the world and the environment is beautiful, just like a paradise.

Ordinary people will not live in seclusion here, because there are so many beasts in the mountain forest, ordinary people are easy to die.

The only explanation is that there are high people living here.

Zeng Xiaoyu thought that the average peerless master would know some pharmacology. He would go to the mountain to collect herbs and refine pills. He would live a good life.

Seeing no response from the wooden house, Zeng Xiaoyu did not open the wooden door rashly, but began to wander around in the valley.

There was no way. He had been captured by robbers yesterday until now. Although he had drunk Huiyuan water and recovered some physical strength, he was really hungry.

Only in this valley to see if we can find wild fruit to satisfy our hunger.

If you can hit a couple of pheasants and rabbits and other prey, it would be better.

Zeng Xiaoyu looked for a time and found sadly that there was no hare in the valley except for the beautiful scenery.

In front of it is a green pool with clear water. Zeng Xiaoyu plans to go and see if there are any fish in the pool. If you can catch one or two big fish and make it into roast fish, it is also good.

However, when Zeng Xiaoyu was just near the pool, the surface of the pool suddenly rolled, as if some underwater monster was about to be born.

Zeng Xiaoyu crouched down in the Bush, holding his breath and watching the movement of the pool.

With the pool water surging, a black silk was exposed in the water, and the black silk was constantly floating upward, revealing a jade back as white as jade. Under the shadow of the black silk, with every move of the pair of white jade hands as lotus root, it was indistinct.

Such a beautiful picture, let Zeng Xiaoyu's breath can not help but rush up.

"It's very beautiful.

But this woman has been diving under the water for so long before she comes out of the water. Isn't she a goblin? "

Zeng Xiaoyu's face was dignified. He quickly held his breath and glanced at the stone in the pool. There was a pile of clothes on the stone in the pool. The clothes and trousers were put on the stone at will.

Zeng Xiaoyu was relieved.

At least as far as Zeng Xiaoyu knows, goblins don't need to wear clothes.

Even if you want to wear it, you just need to use magic magic to change it. It doesn't need to be so troublesome. You have to take off so many clothes even after taking a bath.

Zeng Xiaoyu put down his heart and looked at a beautiful bathing picture in front of , the fastest update of the webnovel!