Zeng Xiaoyu nodded to show understanding.

After all, alchemy and Xianzhi were widely spread in the eastern immortal region.

There are many schools in the eastern Xianyu, which are good at alchemy and Xianzhi.

Before entering the school, most of the students in the school had a deep foundation in these two aspects.

I came here for further study.

As for the other three departments, Xianhuo one requires that the students themselves should be a master of fire cultivation, specializing in the cultivation of immortal fire, and have achieved certain attainments.

Moreover, the first generation of Xianhuo has a high demand for the fire attribute of their disciples, so it is difficult for those who are not qualified to enter the school.

It's even more difficult for the disciples of the second generation of Danju and Jiandan. First, they need to have a certain foundation in refining alchemy and utensils. Only those with excellent qualifications in both aspects can they be introduced.

The number of disciples of these three generations is so small.

After that, Yan Zhenyi and Zeng Xiaoyu walked around the alchemy branch, Xianzhi branch, Xianhuo branch, and Dandao branch and Jiandan branch.

Make Zeng Xiaoyu three people for Dan Dao Xian yuan, finally have a more general understanding.

Zeng Xiaoyu three people in the end of the whole Dandao immortal courtyard, feel the surging heart.

This place is worthy of the Holy Land in the mind of the Dants!

It has gathered outstanding elites from Eastern Xianyu, forming an extremely strong academic tradition.

The academic atmosphere is very strong, which makes the students who enter our college involuntarily devote themselves to the in-depth study of the skills of various departments.

Under the influence of this kind of Taoist atmosphere, their own skills are growing.

This is also the reason why most of the disciples of Dandao immortal academy can learn to return.

After visiting the Daoyuan, Zeng Xiaoyu was arranged to live in the Daoyuan.

Zeng Xiaoyu and Zhuo buqun were arranged in the teacher's cave of the alchemy branch.

As for Qi Shaoxiong, he was arranged in the student's cave of the alchemy branch.

Moreover, the caves of Zeng Xiaoyu and Zhuo buqun are quite different.

The cave where Zeng Xiaoyu lives is a high-level cave with a spacious and bright courtyard.

As for Zhuo buqun, he was arranged to share a yard with another assistant teacher in another junior cave.

Among them, we can see the difference in treatment.

For the different treatment, Zhuo buqun is secretly jealous.

However, this is also no way of things, skills are not as good as people, treatment will naturally be different.

As the new students and teachers have not yet arrived, the school has not yet opened.

Zeng Xiaoyu has nothing to do for the time being. After being arranged to live in an independent courtyard, Zeng Xiaoyu has nothing to do, so he practices in the cave.

In daily life, I will study the way of alchemy, and the refining methods of Dan puppet and sword Dan.

What's more, Zeng Xiaoyu was surprised that, since he realized the mystery of time stillness, Zeng Xiaoyu felt that his cultivation had a faint sign of breaking through!

Zeng Xiaoyu believes that as long as there is a big Rodin to help break through the realm, he will certainly be able to successfully break into the early stage of Dara Jinxian!

Daluo Jinxian, placed in the whole fairyland, is also the strongest existence in addition to the Immortal Emperor. It is already regarded as the top strong one in the fairyland!

Once you can be promoted to the level of Daluo Jinxian, then Zeng Xiaoyu's strength will be greatly increased, with more self-protection.

However, dalodan is a rare elixir that helps the later Jinxian to break into Daluo Jinxian, which is very precious.

It's not available on the market.

Even if the alchemy is good at alchemy, I think it will not take big Luodan to sell.

However, Zeng Xiaoyu has been able to refine the top-grade Jinxian level elixir. As long as his skills are improved, he can refine big Rhodan by himself.

Zeng Xiaoyu plans to collect and refine the elixir of Da Luodan, while refining his alchemy skills. When his alchemy skills are promoted, he begins to refine dalrodin.

Of course, in order to familiarize himself with the environment and take care of Qi Shaoxiong, Zeng Xiaoyu will take some time to meet Qi Shaoxiong and teach him some alchemy skills.

If you have any spare time, you can walk around the courtyard and get familiar with the environment.

As for Zhuo buqun, such people will not be idle.

He had already met Dong Bilong several times before school began.

And in the introduction of Dong Bilong, I also met several students who are said to be influential in the immortal Academy.

When Zhuo buqun showed his father Dong Chaoqun's letter to Dong Bilong, Dong Bilong's eyes flashed: "Qi Shaoxiong, very good!

My brother was defeated by you! One day, I will take my brother's lost honor back from you

Compared with his younger brother, Dong Bilong looks rather handsome, but he looks gloomy with his eagle nose and deep eye socket.

This result is exactly what Zhuo buqun is happy to see. Zhuo buqun nodded his head and said: "before I came, I was entrusted by the Lord of Dong! I will try my best to help you with your business! "Dong Bilong smell speech, eyes a bright, solemn chaozhuo not group nodded: "thank you

After that, they talked about some things, and then left separately.

Zhuo buqun met Dong Bilong several times.

The two began to get acquainted with each other and formed an alliance secretly.

After a leisurely time, Yan Zhenyi suddenly came to Zeng Xiaoyu's cave one day and invited Zeng Xiaoyu to attend a new lecturer meeting organized by the vice director of Xianyuan Academy.

Zeng Xiaoyu followed Yan Zhen to the main hall of the alchemy branch.

There, Zeng Xiaoyu met dozens of new teachers.

Zeng Xiaoyu in these people, also saw Zhuo buqun.

When Zhuo buqun saw Zeng Xiaoyu, there was a cold light in his eyes. However, he covered it up very well and was not found by others.

With 100000 students and thousands of teachers, Dandao immortal academy has a huge organization.

In addition to Wu Chunfeng, the head of dandaoxian academy, there is a branch head in each of the five branches below, who is responsible for the operation of the Academy.

Gao Qian was the branch leader in charge of the alchemy branch, and also the deputy head of the whole immortal Academy.

In the whole dandaoxian academy, the power is second only to the Master Wu Chunfeng.

The branch heads of the other four academies also served as deputy heads.

Moreover, Wu Chunfeng, the master of the Academy, seldom cares about the affairs of the hospital.

Therefore, most of the power in the immortal courtyard fell to the five deputy heads.

Gao Qian is a middle-aged man who looks a little rich.

This man has a white face and big ears.

Surrounded by a group of high-level alchemy immortal courtyard, he came to the hall with his back in his back. His momentum and style were very sufficient, and he looked like he had been in the upper position for a long time.

Not only that, this person's cultivation atmosphere at the level of luojinxian was enough to frighten the people present.

On the contrary, it is the deputy head of the other four branches, who should be more low-key.

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