Chapter 1133: With a new love, forget the old love

Rui Yu was tired.

She was reluctant to nod, but because Su Yujie still had a wounded first love in her heart.

She had no choice but to let Su Yujie forget the other party.

Rui Yu is a coward. After being betrayed by her boyfriend to the point of fragmentation, it is difficult to love again.

She couldn't help it.

Xiao Jing didn't know what to say, she had already walked out of the pain of the past and started a new life again.

But suddenly she was tied back again, and when she saw Su Yujie, she was completely stunned and didn't know what to say.

Rui Yu cried more fiercely, as if to cry out of fear.

Su Yujie, who was on her knees, felt frustrated, "Don't cry, I want to cry if you cry."

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he is not sad.

He can't let these two women go,

One is the first love that has been guilty for half a lifetime, and was unable to save her when she was young.

For countless nights, he regretted it.

The other is someone he wants to stay with for life, he is not willing to let go.

"It's really a pair of fateful mandarin ducks. Men really are not good things. They have a new love and forget their old love." Zuo Mishuang despised Su Yujie.

"Zuo Mishuang, you let them go, I jump down, okay?"

"Impossible!" Zuo Mishuang showed a fierce appearance, "When I showed you good, did you let me go?"

Zuo Mishuang was here to retaliate. How could she easily let Su Yujie go? Her goal was to make Su Yujie better than die.

"Choose quickly!" Zuo Mishuang has lost his patience, "Otherwise I will kill Su Xiaoli first!"

"Killing pays for your life, even if you succeed, you will not end well." Xia Yishan remained calm.

She must postpone the time, waiting for Yan Lang to bring people over, leaving traces along the way, it should not be too late.

"I didn't plan to get out today." Zuo Mi sneered.

She didn't expect that she would be ruined by Zuo Zhenzhen. She didn't want to make a living. Living in this world felt it a shame, a great shame.

Why, she has to pay the price and become filthy, and Xia Yishan and Su Jingting are loving and living a good life!


"Zuo Mishuang, you are Su Ruoyi's best friend, how can you bear to hurt her child! Su Xiaoli is her life!"

In order not to irritate Zuo Mishuang, the lunatic Xia Yishan's name Su Ruoyi!

"Beauty?" Zuo Mi laughed. "If you are a real girlfriend, she would have helped me become her sister-in-law! She is not sincere to me at all! Stop insulting your girlfriend!"

If Su Ruoyi really regarded her as a best friend, she would not have not helped her at all after she was expelled from the Zuo clan group.

"She wants to help you, I won't let her find you." Xia Yishan said the truth.

However, Su Jingting did all this before she could make a move.

What Su Jingting did was what she did. The husband and wife were one body, and everyone did the same.

"Do you think I would believe what you said?"

You don’t need to believe it, just take the time to doubt it!

"You and Su Ruoyi have been friends for so many years, don't you know her? I was afraid that she would be partial to you, so I did everything possible to stop her."

Zuo Mishuang looked at Xia Yishan with pity in his eyes, "Actually, you said these have no meaning to me. Even if Su Ruoyi treats me as a girlfriend, I would not treat her as a girlfriend. Without Su Jingting, I would befriend her. doing what!"

The truth of the truth is often the cruelest.

If Su Ruoyi were here, how uncomfortable it would be to hear these words.

The hardest thing to do is her middleman.

"You let them go, I will replace them."

"No, don't you sister-in-law!" Su Yujie was startled when Xia Yishan said this.

"Don't worry, neither of you can escape."

Zuo Mishuang stayed beside Su Xiaoli and didn't walk away at all. Xia Yishan was very cunning, and she couldn't give her a little chance to get out.

Zuo Mishuang's patience was limited. She had already seen Su Yujie intercede, so she forced Su Yujie to make a choice.

"Su Yujie, if you don't choose anymore, I will throw both of them away!"

Zuo Mi is cruel!

"I choose!"

"Choose who to live!"

"I..." Su Yujie couldn't choose anything like this!

He is already sorry for Xiao Jing, but he is also sorry for Rui Yu!


Su Yujie's voice was trembling, "Rui Yu, I'm sorry."

Rui Yu closed his eyes.

He knew that he would choose this way, but why her heart was still so sad.


"Rui Yu, wait for me."

Rui Yu opened his eyes again and looked at Su Yujie for unknown reasons.

Where he knelt, his smile seemed to be liberated, "I will follow you wherever you go."

Follow heaven and hell.

Rui Yu wanted to scold him for being a fool, but he couldn't say anything when the words came to his lips.

"You mean, you choose to let Rui Yu go down?"

Zuo Mishuang's men had aimed their guns at the rope that tied Rui Yu.


Since the last time on the plane, Su Jingting failed to receive the news. After landing, he immediately returned to the flight and went to Xia Yishan to explain. Su Jingting made a special device at a very high price so that he can receive messages normally on the plane.

Unexpectedly, it came in handy.

Sun Hong directly showed Su Jingting the news from Xia Yishan and Su Yujie.

Su Jingting's face changed so fast that Su Ruoyi beside her was scared.

The aura was completely radiated, and the hostility on his body was almost like a knife, which could kill people directly.



But it was only halfway through, and the plane's return was no joke.

"I will bear all losses, and inform Chi Zhenqing and Yan Lang as quickly as possible."


Sun Hong immediately went to handle it.

It is necessary to notify all non-departed flights to be grounded, and flights that have taken off to avoid the course.

Two things are not easy to do.

However, Chi Zhenqing has her own private jet, and it is faster to come here.

Su Ruoyi was vaguely disturbed, her eyelids kept twitching.

Although Su Jingting didn't say anything, he called Chi Zhenqing. Could it be that...

Su Ruoyi grabbed Su Jingting's wrist anxiously, "Brother, has something happened?"

Seeing that his sister was so anxious, Su Jingting couldn't bear to lie to her, "Nothing serious..."

"Brother, tell me, don't you..."

"Rui Yu and Xiaoli were kidnapped, Shanshan and Yujie have passed."


Su Ruoyi felt dizzy.

Her daughter, who is only three years old, has already experienced a second kidnapping?

"Don't panic, our people have passed, we will go back soon."

"Brother, is there anything going to happen to Xiaoli?" Su Ruoyi burst into tears.

The little princess of the Su family was squeamish and willful in her early years, and she had never cried so bitterly...