After having an audience with King Verhund, Randall headed to the courtyard.

King Verhund said he would do his best to find Sophia, and gave permission for Randall and the others to stay in the castle until he got some information, but he was wondering if he would stay here forever.

‘Wouldn’t it be better to go back to the town of Casals – and stay as close to the sea where Sophia disappeared as possible – rather than just wait here in a daze?’

Maybe Sophia has washed up on the shore somewhere and will come to the town of Casals looking for Randall.

Or maybe a witness will report seeing someone who looks like Sophia.

Randall sat down on a bench in the courtyard and exhaled as he looked at the neatly arranged rose arches.

‘Roses, huh? Come to think of it, I never gave her a rose’.

He knew that Kyle often gave Sophia roses as gifts. Johannes, the butler, had suggested that he at least cut roses from the greenhouse and give them to Sophia, but Randall had never given her flowers.

He was half-hearted.

He once asked why he should give flowers to Sophia, who was under his supervision

There was one time he got angry because Sophia was smiling happily when Kyle gave her a rose.

In the end, out of sheer stubbornness, pride, and for some excuse-making reason, I never sent Sophia flowers. No, it wasn’t just flowers. Come to think of it, Randall had never given her anything of his own volition.

What would Sophia have thought of such a husband?

Randall thought that his uncle, the king, had “forced” him to marry Sophia.

But then again, Sophia was “forced” to marry him too. If she had not been forced to marry Randall, she would have found another man. For example, Kyle.

Sophia is only 16 years old. If she had not been married to Randall, she would have met a better man – and what would Sophia have thought of this marriage, given such a husband who did not care about her properly?

Whenever something happened between Keira and Sophia, Randall who was always unreasonable was angry that she had made Keira cry, did not know how he’s going to face Sophia, as Kyle and Johannes said.

It was too late to regret it now that Sophia is gone.

But Randall was such a fool that he didn’t realize it until Sophia was gone.


Randall was staring at a rose with glossy red flowers when he heard,

“Come on, come on, Margherita. This rose is so beautiful! You can see these roses from that arbor in the back! Let’s have a chat over a cup of tea there!”

Randall turned around with his eyebrows raised and his eyes wide open.

” wait a minute, onee-sama. I will fall down if you pull me so hard!”

A girl of about 16 years old with soft wavy blonde hair and green eyes as beautiful as emeralds appeared, being pulled by a woman with flaxen hair.


Randall ran out.

‘What!! Why is Randall here!’

Sophia turned around at the call of her name and her heart almost stopped when she saw Randall.

Oh no, this is not good. This is not good. She was not prepared for this.

‘Calm down, Sophia! I have amnesia, I have amnesia. I don’t know Randall. I am Cyril’s lover, and, uh, Margherita, because I don’t care ……’

While Sophia was confused, Randall came running toward her, and just as Sophia was about to get scared because she thought he was going to get mad at her, he hugged her tightly and she stiffened.


Sophia was blindsided by the tall Randall, who held her tightly against his chest.

‘Am I really being hugged by Randall right now ……?’

‘Isn’t this a dream?’

I have never had a memory of Randall hugging me, either before or after our marriage. I have been close to him at dances, but that was the only time I ever got close to him. And yet, if this was not a dream, she was being embraced by him right now.’

Sophia’s blood almost boiled as soon as she became aware of it.

Sophia’s head was spinning around and around with a confused expression.

Randall’s arms were strong that it was painful—but he was holding her.

‘What is this—!’

Sophia wanted to scream

That hard-headed Randall. Randall, whose tsundere was too strong, was hugging Sophia!

‘No way! When did the intimacy level go up? No, no, no, calm down’

‘ As much as I would like to rejoice, I am not “Sophia Grastona-Voltio” now. Not his wife, but Cyril’s lover and D’Artano’s sister, Sophia Feldrado McKeel. …… complicated.’

Sophia struggled to suppress her desire to be hugged by Randall for a while longer yet, and then said in a puzzled voice.

“Ah, umm… how much?”

you can do it if you try. The feeling just now wasn’t unnatural at all!

Perhaps because Sophia raised her voice in confusion, Randall was surprised and loosened the arms that were holding Sophia and lifted his head.

“…… who are you?”

Randall’s hazel eyes became dubious.

Sophia stared back at Randall’s eyes, cold sweat forming on her back as she stared into his eyes.

They stared at each other for more than ten seconds. Suddenly, Carnelia interrupted from the side with the same exquisite timing that gave her a sense of déjà vu from the past.

“Margherita! Who is this?”

“…… Margherita?”

“Uh, yeah, …….”

‘Stop! If I mention that name here, it will make things more complicated!’

Sophia was about to cry, but Carnelia, who could not read the air, spoke confidently.

“This is my little sister, Margherita!”

Sophia looked back at Sarra behind her for help. But she quickly averted her gaze. She was not going to help.

Sophia did not know whether she should go by Margherita or introduce herself as D’Artano’s sister, Sophia.

Just as Sophia was feeling weak, she heard a voice calling out “Sophia” from afar.

She turned to look in the direction of the voice and saw Cyril walking slowly toward her.

“Sophia, what are you doing? You’re not cheating on me, are you ……?”

Purple eyes with a hint of jealousy and sadness in them. As expected of Cyril. His acting is magnificent.

Cyril came over to Sophia and gently but forcefully snatched Sophia from Randall’s hands and shielded him from behind.

“We met earlier, Prince Voltio.”

“Prince Cyril.”

Randall’s eyes were a mixture of confusion and doubt as he looked at Sophia, Cyril, and Carnelia.

Sophia hid behind Cyril’s back so as not to be exposed and apologized to Randall in her mind, ‘I’m sorry Randall.’

Cyril opened his mouth before Randall could say anything.

“Sorry for the late introduction. This is Sophia. My lover, Sophia.”

Beside Randall’s wide-eyed look, Carnelia said, “That’s my little sister, Margherita! Cyril and Randall, who starred at each other intensely, ignored her completely.