Chapter 176 Entering The Frozen Dungeon

Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

After Fray's speech, he and the squad made their way to the front yard of the Palace. Standing before them was Adam and the formidable Arezo family squad, numbering over a hundred members. Among them, seven skilled warriors, including Lester, the head of the Arezo family, stood alongside Adam. Each warrior wore a set of armor and wielded weapons meticulously crafted by Fray. Though not as exceptional as the gear Fray had crafted for his own family, they were still formidable and provided the necessary strength for their mission.

Fray observed the Arezo family squad, acknowledging their strength despite their smaller numbers. He understood the importance of quality over quantity. Meanwhile, Lester, with a grin on his face, looked at the Parada forces and jokingly remarked, "Mr. Parada, you have managed to assemble a formidable team. This dungeon doesn't stand a chance, hahaha!"

Unfazed by Lester's banter, Fray welcomed the Arezo family and expressed his gratitude for their alliance. While the camaraderie among the warriors grew, Aya, watching the scene from a nearby window, couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

With the Arezo family now integrated into the ranks, it was time to put their plans into action. Adam, with his extraordinary teleportation ability, would transport the entire gathering to a specific location in the vast ocean where the massive dungeon awaited. Although venturing into uncharted territory, the gravity of the situation demanded their attention and bravery.

Harnessing his unique powers, Adam's eyes glowed with an otherworldly energy as he concentrated. The group suddenly found themselves displaced from the familiar surroundings of the Palace, now standing on the deck of two colossal warships in the middle of the expansive ocean. The ships bristled with weaponry and housed seasoned warriors, ready for the impending battle.

As Lester gazed upon the massive dungeon for the first time, a sense of discomfort washed over him. The sheer size of the structure was awe-inspiring, unlike anything they had encountered before. Two gargantuan warships flanked the dungeon, armed with massive magical cannons. Beams of energy crackled through the air, enveloping the dungeon in a protective shield.

Lester's anger flared as he faced Fray. "You think we are fools? We will not risk our lives on this mission. We are leaving!" He turned to his team, instructing them to retreat. "Let's get out of here!"

Fray's voice turned cold, his resolve unwavering. "I'm sorry, Mr. Lester, but I cannot allow you to leave. You have already signed the contract, and I cannot afford to have you abandon the mission now." Montaser, Adam, and the others stood behind Fray, their expressions unyielding.

Lester's eyes narrowed as he locked his gaze with Fray's. "Are you prepared to use force to stop us, Mr. Parada?"

Fray's response was chillingly calculated. " The armors you are currently wearing have a self-destruction function. If anyone wearing this armor disobeys orders during this mission, they will be eliminated. Although you are strong, Mr. Lester, these armors have direct access to your cores. Even you won't be able to survive their explosion."

Hearing Fray's words, the expressions of the Arezo family members grew intense. Panic surged within them as they desperately tried to remove the armor, but to their astonishment, their efforts were in vain. No matter how hard they struggled, the armor clung to them, refusing to be removed.

A mix of fear and realization washed over Lester's face as he comprehended the gravity of the situation. Their choices had narrowed down to one—press on and confront the dungeon, or face the catastrophic consequences of the armors they were trapped in.

Looking at this scene, Fray said with a calm face. "I understand your concerns Mr, Lester, but there is no turning back now. We must stand united against this dungeon. Together, although this dungeon is more dangerous than expected, we have a lot of preparation and with your help, we will be able to conquer it successfully, Are you still with us Master, Arezo?"

( This bastard, he talks like I have a choice ) with this thought in his mind and with a determination to take his revenge in the future, Lester said " Alright, Mr, Parada, I will trust you "

His team members were quick to voice their objections, their voices filled with concern and doubt. But Lester, recognizing the reality of their circumstances, swiftly silenced them with a raised hand. Their expressions mirrored his own internal struggle, but they too understood the gravity of their situation.