Chapter 177 Entering The Dungeon 2

Outside the dungeon, Casper and Giam, along with the rest of the marine troops, stood stoically on the ships, their eyes fixed upon the imposing portal. Each of them wore a different expression, reflecting their individual thoughts and emotions. Giam, filled with nervousness and fear, couldn't help but worry about the outcome of the mission. He anxiously clutched the handle of his sword, his knuckles turning white. Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

Casper, on the other hand, felt a tinge of annoyance as he surveyed the scene before him. He yearned to join the mission, to fight alongside Fray and the others, but his request had been denied. Instead, he was relegated to the role of a backup, tasked with protecting the dungeon entrance and ensuring no unexpected dangers emerged from within. His frustration simmered beneath the surface, manifesting as a furrowed brow and a slight scowl. He cast his gaze towards the portal, with a bored expression on his face.

Unbeknownst to Casper, Giam, and the marine troops, a small blue stone floated above the ships in the sky, its luminescent glow barely visible amidst the darkening evening sky. It hovered silently, facing the dungeon entrance, its purpose and origin shrouded in mystery.

Inside the dungeon, Fray and the group pressed forward, battling against the relentless snowstorm that surrounded them. The icy wind whipped at their faces, stinging their skin and causing their breath to form visible clouds in the frigid air. Each step they took was a struggle against the biting cold that seemed to seep into their very bones. The ground beneath their feet crunched with each movement, betraying the icy grip of the dungeon.

They followed their plan meticulously, their resolve unwavering despite the daunting challenges that lay ahead. Fray's eyes scanned the vast expanse, his mind focused on the task at hand. He had gleaned an idea from the original novel, a revelation that had led to a critical understanding of the dungeon's workings. While facing the shield team, he had summoned hundreds of creatures, their strength unmatched even though they were weaker than the boss itself. This realization had unlocked a strategy within Fray's mind—one that involved bypassing the lesser monsters and forging a direct path toward the boss. They would conserve their energy and resources, only engaging in battles that were absolutely necessary.

Montaser, well-versed in harnessing his spiritual abilities, closed his eyes and reached out with his senses. His body became still as he delved into the depths of his power, seeking to detect any impending danger that surrounded them. After a few moments, his eyes snapped open, a flicker of concern crossing his face.

"They are enemies closing in on us," Montaser stated, his voice laced with a tinge of unease. "More than a hundred of them."

The revelation sent a shiver down the spines of the group, their laughter and chatter abruptly silenced - this was the first enemy they were going to face in this five-star dungeon.

Lester, his senses on high alert, turned to face Fray, his voice sharp with urgency. "From which direction?"

Fray's voice remained cold and determined as he uttered his response. "From every direction."

The group's anticipation reached its peak as the closing footsteps and ominous roars of the approaching monsters grew louder. Fray's mind raced, piecing together the puzzle before him. (The fire lured them here, but they are supposed to be in the depths of the dungeon,) he realized, a flicker of understanding crossing his face. (It seems that they are preparing to leave the dungeon.)

With that realization, the urgency of the situation deepened. The team tightened their formation, standing shoulder to shoulder, their weapons at the ready. Elisa's voice cut through the tense air, commanding her knights with a resolute tone. "Prepare for battle! Do not let them breach our defenses!"

As if responding to Elisa's call, the darkness gave birth to a chilling sight. Pale white monsters emerged from the shadows, their eyeless sockets staring into an abyss of nothingness. Their faces were dominated by enormous mouths, twisted into grotesque expressions, and their tongues hung long and sinewy, adding to their eerie appearance__ tens of them surrounded the group from every direction