Chapter 172 The Quest For Healing

---Lionar Kingdom, Royal Palace---

Zina's heart pounded with anticipation as she stood in the grand hall of the royal palace. Over the past month, she had tirelessly worked to gather power and support in her quest to reclaim her rightful place in the conflict for the throne against her sisters. With the assistance of Rokia and the backing of the influential Parada family, Zina had made remarkable progress.

The Parada family, one of the six ancient families, held great sway despite their limited involvement in politics. Their reputation for ruthlessness and their position as powerful figures on the continent made others eager to stay on their good side. As rumors spread about the Parada family supporting Zina's cause, disillusioned supporters began to rally behind her, seeing her as a true leader worth following.

Countless hours had been spent strategizing and forging alliances. Zina worked closely with trusted intermediaries to relay her vision and intentions to the Parada family. Their combined efforts had resulted in a significant shift of power in her favor. Once-doubtful nobles and influential figures began to lend their support, enticed by the promise of positive change and stability under Zina's leadership.

Now, in the royal hall, Zina found herself in the presence of Master Aurelius, a renowned healing mage. His reputation as a master of restorative arts had spread far and wide throughout the continent. Speaking with him was a glimmer of hope in her quest for healing.

Master Aurelius, an aging mage dressed in flowing robes bearing the marks of countless battles, regarded Zina with curiosity and concern. Though time had weathered his eyes, they still shimmered with wisdom and compassion.

"Princess Zina," Master Aurelius began, his voice carrying quiet authority, "I'm afraid that even with my skills, I cannot heal your injuries."

The mage nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of pride and concern. "Very well, Princess Zina. I shall provide you with a map to the Enshrouded Hollow Forest and offer whatever guidance I can."

The quest for healing had begun, and Zina was prepared to confront the monsters and dangers that lurked within the shadows of the forest. She had made a promise to herself and was willing to risk everything to fulfill it.

After leaving the hall and returning to her room with Rokia by her side, Zina was immersed in thought. Then, with a hesitant voice, she asked, "Rokia, the Parada family has been very quiet recently. Is everything alright in Iskar City?"

Rokia, being a knight from the Parada family, had friends and connections there. Zina was certain that Rokia would have knowledge about the family's activities. Although she initially hesitated to ask Rokia for such information, there had been a lack of communication from the family lately. Despite gaining their support, Zina still felt a lack of trust and a strong bond with them. She couldn't help but wonder if the Parada family was hiding something from her.

"Yes, Princess, the family is fine. Unfortunately, I can't tell you a lot of details, but they are occupied with the dungeon in the city," Rokia answered.

(The dungeon? Does that mean the Paradas are planning to clean it soon?) Zina pondered with a complicated expression. She had developed a sense of loyalty towards the Parada family, especially since they were the first to support her and even saved her when she was at her lowest. However, she still felt that she was not truly considered a member of the family. Her deepest wish was for the day to come when she would be fully accepted as part of the Parada family.

Zina's thoughts were filled with determination and uncertainty as she prepared herself for the challenging journey ahead. The quest for healing would test her strength and resilience, but she was ready to face the dangers that awaited her in the Enshrouded Hollow Forest.

As Zina continued her journey, her footsteps echoing through the corridor, she suddenly noticed the figures of her two sisters, Iman and Dalia, approaching from the opposite direction. Time seemed to slow as their gazes met, and a palpable tension filled the air. Iman and Dalia, who had once taken pleasure in tormenting Zina, now wore uneasy expressions as they registered the cold, towering demeanor on Zina's face.

Dalia, with an air of superiority, hesitated for a moment, her eyes widening in recognition. She quickly averted her gaze, unable to withstand the intensity of Zina's piercing stare. Iman, the younger sister known for her sharp tongue, felt a knot form in her stomach as her eyes locked briefly with Zina's unwavering gaze.

In that fleeting moment, the dynamics had shifted drastically. The tables had turned, and the power dynamic between the sisters had been irrevocably altered. Gone were the days when Iman and Dalia could freely belittle and mock Zina. Now, they found themselves unnerved and uncomfortable in her presence, their once-confident demeanors replaced with uncertainty and a newfound fear.

Iman and Dalia hurriedly lowered their eyes, avoiding any direct confrontation with Zina. Their steps quickened, and they instinctively moved aside, attempting to create as much distance as possible between themselves and their once-vulnerable sister. It was a stark contrast to their previous interactions, where they had reveled in their superiority and relished in Zina's discomfort.Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m