Chapter 1134: Su Xiaoli is his child

His own sister cried loudly, and Su Jingting could not remain indifferent.

"I made the decision without authorization and let Chi Zhenqing rush over."

Su Ruoyi understood.

As smart as Su Jingting, how could he fail to see through her mind.

"Brother, have you already known..."

Su Jingting nodded.

"If there is no Xiao Li, I may not be able to survive. As long as Xiao Li is fine, even if... even if she follows Chi Zhenqing, I will recognize it, who will let... Xiao Li be his child!"

Su Ruoyi still admitted.

"Xiao Li is your child and also the child of our Su family. If you don't want to give it to him, brother will take care of it."

Su Jingting never promises lightly, but if he promises, he will do it.

Su Ruoyi cried more fiercely, and Su Jingting let her lean on her shoulder.

But Su Jingting's heart had already panicked.

He could not accept that any one had an accident.

After crying for a while, Su Ruoyi took the tissue from Su Jingting and wiped her tears, "Who kidnapped Rui Yu and Xiaoli? Hasn't the last kidnapper been arrested?"

"Zuo Mishuang."

"How could it be! How could it be Shuang Mi!"

Su Ruoyi didn't believe it, Zuo Mi Shuangming had rescued Su Xiaoli, how could such a thing be done!

"It's her, your sister-in-law can't be wrong."

"I do not believe."

It seems that there are some things that should be told to Su Ruoyi.

Su Jingting remembered that Xia Yishan said that Su Ruoyi would grow up, so instead of accustomed to her life, it is better to teach her how to see through intrigues.

"Zuo Mishuang threatened your sister-in-law. If she doesn't leave me, she will expose your affairs."

"Brother, is it true?" Su Ruoyi couldn't accept it anymore.

However, Su Jingting nodded and confirmed.

"The kidnapping case of Xiaoli was controlled by Zuo Mi with one hand in order to enter the Su family."

"She... She's really crazy, I haven't noticed it, and treated her as a girlfriend... I..." Su Ruoyi thought of her stupidity over the past few years, and she felt ridiculous.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Mishuang was such a person.

Is it really so unscrupulous to get her brother?

Is such a distorted view of love really normal?

"You don't need to blame yourself, if you don't know, if you don't know, you can deal with Zuo Mi first, don't forget that Xiao Li is still in her hands."


Martial law is imposed at the Beijing Airport.

All people waiting for the flight were not allowed to leave the waiting hall, and many security personnel were dispatched to control the scene.

The flight was grounded.

Outside the airport is a static record.

Su Jingting's flight landed, and Su Jingting and Sun Hong walked out quickly. Their people and the people sent by Yan Lang were already waiting. They didn't care too much, so they boarded the car and drove out of the airport speedingly.

Even the roads they pass through are processed. The driver was born as a race car driver. With the first-class sports car, the speed is fast.

Sun Hong was about to vomit halfway, but Su Jingting was still the same, unable to see his emotions.

Just learn the latest situation from Yan Lang's staff.

As for Su Ruoyi, Su Jingting asked to stay at the airport and wait for Chi Zhenqing.

Su Jingting didn't want Su Ruoyi to take risks with him.

When Chi Zhenqing arrives, his people will join Su Jingting's people, and they will also come, when Su Ruoyi will come too.

What Su Jingting didn't know was that Chi Zhenqing's speed was faster than he thought, but it was just the front and back feet.

Moreover, Chi Zhenqing's speed was not slower than Su Jingting's.

Desperately one by one!

Su Jingting worked hard for his family,

And Chi Zhenqing did it when she saw Su Ruoyi at a loss and not crying.


Yan Lang is an intelligence organization, and his secret probe has reached the location where Zuo Mishuang is, and the surveillance video is sent back.

Su Jingting did not go to Zuo Mi Shuangna for the first time, but joined Yan Lang first.

Regardless of saying hello, Yan Lang saw Su Jingting just like he saw Xia Yishan, "Yi and Jie Shao's guns have been handed over, and Zuo Mi has three hostages in his hands. They can't move at all."

Su Jingting quickly checked the screen.

In addition to Rui Yu and Xiaoli, there is a third hostage!

Su Jingting's memory has always been very good. When he saw the half of Xiaojing's face that could be photographed, he instantly understood.

It was Xiaojing!

Zuo Mishuang is really holding Su Yujie's handle this time!

Damn it!

"If you go up front, you will be spotted as long as you show up. According to the terrain, the mountain next door is more severe and can be covered." Yan Lang said as he chose the guns sent by his men.

For many years, he doesn't need to do it himself.

He and Xia Yishan are friends of life and death and must protect her safety.

After Yan Lang finished picking up the gun, he was about to go up the mountain, "Mr. Su, you are here to wait for me, I will take people up. The terrain here is unfamiliar and it is not easy to cover. Don't expose it."

Before he finished speaking, Su Jingting directly picked up his gun, "together."

Yan Lang, "???"


In the end, only Su Jingting and Yan Lang went up the mountain, and their people kept a certain distance from them.

Walking with the mountain on their back, they couldn't see the situation on Zuo Mishuang's side. In addition, the speed of the two was obviously hindered by the steep mountain road.



When the gun was aimed at Rui Yu.

"Wait a minute!" Su Yujie still couldn't bear it, he couldn't do it.

"Oh! Do you regret it? Then let Xiaojing go down!"

"No!" Su Yujie was in a dilemma, "I go down, I jump down, you let them go!"

This is the best way he can think of.

Sacrifice him and save these two girls.

"You will be cheaper if you die. It is the most painful thing to live and watch the death of your beloved one, just like I watched Su Jingting and Xia Yishan together, but no matter how hard I tried, it was useless!"

"Do you know where you lost?" Xia Yishan did not hesitate to throw up such a topic in order to delay time.

"Where?" This is also a topic that Zuo Mishuang has always wanted to ask Su Jingting, but couldn't ask.

"Because you are stupid, no man likes you like this."

"How about me?"

"Men like birds and people! No one likes a big bird like you spreading its wings. At the beginning, I concealed that I was a president, so I stayed with Su Jingting! As for you, the one side you showed was strong at the beginning. Rich, powerful, and capable. A man marries his wife to spoil him, not to make money at home, especially a man like Su Jingting. Do you think Su Jingting lacks your money?"

What Xia Yishan said hit the nail on the head.

Zuo Mishuang's helpers are all male, and they are also confused at this time.

This is, the kidnapped is giving lessons to kidnappers, learning how to hold a man’s heart, is there any mistake?

Zuo Mishuang won't really believe it, right?

One of the helpers warned Zuo Mishuang not to be misled.