The new recording location is Wutong Village, a small village far from the center of Haicheng City. It took nearly two hours for the guests to arrive by boat and change to a car.

A group of staff from the program group has arrived first, and they are all waiting to shoot with their machines.

Ye Zhen Zhen suddenly felt a little cold when she got out of the car, the silk gauze dress she was wearing was as cold as if she hadn't worn it.

Although the temperature in Wutong Village is quite high in winter, compared with Nanfeng Island, the temperature is still about ten degrees lower. The temperature here is similar to wearing long-sleeved trousers, and you have to add a jacket when the temperature is low in the morning and evening.

Song Jinze noticed Ye Zhenzhen's slight expression, raised his hand to stop her shoulder, rubbed it lightly, "Feel cold?"

Ye Zhen Zhen nodded, "A little bit."

Song Jinze didn't answer the call, and directly opened the suitcase containing her clothes, took out a coat, put it on her body, "Put it on."

Ye Zhen Zhen looked at him in surprise, "I thought you didn't bring..."

The moment she got out of the car, she was still thinking that Song Jinze packed the luggage. Apart from skirts, there were relatively thin spring and autumn clothes in her suitcase, and she didn't seem to see a thicker coat.

"Your suitcase can't fit, so put it here." As he spoke, he also closed the suitcase.

【Huh~ I'm so sweet, where can I find such a careful man, my God! 】

【Not only careful, but also gentle and considerate to his wife, and full of his wife, ahhh, I'm so envious! 】

【It wasn’t until these two days that I finally understood the reason why everyone said Song was always an old man, but Ye Zhenzhen didn’t refute it. Such a good man has to be hidden! 】

【Our sister Zhenzhen said before that her husband is not an old man, you just don’t believe me! 】

【I believe it now, I believe it very much now! 】

Xu Wanjia, who was also wearing a skirt, also felt cold. She touched Xiao Yiyi's hand, "It's a bit cold, mom will bring you some clothes to wear."

Director Yang was wearing short-sleeved shorts, and he followed suit, "Jiajia, I also feel a little cold."

"Add more clothes when it's cold!"

Xu Wanjia took out a pink knitted coat and put it on little Yiyi, "Okay, it won't be cold this way!"

Director Yang sighed helplessly, "Didn't you not let me bring a down jacket yesterday? Then all I brought were thin summer clothes."

Xu Wanjia: "Then don't you bring some thick clothes for spring and autumn?"

Director Yang shook his head, "No."

Xu Wanjia: …

In addition to Xu Wanjia, An Xi and Qiu Wanshuang also started to take out clothes for their children and themselves.

Ji Ziqian asked Director Yang with a smile, "Then what will we who don't wear coats do in the next few days?"

The money and mobile phone were confiscated, and it was useless to buy clothes.

Director Yang swore, "The program team will provide it."

Ji Ziqian: "That's good."

【I want to laugh, but I feel that Director Yang is a bit of a comedian, hahaha! 】

【Director Yang really deserves to be a director. What happened to him is very dramatic, okay. In less than two days, there are really too many reversals. 】

【Speaking of which, it will rain tomorrow in Wutong Village, the program team will provide clothes, right? 】

【Isn’t it provided in the last issue? I think it should be. 】

Xiao Yi glanced at Song Jinze, with a hint of playful dislike in his eyes, he said to Song Yuchen, "Xiaochen, you wear so little, why doesn't your dad get you clothes?"

Song Yuchen was wearing long-sleeved trousers, he bent his eyes and smiled, and said in a childlike voice, "Because I don't feel cold, I feel so cool, hehe~"

When he was in the car just now, he accidentally got his short sleeve wet from drinking water, and his mother has already changed his clothes!

Song Yuchen: "Uncle Xiao Yi, are you cold? You're still wearing short-sleeved shorts. You should add another dress yourself, don't get too cold!"

"Uncle is not cold, uncle is afraid of heat, this temperature feels good, cool!"

Song Jinze glanced at Xiao Yi coldly, and ignored him.

【Xiao Yi: Divorce plan failed! 】

【Hahaha, the struggle between these two big men is so childish! 】

Xiao Wen said to the guests, "Thank you for your hard work, everyone. It's almost time for lunch. The program team prepared lunch at the village head's house in Wutong Village. After everyone is settled down, let's go to the village head's house for lunch.

Then we come to our most critical house selection process. This time, we still choose the house in the form of playing games. The difference is that the houses in this issue are all separated, and I have pictures here, so you can show them first. Look, when you play the game later, you decide for yourself. "

Xiao Yi stepped forward to take the photos and showed them to the guests one by one, while Xiao Wen explained to everyone the parts of each house that were not shown in the pictures;

"Family No. 1, Wutong Village, No. 5, is a small two-story western-style building. The interior of this house is very clean and tidy. However, there is a cowshed in the backyard of this house, and there are two cows. If guests live in, they must help The homeowner herds cattle."

Song Yuchen looked at the big buffalo in the picture of Room No. 1, and said excitedly, "I want to live in this house, and I want to herd cattle!"

Ye Zhen Zhen smiled, knelt down and asked, "Xiao Chen, do you know how to herd cattle?"

"Don't know, but I like this!"

Gu Xiaoran also raised his hand, "I like this too, I want to herd cattle too!"

Ji Yunyun: "I want that house with ducks!"

Yang Yike; "I like that big dog, I want to live in that big dog room!"

【These houses look okay, it seems that only room 4 has no small animals! 】

【The guests in the previous two episodes all lived in the same yard. This episode is because dads joined, so they have to separate? 】

【Nonsense, the previous two episodes were the same, this episode will definitely be different, although yesterday’s desert island was very different, it’s a pity I can’t watch it! 】

Gu Liangjun patted Gu Xiaoran, "Son, let's choose number four, number four is good."

Mr. Song’s son has already indicated that he wants room No. 1. If he asks his son to grab it, it will definitely not work.

Anxi didn't take it seriously, and said from the side, "My son is just kidding, husband, you should take a look first."

She also thinks that Room 1 is good. The small western building should be cleaned up quickly. There are only two cows. If you can really choose it later, it is also very good. Room 4 does not seem to be in a hurry.

She can tell what Gu Liangjun is thinking at a glance, but her son can also fight for the house Song Yuchen likes. Just one house can't please people like Song Jinze, so it's better to live comfortably by yourself first.

Xiao Wen smiled, "Wait a minute, after I introduce the house to you, I will introduce the rules of the game to you. That house you fancy, we will work hard to get which house in a while, okay?"