“You can’t do this to me! Have you forgotten I fell into the sea a few days ago? It’s been less than a week!I lost my memory, met Cyril, fell in love, reunited with D’Artagno… how much do you want to cram within a few days!”

“I don’t have a choice! This is the only way I can fool your husband!”

“But that doesn’t mean ……”

Indeed, with no time to devise a plan, this may be the only way to deceive him.

‘But even for a simple drama club member, it was a tough scenario to play out, and then adding amnesia! My acting ability is at its limit!’

The other party is Randall. If he suspects anything, he will notice right away. But Cyril told me, “Just pretend you don’t know anything,” which made me want to strangle him.

“Anyway, I’ll talk with D’Artagno, too. I’ve called him and he should be here any minute.”

Wait a minute! If I pretend to have amnesia and they find out that I am a princess, what about your engagement to Princess Carnelia?”

“Of course I’ll tell them you’re D’Artagno’s sister and my lover.”


“I told you to pretend that you have amnesia. That means I’m going to claim you’re my lover. That’ll get us through this.”

“Are you sure about that, ……?”

“I’m not. I’m not sure”.

Sophia held her head, she had a headache.

One, she has no memory of the time before she met Cyril.

Two, she loves Cyril.

Three, she don’t know Randall, of course.

So, she have to play the “amnesiac Sophia”. The deadline for the performance is until Carnelia gives up and leaves.

‘I was told to pay back three times what I owe, but isn’t this more than three times what I owe?’

We can’t back out of this, so we have to do it. However, Sophia had one concern.

D’Artagno changes his personality when he was opera actor McKeel and when he was with D’Artagno, so unless someone who knew him saw him, they might not recognize him as the same person.

But Sophia noticed. Undoubtedly Orion will also notice.

If Sophia, who fell into the sea with D’Artagno, had lost her memory and appeared as D’Artagno’s sister, the brilliant Orion, of course, would be suspicious.

‘My stomach hurts!’

Sophia thought that if only Cyril would give up and get engaged to Carnelia, she wouldn’t be involved in such a troublesome situation, but she couldn’t say anything about it.

On the morning that Randall and his family were scheduled to arrive, Sophia chose Carnelia’s room as her refuge.

She did not want to stay with Carnelia because she was tired, but she needed to avoid running into Randall and his family as much as possible, because it would limit Sofia’s acting ability. As long as Randall and the others stayed at the castle, it was only a matter of time before they would find out that Sophia was here, but it was better than no bad luck.

She really wanted to tell Orion and Isolte, who would be worried about her, that she was safe, but she didn’t know how much Cyril would hate her if she ruined this plan because of her feelings.

‘Carnelia, I hope you give up and go home soon.’

I knew from the game that the princess was stubborn, even though everything would be all right if Carnelia would give up.

“Let’s go to the garden, Margherita! I want to see the roses.”


If she went down to the garden, the probability of Randall finding her would increase. Even though she chose to endure and get caught by Carnelia, it’s meaningless if she goes down to the garden, it will be a loss.

Sophia crossed her fingers in a begging pose.

“Onee-sama, I would like to stay here and have a cup of tea and a chat with you more”.

“Oh, my little Margherita!”


Carnelia hugged her with all her strength, and Sophia was almost crushed.

As she struggled desperately in Carnelia’s arms, her gaze bumped into Sarra, the maid of honor, who was looking at her from afar. Saara had a terribly sympathetic look on her face and was wiping the tears that were streaking her eyes with a handkerchief. She must be thinking, “Oh, you poor thing”.

‘If you feel sorry for me, you should at least help me a little!’

Carnelia hugged Sophia tightly, rubbed her cheek, and pulled her hand to stand up.

“It’s all right, Margherita! We can have a chat over a cup of tea in the garden!”

‘Sheesh! I should have said more about how we could only do it inside the room!’

But it was too late to regret it.

Sophia was dragged into the garden by a humming Carnelia.