These four people, one is full of silver hair, xianfengdaogu, the name of Cao Yue, is the head of Xianzhi branch.

The other is a big man with red hair and beard, and a fierce face.

From a distance, others can sense an extremely strong flame breath from this person.

This man, named Yanlie, is the head of Xianhuo branch.

The other was a wrinkled, miserable little old man named Wei Datong, the head of Danju branch.

The last one was a tall, thin, long faced old man with a sharp breath like a sword.

In addition to the breath of the old man is extremely fierce, his eyes in between, there is also a sharp flash of light, giving a very dangerous feeling.

This is Leng Xiaofeng, the head of Danjian branch.

These four branch masters are all at the level of Daluo Jinxian, and they are the top experts next to the head of the Academy.

Moreover, each of the five branch heads has his own merits and is able to take charge of the major branches. They have made great achievements in their respective specialties.

As early as this period of time, Zeng Xiaoyu had already made some understanding of the head of the hospital and several deputy heads of the hospital.

On the information wall of Xianyuan, there are some brief introductions about the head of the academy as well as the vice presidents.

Therefore, Zeng Xiaoyu could recognize at a glance that the people who came were just a few vice masters of the immortal courtyard.

As for the master himself, most of the teachers and students in the immortal academy have always been very mysterious.

It is said that the strength of the headmaster is extremely high, and has reached the level of Xianjun, that is, the existence of the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and its strength is second only to Xiandi.

However, the master has been practicing in seclusion all the year round, and few of them can see the master himself.

"First of all, I would like to welcome you to join us as one of the new teachers in our school.

Gao expressed a warm welcome here

After Gao Qian came to the scene, he cleared his throat, held his tone and said in a loud voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, many smart teachers began to clap their hands, hoping to make a good impression on the vice president.

Zeng Xiaoyu stood in the crowd, looking at Gao Qian's pretentious speech, slightly disappointed.

I don't know why, Zeng Xiaoyu is not happy with the senior vice-president who loves to play official tune.

In his heart, the vice head of the Dandao immortal academy should have been a strong man who was unadorned and addicted to the elixir.

But obviously, the senior vice president is not as good as his ideal image.

When Zeng Xiaoyu was disappointed, he saw Gao Qian continue to put on airs and say: "you are all teachers recruited by our college this time. They have excellent alchemy skills and can independently complete the refining of Jinxian level pills.

It has been enough to be a model to teach alchemy skills to the majority of students in our college.

But together with danxiu, there is no end to learning!

Mr. Gao hoped that after entering our hospital, you could make further efforts to strive for greater breakthroughs in the Dan Road...

Gao Qian said a lot of words on the scene. Zeng Xiaoyu saw a trace of disdain in the eyes of the other four branch heads.

However, this disdainful glance flashed by, except that Zeng Xiaoyu had more powerful immortal knowledge and keen insight than others, and could detect it, other people did not find it.

Zeng Xiaoyu guessed in his heart that the four branch masters should not be convinced of Gao Qian.

After all, it is inevitable that there is a competitive relationship between us as vice presidents.

Gao Qian didn't care about it. As soon as he got to the stage, he threw himself into his speech performance.

Finally, Gao Qian encouraged all the people present to say a few words. Under the warm applause of all the people, he left the hall with the high-level officials of the immortal Academy.

After the meeting, under the arrangement of the deacon of the immortal academy, the new disciples of Dandao immortal academy will finally start school.

This time, the Dandao immortal academy has recruited nearly 10000 students. Among them, there are nearly 5000 new disciples in the alchemy branch, and 2000 to 8900 disciples in other branches.

Zeng Xiaoyu was assigned to the second class of the alchemy branch to teach the 500 disciples to make alchemy.

Fortunately, Qi Shaoxiong was also arranged to study alchemy in Zeng Xiaoyu's class.

There are more than 100 alchemy sermons in Dandao branch.

Zeng Xiaoyu's class is located in one of the more than 100 Dojo centers.

Zeng Xiaoyu's work is very relaxed. He usually starts to teach his disciples alchemy skills every month.

The rest of the time, the students practice by themselves.

Therefore, Zeng Xiaoyu has a lot of spare time.

Moreover, the salary of lecturers in Dandao immortal academy is extremely high, with more than 10000 jade per month and many other benefits. It is a position many people dream of.

Zeng Xiaoyu, one of the 500 students, came from all over the eastern part of Xianyu.

Some people came from some small and medium-sized schools in the East, and some came from some alchemy families.Among these 500 disciples, Qi Shaoxiong is naturally the most skilled in alchemy.

However, in addition to Qi Shaoxiong, there are also some people who have alchemy talent and excellent skills.

This day, is the first day of school, is also Zeng Xiaoyu's first lesson.

Zeng Xiaoyu left the cave ahead of time and came to the Daochang where he taught.

As soon as Zeng Xiaoyu entered the Taoist temple, 500 pairs of eyes around him looked at Zeng Xiaoyu.

Most of the eyes were suspicious.

After all, Zeng Xiaoyu's face is too young to look old.

This appearance, placed in a pile of antique level lecturers, naturally very conspicuous.

However, because Zeng Xiaoyu's appearance was too young, many of the disciples present doubted Zeng Xiaoyu's Alchemy level.

After all, the alchemy together, which does not need to spend countless years of time to concentrate on research.

By the time those alchemists had made achievements, most of them had become old people.

Many people don't believe that a young man can master the advanced alchemy skills that others need to master for most of their lives.

Of the 500 disciples on the scene, only Qi Shaoxiong looked at his master with an excited look in his eyes.

His worship of master Zeng Xiaoyu has reached an unprecedented level.

He also knew that the master would not let him down.

In addition to Qi Shaoxiong, there was a quiet young man who looked at Zeng Xiaoyu with curiosity and deep thinking on his face.

He had a handsome face, a natural manner, and a good manner. It was clear from a glance that he must be of noble birth.

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoyu looked at him with a suspicious look, he didn't care. He just laughed and said slowly: "the way of alchemy is vast and mysterious. The key to alchemy is to control fire...

when Zeng Xiaoyu began to lecture, a few scornful chuckles came from the audience.

It seems that the voice from the young man's mouth.

However, the voices of several people also attracted the side eyes of many disciples present.

After all, respecting teachers and valuing the way is the iron law in the whole Dandao Xianyuan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!