On the way back, Ye Zhenzhen noticed that today's journey seemed different. She turned her head and asked the man who was driving, "Aren't you going home?"

It’s almost 10 o’clock, and walking down this road will only make you farther away from Hongshan Villa.

Song Jinze turned the steering wheel with one hand and said in a soft voice, "Go to Qingquan Villa."


Where is Qingquan Villa?

Ye Zhenzhen took out her mobile phone and searched. When she saw the results, she was shocked!

“Do you have a house in Qingquan Villa?”

Qingquan Villa is only a quarter of an hour's drive away from the crew. Compared to Hongshan Villa, which is an hour and a half away, it's almost no distance.

Song Jinze's eyebrows moved slightly. A question came to his throat, and he swallowed it back, leaving a soft "hmm" sound.

“Didn’t you say in the morning that your home is far away from the crew? You have been living in Qingquan Villa for the past few months while filming. I had someone go and clean it up during the day.”

Ye Zhenzhen's heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat. She just said something casually in the morning, but he immediately arranged a new address for her.

Qingquan Villa and the Film and Television City are both in the suburbs, further away from the city. Jiangcheng is so big. If he lives with her in the suburbs, wouldn't it take more time than usual to go to work.

“Then wouldn’t you be stuck in traffic when you go to work?”

"Me?" Song Jinze glanced sideways at her and said with a dumb smile, "I'm glad that you didn't ask where I want to live, but you were worried about whether I would be stuck in traffic when I go to work."

Ye Zhenzhen: “…”

“If you have a plane, you can reach the top of Media Asia in less than a quarter of an hour.”

It’s also convenient to get to his office.


 Recently she asked him to participate in a variety show with her, and she almost forgot that he was the president of Media Asia Group. How could the president have the trouble of being stuck in traffic at work?

Before the car arrived home, Ye Zhenzhen received a call from Qiu Wanshuang.

I am not very familiar with Qiu Wanshuang. The two of them are still in a competitive relationship. It is quite surprising that they can take the initiative to receive a call from the other party.

“Zhen Zhen, are you home yet? You and Mr. Song walked too fast just now. You didn’t even hear me calling you from behind.”

Ye Zhenzhen: “Well, what’s the matter?”

Not a friend, she didn't even bother to exchange the most basic greetings.

Calling her so late must not be because he was concerned about whether she was home or not.

Qiu Wanshuang smiled on the other end of the phone and then said, "Zhenzhen, it's like this. The candidate for Little Dingdong has not been finalized yet. I want my daughter to play the role. I just asked the crew and they said that Little Dingdong Dong is your child in the play, so I want to ask what you mean."

Ye Zhenzhen had a sneer in her eyes and asked her what she meant?

She means to refuse.

With a character like Ji Yunyun, if you play with her, you will know that Ji Yunyun is not easy to take care of. If you don’t know, later in the filming, she might be said to bully Qiu Wanshuang’s daughter.

The most important thing is that Qiu Wanshuang is not an easy person to talk to. If she bumps into her precious daughter during filming, she might turn around and plot against her behind her back to avenge both public and private affairs, even the child.

After all, she had heard about the methods used by Qiu Wanshuang and her agent.

“Zhen Zhen? Are you listening?”

Ye Zhenzhen opened the car window a little and exposed her phone to the cold wind for a few seconds.

“Zhen Zhen? Aren’t you home yet? Can you hear what I say?”

If Ye Zhenzhen didn't reply to Qiu Wanshuang, she hung up the call directly.

This production team is also quite interesting. They ask Qiu Wanshuang to call her directly. If she agrees, if there is a problem later in the filming, the production team can say that it is her child chosen by Ye Zhenzhen. If she disagrees, then everyone will naturally say that it is her personal grudge with Qiu Wanshuang and has nothing to do with the crew.

So, no matter how she answers this phone call, it's not right, so just don't answer it and wait until we get to the set tomorrow.

Song Jinze was amused by Ye Zhenzhen's behavior just now, "If there is someone you don't want to deal with, or if you want any resources, you can tell me."

She likes acting, so she concentrates on it, and he takes care of the rest for her.

Ye Zhenzhen tilted her head and winked at him playfully, "Mr. Song, why don't you say, if you get bored, just come back and be a full-time wife, and I'll support you."

“Well, that’s a good idea. Then you can go home and be a full-time wife, and I’ll support you.”

“No, compared to being a full-time housewife, I prefer to have a job that I like. In this circle, interpersonal communication is also part of the job. If you have to do everything, it would be meaningless.”

Song Jinze curled his lips slightly and said nothing, just let her be happy.

It was quite late when she arrived at Qingquan Villa. After getting off the car, Ye Zhenzhen looked around. Although the yard was not as big as the one at Hongshan, it was not small either.

Completely different from the luxurious modern-style buildings over there, this is a Chinese garden architectural style, which looks fresh and elegant under the warm yellow light.

“Are you satisfied?” he asked her.

“It’s so quiet here, and I like the architectural style.”

Originally, she was thinking that if the crew finished work late and was delayed going home, she could just stay in a hotel arranged by the crew. But now it seems that it is more comfortable to stay at home.

Song Jinze raised the right side of his forehead slightly and responded, "As long as you like it."

The servant came out and introduced Ye Zhenzhen into the house. Song Jinze picked up his cell phone and called Secretary Zhang. The phone rang until he was about to hang up before he was answered.

"President, what are your instructions?" Secretary Zhang's words were obviously drunk.

Song Jinze frowned, "Drinking outside?"

“Well, I have made an appointment with the alumni from country Y for a long time to get together with them.”

Besides, he has a rare day off tomorrow.

Song Jinze did not continue the topic and asked directly, "When was the last time I asked you to bring Zhen Zhen to look at a house here at Qingquan Villa?"

Secretary Zhang covered his mouth and burped. He thought carefully about it for several seconds in his chaotic brain, "It's been almost four months."

That time it was because Xiaochen and his wife had a conflict. Her wife was filming in the film and television city again. She didn't want to go back at night, so she went directly to the hotel.

Within two nights, I was caught by the paparazzi and maliciously wrote something that was not true. It became a hot search topic and caused quite a stir. The situation was quite serious.

After he helped solve the hot search, he reported the matter to the president who was on a business trip overseas. The solution the president gave was to give the key to Qingquan Villa to his wife and let her live here.

“President, what’s the matter?”

Secretary Zhang didn't understand why the president suddenly asked this question. After thinking about it, he didn't rush and said, "I later heard from the servant over there that my wife didn't stay for two days and said she didn't like the decoration style there. Later I saw My wife went back to live, so I didn’t report to you.”

Such a trivial matter, brought up when the relationship between the CEO, his wife, and Xiaochen is not very good, will only add fuel to the fire.

Since the president asked about it now that it has passed, he thought it would be better to talk about it.

Song Jinze narrowed his dark eyes and said, "It's okay."


Secretary Zhang looked at the hung up phone and was a little dazed.

Judging from how well he knew the president, his tone didn’t sound like he was okay...