Chapter 435: Nanfeng Island belongs to Mr. Song

Song Jinze really forgot. He just finished cooking the first pot, and when it came to the second pot, he thought about pouring it in directly, without thinking about anything else.

Ye Zhen Zhen twitched her lips, pointed at the dumpling in the pot and said, "How about I cook a dumpling for you next time? Let's eat the boiled one today?"

Song Jinze doesn't know how to cook, so it's a bit embarrassing for him to cook dumplings with fillings, let alone fried dumplings.

It would be nice if these dumplings could be cooked.

Xiao Yi nodded immediately, "That's fine, since my sister-in-law said she would compensate me in the future, then I won't be as knowledgeable as some people!"

When Xiao Yi said this, Xiao Yi's face was full of arrogance, and the end of his eyes wished to hang up on the tree.

Song Yuchen sat at the table and clapped his hands happily, "Mom, I want to eat the dumplings made by you next time, they are delicious!"

Gu Xiaoran: "I want to eat too!"

Song Jinze said coldly, "No way!"

He stared at Xiao Yi's smiling face, a gleam of coldness glided from the bottom of his dark eyes, "Leave if you don't eat, how can there be so much nonsense for a meal."

He has never eaten the dumplings made by Zhen Zhen, besides, with him around, his wife absolutely cannot fry dumplings for other men.

Xiao Yi snorted coldly, "Careful, Zhen Zhen cooks for me, what's your business?"

"Zhenzhen is my wife!"

"Brother, but Zhenzhen is my sister-in-law!"

"you shut up!"

Ye Zhen Zhen turned around and left, she can't stay here, she can't stay any longer.

These two big men are too childish!

【Why do I feel that Xiao Yi is here to add trouble to Mr. Song! 】

【Hahaha, I laughed so hard, I think so too! 】

【Ye Zhen Zhen: These two are too naive, I want a divorce, let them live together! 】

【Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, Mr. Song is such an excellent man who loves his wife, he will never divorce Zhen Zhen. 】

After breakfast, Xiao Wen called all the guests together and announced a new announcement;

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I just received the latest weather report. It will rain heavily on Nanfeng Island tonight. For the safety of everyone, our recording location will be changed. Please pack your luggage now and board the ship later. Arrived at the new recording location."

Before coming to Nanfeng Island, the program team prepared two recording locations, thinking that if it rains on Nanfeng Island, they will change places.

Nanfeng Island is far away from Haicheng, and it is on the sea. If it rains heavily, it may be accompanied by strong winds. It doesn’t matter to adults. It is mainly children. The program team can’t make fun of children’s bodies.

Simply change the location early to record, and on this deserted island, Anxi's family seems to be unable to adapt. They didn't cook all day yesterday, and they didn't cook this meal in the morning.

Gu Xiaoran ate with Song Yuchen, but An Xi and Gu Liangjun were hungry in the morning.

Director Fei saw that the situation was not right, so he might as well be anxious for everyone to change places after breakfast. There are still the last few days, and he only hopes that the recording of this show will end smoothly.

All the guests didn’t say anything. They went back to pack their luggage and prepared to leave. Only Director Yang felt sorry that such a good fishing place would be gone.

An Xi was relieved, as long as she could leave this deserted island, she would be fine if she stayed here again, she felt that she might starve to death.

【Is the desert island survival variety show over so soon? Don't record yet? 】

【Quickly change places and leave. If there is heavy rain and strong winds on this deserted island at night, a group of people will be ruined. 】

【Did the program group not read the weather forecast before recording? 】

[To be honest, in cities in the south, the weather forecast is not accurate until the nearest day before. Besides, the program team plans to stay in Nanfeng Island for three days, which means that if it does not rain, we will leave the day after tomorrow morning. In fact, it is not certain normal! 】

【Hi! If you change places, just change places, as long as there are Mr. Song and Zhenzhen, I will keep watching! 】

【I have to add Xiao Yi, who is so talkative, haha, I think he is really funny】

Everyone just came yesterday, and they set up tents in the wild again. They didn’t take out a lot of luggage, and there was nothing to pack. They quickly gathered again and started boarding the ship.

At this time, the program group has stopped recording, in case the audience finds the next place where the guests are going.

Song Jinze asked Ye Zhenzhen before boarding the boat, "Do you like the environment here?"

Ye Zhen Zhen turned her head and glanced at the silvery white sandy beach and the small island with a large forest behind, "Of course I like the environment, it's far away from the urban area, it's very clean."

She once joked with people that if one day she saved enough money and stopped doing charity, she would spend money to buy a small island to build a house, build a swimming pool, be the owner of the island, and live a free life. happy…

Song Jinze nodded, with a clear expression on Jun's face, he stretched out his hand to lead Zhenzhen into the boat.

Gu Liangjun also heard Song Jinze's words. After getting on the boat, he purposely sat next to Song Jinze and got close to him, "Mr. Song, in fact, the environment of Nanfeng Island is good. It's pretty good too."

Just now Song Jinze asked his wife about the environment here, he guessed that the other party must have the intention of developing.

An Xi sat diagonally across from Gu Liangjun, and frowned slightly after hearing what he said to Song Jinze. Gu Liangjun, who can't even handle the business of the Gu family, actually went to talk to Song Jinze about tourism project development?

Song Jinze glanced at Gu Liangjun coldly, "Do you want to do development here?"

When Gu Liangjun heard Song Jinze asking himself, he immediately nodded, "Well, I think this location is very good, the environment is very good, far away from the urban area, but the place is a bit small, and a big project needs to be spent on reclamation, otherwise the development is so small Not a good deal.”

Song Jinze tugged at the corner of his lips, "Oh, really?"

"Yes, there is another one, Mr. Song, there is another island in front of Nanfeng Island, which is bigger than Nanfeng Island. I think it can imitate the Maldives and directly fill the sea to connect the two islands. It has become the domestic Maldives..."

Xiao Yi interrupted Gu Liangjun, "Wait a minute, Mr. Gu, the island in front of Nanfeng Island you mentioned is Beifeng Island. It's mine, and I've already bought it."

Gu Liangjun smiled awkwardly, "Ah, did you buy it?"

Xiao Yi didn't raise his eyelids, and added, "Nanfeng Island belongs to Mr. Song."

Gu Liangjun's eyes widened immediately, this... this...

An Xi turned her head directly and didn't look at them, Gu Liangjun was too ashamed!

Xiao Yi gave Song Jinze an angry look, turned his head and said nothing.

Song Jinze's eyes were slightly cold, and he didn't say anything else.

These two islands were originally what Zhou Ziyi wanted to buy, but Zhou Ziyi disappeared. Later, when Song Jinze and Xiao Yi secretly found someone to buy these two islands, they were one step behind the other, and they each bought the two islands. an island.

Because of this, apart from the unhappiness of the two about adopting Xiaochen, they also became more and more ignorant of each other because of the purchase of these two islands.