When Chu Fu Tian and Han Zhan Xing see that someone is against their proposal, there is a flash of light in their eyes.

Chu Fu Tian laughed and said, "my proposal is very reasonable!

If you think anyone can beat the apprentice of this seat, you can come out to challenge!

If we can defeat our disciples, then this proposal is abandoned.

If you can't, I advise you to obey me! Don't drink without eating or drinking! "

Zhao Po could not sit still after listening to it. He took the lead in jumping onto the fighting platform in the middle of the venue, pointing to Han Zhanxing and saying, "I'll meet you for a while."

"Master Zhao, don't be careless

"Elder martial brother Zhao, be careful!"

Wu Chunfeng's brothers saw Zhao Po, who had a hot temper, came to the stage and were anxious in their seats.

Zeng Xiaoyu's eyebrows were even more tight and worried.

Although Zhao Po's strength is strong, it is absolutely ranked on the top of many immortal kings, but compared with the Korean War Star, it seems that some of them are inferior.

Zeng Xiaoyu secretly worried for the second elder martial brother with a hot temper.

The faces of the other brothers were also worried.

At this time, Han Zhanxing and Chu Fu Tian looked at each other, and a sneer came up from the corners of his mouth.

After that, he came to the fighting platform.

The breath of Korean War Star is calm, giving people a feeling of cold as a poisonous snake. The brothers are worried that Zhao Po will suffer under the hand of Korean War Star.

Seeing Zhao Po and Han Zhan star on the fighting arena, all the immortals attending the meeting focused their attention on the arena.

In particular, those immortals from the eastern fairy region were excited and spoke out one after another to cheer Zhao Po.

"Zhao Xianjun! Be sure to teach this person a good lesson!

The territory of our Oriental immortal region can not be ruled by anyone who wants to rule! "

"Brother Zhao, you don't have to be polite to them. You can't let the people of northern Xianyu succeed and rule our eastern Xianyu!"

"The eastern immortal region is our own. Why should you rule the northern immortal region?"

Many people spoke out in succession, denouncing the teachers and disciples of the northern Immortal Emperor.

At this time, on the arena, Zhao Po and Han Zhan star stand opposite each other.

The two men made eye contact, and their eyes flashed at the same time.

"Zhao Po, the second apprentice of the eastern Immortal Emperor, is here to meet you for a while!"

Zhao Po's eyes stare at the Korean War Star, said solemnly.

"Han Zhanxing, the eldest disciple of the northern celestial throne!

Hey, how dare you resist my master's resolution? I don't know what to do! I'm going to have my operation on you today! "

Han Zhanxing said that, with a wave of his skill, countless ice arrows condensed from ice crystals suddenly appeared out of thin air. The ice arrows turned into a torrent of arrows and shot at Zhao Po one after another.

Zhao Po saw that Korean War Star despised himself. His face was angry and his hand pressed. A red flame appeared to meet the arrow rain of Korean War Star.

The fight between ice and fire began to spread over the arena.

Zhao Po practiced the fire way burning the sky skill, and the fire attribute skill has been extremely proficient. A group of burning sky fire has great power.

Han Zhanxing cultivates the extremely powerful ice attribute skill - ice sealed ten thousand li skill. His ice attribute magical power is also superb.

The ice arrow and the flame meet in mid air and are incompatible.

The ice arrow, like a moth to a fire, plunges into the flames.

The flame urged and melted most of the ice arrows.

Only a few ice arrows were fast enough to break through the blockade of the flame and shoot at Zhao Po.

Zhao broke his face to show anger, opened his mouth and spit out a breath of immortal fire, melting the ice arrows near his body completely.

At the same time, Zhao broke his hand, and the immortal fire in the air immediately rushed to Han Zhan Xing.

However, Han Zhanxing just flickered slightly, and immediately escaped the killing of immortal fire.

The immortal fire hit the ground of the challenge arena and blew up on it.

This arena has long been strongly forbidden by the northern Xiandi. Even Zhao Po's immortal fire was immediately absorbed by the prohibition on the ground when it fell to the ground.

Zhao Po and Han Zhanxing are both Xianjun level figures.

The speed of the two sides is extremely fast. On the challenge arena, you come and go and fight constantly, which makes everyone dazzled.

The immortal with lower cultivation can't see the movements of the two men at all, and can only see two shadows flickering in the arena.

Zeng Xiaoyu looks at two people in the arena to fight, frown more and more tight.

From the current situation, Zhao Po in the face of Korean War Star, did not occupy any advantage.

At this time, the failure has appeared, and I am afraid it will soon be defeated.

Sure enough, when Zeng Xiaoyu just thought about it, he saw that Han Zhan star escaped Zhao Po's fire attack. With a finger in his hand, Zhao Po's body was completely sealed by a layer of ice.

Zhao broke his face and showed a look of horror. He wanted to break free, but it was hard to do it for a while.

At this time, Han Zhan star showed a grim smile on his face, and his body swayed. He immediately appeared in front of Zhao Po, and a cold palm pressed against Zhao Po's chest.Zhao broke the ice immortal spirit of China and South Korea War Star, covered with frost all over his body and sprayed blood from his mouth, and fell down from the challenge arena.

"Senior brother Zhao!"

Zhang Daoxian and Wu herdsmen were so surprised that they rushed to catch Zhao Po who fell down from the challenge arena.

Zhao Po shivered with cold and looked pale.

And when Zhang Daoxian and they just touched Zhao Po's body, their faces changed greatly.

The other side's icy immortal Qi is extremely amazing. It not only blocks Zhao Po's immortal power, but also spreads from Zhao Po's body. He wants to drill into the bodies of several younger martial brothers.

Zhang Daoxian's face changed, and he quickly used his magic power to dissolve the ice immortal Qi.

And Zeng Xiaoyu had already quietly come to Zhao Po's back, and the fire attribute Xianli in Zhao Po's body circled around, completely dissolving the ice immortal Qi in Zhao's body.

With the help of Zeng Xiaoyu, Zhao Po finally cracked the ice immortal Qi and stabilized the injury.

Although his face was pale, it was much better than before.

Zhao looked back and saw that standing behind him was Zeng Xiaoyu.

Zhao Po's heart was shocked, just now Zeng Xiaoyu's fire attribute immortal power is even stronger than him, which proves that Zeng Xiaoyu's strength is even stronger than him!

Zeng Xiaoyu nodded to Zhao Po, Zhao Po understood, and nodded to Zeng Xiaoyu.

"What? Zhao Chuanxian Jun was defeated by Han Zhanxing

People looked at each other, especially the immortals in the eastern fairy region, who were dead and gray.

Even Zhao Po, whose fire attribute is extremely powerful, is not the opponent of Korean War Star. Who else is the opponent?

Everyone looked at each other and saw the horror and despair in each other's eyes.

"I'll meet you for a moment."

When Zeng Xiaoyu was still healing for Zhao Po, the elder martial brother Wu Chunfeng immediately flew up and came to the challenge arena.

Han Zhan star took a look at Wu Chunfeng, and his look became a little more solemn, but he still looked at Wu Chunfeng with pride.

"You are not my match

Wu Chunfeng heard the words, and his face became angry: "hum! boast without shame! Look

Wu Chunfeng said, his fist moved, and he immediately used his fist to smash the heaven and earth to blow out the Korean star.

The fist fell. Starting from Wu Chunfeng's fist, a black space crack quickly spread to the Korean War Star.

It can break the heaven and earth and practice to the extreme. Even the void can be smashed.

With Wu Chunfeng's fighting power, it is not difficult to create several cracks in space to hurt the enemy.

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