Ye Zhenzhen came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, but Song Jinze was not in the room.

The crew’s WeChat group was full of messages, and the cell phones kept ringing.

 She took her phone and looked at it. The group message was not important, so Liu Rui sent a WeChat message, asking her to get to the set before 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.

The makeup for the morning scene didn’t take long, but there were quite a few lines.

Ye Zhenzhen replied “Okay.”

Liu Rui seemed to be waiting for her message. The dialog box immediately showed that she was typing...

Ye Zhenzhen put the phone aside and began to wipe her semi-dry wet hair. About two minutes passed before the message was sent.

【Zhen Zhen, the crew will have their first scene tomorrow, come on! 】

The dialog box shows that typing has been going on for a long time, and that’s it?

Ye Zhenzhen still replied, "Okay."

Liu Rui deleted and deleted this sentence for a long time. The original words of this sentence are actually;

‘Zhen Zhen, the first scene tomorrow will be yours. There are so many lines. If you have time, read the script. You must memorize the lines. Yang Pinghui is not an ordinary director. Don’t be underestimated just because of the first scene. ’

In the past, Liu Rui probably would not have considered these words carefully and just sent them out.

It's also possible that she wouldn't care about Ye Zhenzhen's matters at such a late hour and just let her assistant inform her directly.

But today is different from the past. Ye Zhenzhen has changed. She has become better at dealing with people and acting than before. At the same time, the resources around her have also increased. She has to keep an eye on her personally. Even when talking to Ye Zhenzhen, she You have to pay more attention too.

On the one hand, the other party is really powerful, and on the other hand, it is also because of Song Jinze.

With Ye Zhenzhen’s status here, she spoke much more tactfully than before.

Whether Liu Rui says this or not, Ye Zhenzhen will read the script. This is the most basic professional ethics as an actor.

After drying her hair, she went downstairs to get the script from her bag.

Along the way, there was still no sign of a man. When she met a servant carrying milk and was about to go upstairs, she asked, "Has sir come in?"

It's not like he went out to work again after sending her back, right?

The servant replied respectfully, "Come in, in the study."

“Madam, sir, I have warmed the milk for you. Should I put it in your room, or should you drink it in the living room?”

"give it to me."

After drinking the milk, the servant took away the cup, and Ye Zhenzhen took the script and went upstairs.

It is easy to get sleepy when lying in bed reading a script. In addition, she did not sleep well last night and had another busy day during the day. It didn't take long before she started yawning all day long.

She had almost memorized the lines for tomorrow's first scene. She looked at the time and saw that it was almost 12 o'clock. Song Jinze still hadn't entered the room.

After thinking for a few seconds, she stood up directly, took the script and prepared to go to the study room to accompany him. She would follow him until what time he stayed up.

After what happened last night, he can be considered hers.

She is also responsible for his physical and mental health in the future, so she can no longer let him suffer like this.

She just wanted to sneak in. She walked all the way to the study door without making a sound. As soon as her hand touched the door handle, the door opened from the inside.

“You...” said in unison, and then paused together.

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of both parties.

Ye Zhenzhen asked with a soft smile, "Are you done?"

“Well, why aren’t you asleep yet?”

“Read the script.”

She waved the script in her hand in front of his eyes.

The man looked gentle and held her hand, "It's getting late, go back to your room to rest." "Oh."

She let him hold her hand and returned to the master bedroom.

Song Jinze came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and saw a woman holding a script in her hand and leaning against the bedside, asleep.

The silk quilt on the bed only covers her waist, her thick black hair is scattered randomly, her eyes are closed, her long eyelashes are slightly drooped, and her aqua satin pajamas slide down from her left shoulder.

His deep eyes softened a bit. He walked to the bed and picked up the soft beauty, lying down on her back. He gently brushed the long hair scattered around her cheeks aside and covered her with the quilt.

Ye Zhenzhen frowned slightly and felt her fingertips sliding across her face. Half asleep and half awake, she raised her hand and pushed the man's hand away, muttering, "Go to sleep...don't stay up tonight..."


Song Jinze responded and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at her peaceful sleeping face and lost in thought.

“Is it amnesia? Or selective amnesia?”

He asked the sleeping woman softly, and gently touched her straight nose with his fingertips.

Looking back carefully, in the past two months, her appearance has not changed much, but her soul has become much more interesting than before...

Or, is it really a different person, and she has a twin sister that he doesn't know about?

So much so that the taste of food and the conduct of people have undergone earth-shaking changes from before?

The next day, the crew.

Director Yang looked at the flashing picture on the monitor. Every move, including the lines, was very clear. He raised the corners of his lips with satisfaction and shouted "OK!"

The assistant director and assistant next to him looked at each other and nodded in approval.

Those who have worked with Director Yang all know that when Director Yang is very satisfied, he does not shout "click" but "OK". Saying "OK" means that the actor can pass it in one step and it is perfect.

In the first scene, Ye Zhenzhen’s performance exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Before the shooting started, there were staff members whispering on the side, fearing that Ye Zhenzhen would fail the scene many times in the morning. After all, there were so many lines and the combination of expressions and movements was needed.

Be smart but not too exaggerated.

Opposite her is the actress Ren Tao who plays her sister in the film. She is considered a veteran actor in the industry and is a professional in supporting roles. Fans affectionately call her Sister Taozi.

After the director called to stop, Ren Tao also smiled at Ye Zhenzhen and gave a thumbs up, "Zhenzhen, you are much better than I thought!"

This is true.

Ye Zhenzhen smiled slightly and said, "No, it has to be Sister Taozi who has good skills and can lead me into the state quickly."

“You are being humble.” Ren Tao smiled.

She felt that her emotions just now were affected by Ye Zhenzhen. Where she was leading the other party, it was the other party leading her.

Ye Zhenzhen walked over from the camera, and Yu Lili quickly took her coat and put it on her.

“Sister Zhenzhen, breakfast is ready. I just asked the assistant that after shooting this scene, you can have breakfast first and then shoot again later.”

Ye Zhenzhen put on her coat and patted Yu Lili's shoulder, "Well, thank you for your hard work."

Director Yang excitedly waved to Ye Zhenzhen to come to the monitor, his heart and eyes full of joy, "Zhenzhen, you did a great job with the quick action of drinking water just now. This part is perfect!"

In the crew, everyone acted based on the director's expression. Director Yang was so happy and praised Ye Zhenzhen so much, it was like adding another layer of Buff to Ye Zhenzhen's own super strength, directly affecting the surrounding people. Youyou's mouth was blocked.

Sorry sorry!

When I woke up in the morning, I found that the chapter from last night had not been published. Oh my god!

 I was too sleepy last night, but I really remembered it was posted, o(╥﹏╥)o

Perhaps I posted it in a dream? ? ?