"Xuanyuanhao's strength is not bad! But for so many years, no one has been able to break through to Xiandi level!

It seems that Xuanyuan old ghost did not pass on his most powerful unique knowledge to the six of them

Wei Yan said lazily.

At this time, under Wei Yan, there stood Lu Junyi, the first disciple of Wei Yan.

"Master, the Oriental Immortal Emperor has not appeared for a million years.

His disciples are not worthy of mentioning at all. As long as the disciples and a few of his younger martial brothers go out, they can be defeated!

Why didn't Shifu take the opportunity to kill them, and then we will occupy the eastern celestial realm and make our southern heaven grow stronger? "

Lu Junyi appears confident to say.

Lu Junyi has already obtained many true biographies of his master and his cultivation at the level of Immortal King, so he is full of confidence.

However, when Wei Yan heard this, he shook his head and said, "in those days, xuanyuanhao, the old man, was seriously injured and escaped into the lower world. In fact, time is running out, and now nine out of ten have fallen!

But these six disciples are not ordinary people! You must not belittle the enemy's carelessness!

Moreover, it is not only a teacher who covets the Oriental immortal region.

The emperor of the North has long been interested in the Oriental immortal region!

This time he held the ten thousand immortals meeting, I'm afraid it's also related to the Oriental immortal region!

Chu Fu Yu was an ambitious man who wanted to be the best in the fairyland.

His first step, of course, was to annex the fairyland of the Orient.

However, it is not easy to swallow up the Oriental fairy land?

The western one, I'm afraid, won't agree easily!

This time, we'll just go to see the fun! "

Lu Junyi hears the speech, looks a Su, quickly bows to say is.

Zeng Xiaoyu and his party left after the Xiandi group of people in the South also set out to continue to the emperor's palace.

Emperor's palace, located in northern Kunxian mountain, range.

The Xianshan mountain in beikun covers an area of ten thousand li. It is one of the rare top-grade caves in the fairyland.

The northern Immortal Emperor built his emperor's palace here.

After countless years of development, so that inside the fairy mountain, pavilions and pavilions loomed in the fairy clouds. The magnificent palace hall is magnificent.

The venue of the ten thousand immortals meeting is located in Mount Xiantai, a famous mountain in the beikun mountains.

The peak of Xiantai mountain is flat as a knife. The top of the mountain is tens of miles round. Even if it can accommodate 100000 immortals, it will not appear crowded.

This meeting of ten thousand immortals was held by Chu Fu Tian, the northern Immortal Emperor, and involved the whole fairyland.

To attend the ten thousand immortals conference, there are top-level fairies from various fairy regions.

Among them, most of them are daloginsen.

When Zeng Xiaoyu and his party came to Xiantai mountain, they found that many fairies had come to attend the meeting.

Most of them are Jinxian and Jinxian.

Moreover, most of these golden immortals and celestial immortals are the followers of those big Luo Jinxian, or the younger generation who come to see the excitement and increase their knowledge and experience.

These forces who came to attend the ten thousand immortals meeting have different influences.

There are hundreds of people with great power, and those with less power are either alone or both masters and apprentices.

When these people came to Xiantai mountain, they found their seats one by one under the guidance of the northern emperor waiting on the mountain.

Zeng Xiaoyu's group of people, under the guidance of the emperor's palace, came to the place where the platform was relatively ahead.

With the arrival of Wu Chunfeng and others, there are many fairies who know Wu Chunfeng's brothers and warmly greet them.

After all, Wu Chunfeng's brothers are all Xianjun level figures.

Within the fairyland, friends are extensive.

In the fairyland has a good status, there are many people know the immortal.

At this conference, I met many acquaintances who came to attend the conference.

Therefore, these people get together, say hello to each other, and introduce their nephew and younger generation to this everyone.

When Wu Chunfeng introduced Zeng Xiaoyu to these people, they were just stunned for a moment, then nodded and did not care.

He thought Zeng Xiaoyu was just a younger generation who came to see the world like Wu Qixiu.

These people just nodded slightly, then ignored Zeng Xiaoyu and continued to make friends with Wu Chunfeng.

Wu Chunfeng's heart was just a wry smile.

Zeng Xiaoyu is a little apprentice of master. Because he is too young, his cultivation is not high.

Therefore, in the face of some long-standing Dara Jinxian masters, they are often ignored.

However, in view of Zeng Xiaoyu has not yet grown up, the elder martial brothers are not willing to expose Zeng Xiaoyu's identity too much.

Therefore, Zeng Xiaoyu can only be wronged, just like the younger generation, standing behind them to listen.

Zeng Xiaoyu obviously doesn't care. Now he has understood the law of time and has already dabbled in the study of the law of space.As long as he is promoted to the later stage of daruo Jinxian, he can become the Immortal Emperor.

If he can understand the law of space or the law of power, he will become a more powerful existence than the Immortal Emperor.

Sages and taozu, the only one in the fairyland!

At that time, even if he didn't want to be famous, it was difficult for him.

But now, he is in the territory of the enemy, the northern Immortal Emperor.

The enmity between him and the emperor's palace had been settled as early as the lower boundary.

Today, though his fighting power is comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor.

But it is his consistent style to keep a low profile and avoid trouble when there is no need.

As time went on, more and more immortals arrived.

Seeing that the start time of the meeting is approaching, all the fairies should have arrived.

The seats on the whole mount Xiantai are full of seats and are very lively.

This conference is known as the immortal. From the scene, the number of immortals who have come to attend the ten thousand immortals meeting has absolutely exceeded ten thousand, and the number is close to one hundred thousand.

These people sit in their own places according to their seats. Some of them keep their eyes closed and some talk in groups. The scene is very lively.

"The Immortal Emperor has arrived!"

The voice of a deacon in the emperor's palace suddenly rang out.

With the fall of this person's voice, the originally noisy peak suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked at the head together, but saw two classes of powerful immortal flying from afar.

Two classes of immortals have not yet arrived, fairy music rings, tiannv scattered flowers.

Under the public's attention, there are two immortals wearing emperor's clothes. Surrounded by many immortals, they fly slowly and fall on the two high platforms in the venue.

They looked up and looked at it carefully, but on the high platform in the middle sat an emperor with a long white beard and a square face with Danfeng eyes.

This is the northern Xiandi, also the Lord of the palace of emperor Tiandi, Chu Fu Tian.

On the left of Chu Fu Tian sits a long faced emperor with a thin face. Naturally, it is Wei Yan, the southern Immortal Emperor.

It is clear to all the immortals that the Oriental Immortal Emperor, the strongest in the fairyland, has disappeared a million years ago and has never been seen.

As for the Western Immortal Emperor, it has always been a very mysterious existence in the hearts of people.

This man is a Buddhist monk. He only practices in his own palace and seldom cares about fairyland.

The northern Xiandi held such an important meeting and sent out invitation cards.

However, it is obvious that the Western Xiandi ignored the invitation of the northern Xiandi and did not attend at all.

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