Chapter 173 Ink And Flesh: Fray's Rune

The sun had not yet risen when Montaser awoke from his slumber, finding himself in the luxurious surroundings of his room within the Servant facility of the Parada Mansion. Adorned with exquisite furnishings and tasteful decor, the room mirrored the grandeur of the estate. As the head butler of the Parada family, Montaser was no stranger to such opulence, yet he remained humble in his role, dedicated to serving the family with unwavering loyalty.Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

After swiftly completing his morning routine, Montaser descended the staircase, his footsteps echoing softly through the hallowed halls of the Servant facility. Servants bustled about, preparing for the day ahead under Montaser's watchful eye. With a calm yet commanding presence, he issued instructions, ensuring that every detail would be attended to with utmost care.

Satisfied with the preparations, Montaser made his way to the main Facility, where the Parada family resided. The tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries wafted through the air as he entered the elegant dining room. Fray, the head of the family, sat alone at the head of the table, his usual emotionless face buried in the papers that had recently captured his interest. Aya, for some reason, had stopped showing up for breakfast, but Fray seemed unfazed by her absence, and Montaser followed suit.

Donned in his pristine butler attire, Montaser positioned himself discreetly behind Fray, ready to anticipate his needs. With a gentle nod, he signaled for the servants to serve the breakfast spread, ensuring that each dish was presented with the utmost elegance and precision.

Once breakfast was complete, Fray leaned closer to Montaser and spoke softly, "Montaser, I require your assistance in the chemistry room."

Montaser nodded respectfully, acknowledging Fray's request. "Of course, sir. I am at your service," he replied, his voice carrying the unmistakable air of steadfast dedication.

Together, they left the dining room and traversed the mansion's corridors, their footsteps echoing through the silent halls. Montaser's mind buzzed with anticipation, wondering what mysteries awaited them within the chemistry room.

As they arrived at their destination, the heavy wooden door creaked open, revealing the dimly lit chamber filled with esoteric tools and ancient texts. Montaser's eyes scanned the room, and he noticed something familiar on the research table.

Captivating his attention was a massive piece of paper, adorned with an intricate tapestry of enigmatic symbols and elegant writings. The symbols seemed to dance upon the parchment, their meaning hidden beneath layers of complexity and mystery. The air itself crackled with anticipation, as if the very essence of the room was alive with energy.

Yet, intertwined with the warmth was a sharp twinge of pain. It coursed through Fray's body like an electric shock, testing his resolve. He clenched his teeth, refusing to withdraw his hand, for he knew that this union held the promise of something extraordinary.

The writing continued its ascent, reaching his forearm with a mesmerizing grace. It coiled around his wrist, weaving a tapestry of luminescent patterns. Fray's eyes widened in wonder as the glowing writing blossomed into an ethereal spectacle upon his shoulder, creating a breathtaking tableau of light and form.

Transfixed, Fray stood in awe, his body now a living canvas for the enchantment that unfolded before him. He marveled at the fusion of ink and flesh, witnessing the union of the ephemeral and the corporeal.

In that moment, Fray felt a connection to something beyond himself, something new and powerful. It was as if he had gained an additional limb, an extension of his being.

After what felt like an eternity, the pain subsided, leaving Fray's body strong but exhausted. He glanced at the writing on his shoulder with a satisfied look on his face. Montaser, who had experienced the power of runes before, sensed that this one surpassed any he had encountered. Fray had dedicated an extensive amount of time crafting it, and the results were undeniable.

"Alright, it went better than expected," Fray murmured. "Montaser, please bring Adam to the main office in an hour from now."

Obeying the order, Montaser left the chemistry room and used a communication tool that Fray had recently crafted. Though Fray had only created fewer than ten of these tools, both Montaser and Adam possessed one. Montaser swiftly located Adam and brought him to the office at the appointed time.

"I heard that you crafted a rune word for yourself. Congratulations," Adam said as they entered the room.

"Thank you, Adam. I want to test its power. Please open a portal to a deserted location," Fray replied.

"Alright, sir," Adam responded.

On that day, in a remote desert area, a colossal path of destruction emerged, obliterating trees and reducing mountains to rubble. Directly beneath the massive gap in the clouds, a powerful earthquake rippled across the land, spanning hundreds of kilometers.

In that moment, Adam came to the realization that neither he nor Montaser were the strongest members of the family. The rune word had granted Fray a power that exceeded all their expectations.