Zeng Xiaoyu's eyes swept the two immortal emperors of Chu Fu Tian and Wei Yan, and frowned slightly.

The breath in these two people is extremely strong.

Everyone is surrounded by the power of the law, which is one of the few people in the whole fairyland who understand the power of the law.

Their strength is very strong and they have been famous for a long time.

Zeng Xiaoyu has extremely rich experience in combat. Zeng Xiaoyu thought to himself that with his current strength, he should be able to maintain invincible if he is fighting with all his strength, but there is no chance of winning.

This is also because the law of time that he has understood is one of the best of all.

Otherwise, Zeng Xiaoyu is absolutely difficult to fight with the emperor.

Zeng Xiaoyu once had a fight with the devil emperor in the demon world, so he has a rough judgment on his own strength.

Therefore, Zeng Xiaoyu thinks that if you want to kill them, you can't do it with your current strength.

In the northern Xiandi's entourage, Zeng Xiaoyu unexpectedly found Gao Qian and his son.

Gao Qian and his son looked at Zeng Xiaoyu with a sneer on their faces.

Obviously, Gao Qian was the spy of the northern Immortal Emperor who had been planted in the Dandao immortal courtyard.

Wu Chunfeng naturally saw Gao Qian and his son, and a trace of anger flashed on his face.

He had long guessed about Gao Qian's identity. This time, he saw Gao Qian appear in the entourage behind the northern Immortal Emperor.

Naturally, it has been known that Gao Qian was the spy of the northern Xiandi who had been planted in the immortal courtyard.

Moreover, the northern Xiandi grew up with Gao Qian and his son. Obviously, he didn't pay too much attention to the dandaoxianyuan.

After all, nine times out of ten, the eastern Immortal Emperor has fallen. Although his disciples are powerful, they are nothing to him.

Gao Qian and his son looked at Zeng Xiaoyu's group of people with a proud sneer on their faces.

At this time, Gao Qian has a fairy attendant beside him. Looking at Zeng Xiaoyu, his face is full of shock and disbelief.

For this person, Zeng Xiaoyu may not have much impression.

But Zeng Xiaoyu once left an impression on this person, which was too deep.

This man is the ancestor of emperor tiandaozong, Chu Daolong, who came up from the spirit world in a hurry!

At that time, Chu Daolong was in the Lingjie emperor tiandaozong, which was a figure at the level of the ancestor.

Since flying to the fairyland, he can only serve as the follower of the Immortal Emperor.

Fortunately, the dragon body of Chu Road has the blood of the Immortal Emperor Chu Fu Tian.

After flying up, he was trained by Chu Fu Tian as his younger generation, so he was qualified to stand behind the Immortal Emperor as an attendant.

"Lao Zu, he is the one who destroyed your orthodoxy in the spirit world!"

Chu Daolong's eyes are fixed on Zeng Xiaoyu, hate voice said.

Chu Daolong's words still attracted Chu Fu Tian's attention.

Chu Fu Tian looked at Zeng Xiaoyu and nodded slightly, showing a sneer on his face.

"Don't worry, after today, some disciples of the eastern Immortal Emperor, as well as the group of people under them, will become the vassals of this emperor. At that time, I will deal with this person again!"

Hearing the speech, Chu Daolong's face flashed with joy.

Chu Fu Tian's eyes glanced at nearly 100000 fairies under the stage, and said slowly, "it's an important announcement to call all of you to attend the ten thousand immortals meeting in the emperor's Palace today."

Hearing the speech, all the people present immediately came to the spirit.

They want to know what the northern Immortal Emperor is going to announce.

People's eyes are focused on the northern Immortal Emperor.

Chu Fu Tian saw that all the people were looking at him attentively. There was a flash of light in his eyes. He continued to speak slowly and said, "this matter is related to the Oriental immortal region!

As you all know, the Oriental Immortal Emperor has been missing for millions of years!

In the eastern immortal region, there has been no fierce master for many years!

This leads to a loose sand in the Xianyu area, which is not conducive to the development of the Oriental immortal region!

The emperor thought that the immortals in the eastern immortal region were lonely and helpless, and decided to send my first apprentice Han Zhanxing as the king of the Oriental immortal region to be responsible for the management of the whole oriental immortal region.

My apprentice Zhanxing is rare to see for a million years. Now the strength has reached the peak of Xianjun, and half of my steps have entered the imperial level! Can be called the first person under the Immortal Emperor!

With his ability, I believe that he can manage the Oriental immortal region well and make it develop better

Chu Fu Tian's voice just fell, and behind him a tall and straight young man with a proud face immediately stood up.

This young man is the proud apprentice of Chu Fu Tian, Han Zhanxing.

His breath was sharp as a sword, and there was a faint power of rules around him.

It is obvious that the power of certain laws has been preliminarily realized.

However, it is only a first glimpse of the door, not yet entry.

Therefore, at this time can only be called Xianjun, not Xiandi.

But even so, the strong breath of his body also made many people present slightly change color.Even the first apprentice of Wei Yan, the Immortal Emperor of the south, looked into the eyes of Korean War Star with fear.

Boom ~

"what? The northern Immortal Emperor even wants to send his disciples to the eastern immortal region!

Doesn't this mean that the eastern immortal region will be merged into the territory of the northern imperial palace? "

Many of the people present changed their faces.

In particular, Wu Chunfeng's sitting disciples of the eastern Immortal Emperor, as well as many immortals in the Oriental immortal region, all showed a look of astonishment and anger when they heard the speech.

The dominant family and high-pressure rule of the eastern and Northern Xianyu are different.

Even when the Oriental Immortal Emperor was still alive, he ruled the Oriental immortal region in a relatively peaceful way.

Although he is an Immortal Emperor, he seldom gets involved in the affairs of the fairyland. Only when there is a major crisis or a major dispute in the eastern immortal region will the emperor appear.

But the northern Immortal Emperor was different. His ambition was great and his desire for power was very strong. The emperor's Palace which he established ruled everything in the northern immortal region.

Under the jurisdiction of northern Xianyu, if anyone dares to disobey or rebel against their immortals, they will be killed mercilessly in the end.

It is under the rule of this kind of iron blood and high pressure that the immortals of northern Xianyu lead a miserable life.

All the other immortals in Xianyu see these situations.

Now I see that the northern Immortal Emperor actually intends to extend his magic claws to the eastern immortal region. Naturally, the first immortal in the eastern immortal region is not willing to.

Therefore, just after the northern Immortal Emperor Chu Fu Tian's voice dropped, the scene was full of excitement, and the immortal people in the eastern immortal region all spoke out and talked loudly.

Wu Chunfeng and Zhao chuanzeng Xiaoyu looked at each other, and their faces were very ugly.

People did not expect that the northern Immortal Emperor held this ten thousand immortals meeting in order to annex the eastern immortal region and bring it under his rule.

"I object! Dongfang Xianyu has always been my master's area!

Although my teacher has been missing for many years, we apprentices are still here!

If you want to rule our eastern immortal region, you should first ask our elder martial brothers whether they agree or not! "

The hot tempered Zhao Po took the lead in shouting against the northern Xiandi's proposal.

Only the southern Xiandi and his entourage were indifferent and had a good look.

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