Chapter 202 Astralhaven City

Chapter 202 Astralhaven City

After hours of soaring through the sky, the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue across the horizon. Fray's destination was far, and he had chosen to embark on this journey alone, without Adam's help. Although he had planned his stops in advance due to the long journey, he knew he was close to reaching his first destination. Fray scanned the landscape, searching for the city he sought.

As his eyes surveyed the terrain, they landed upon a city nestled amidst rolling hills. Its architecture was adorned with intricate patterns and ethereal colors, giving the impression of a place touched by magic. The city emitted an otherworldly aura, captivating Fray's attention like a moth to a flame. It beckoned to him, promising respite and an opportunity to gather his thoughts before continuing his journey.

Guiding his flying horse toward the city, Fray marveled at its beauty and uniqueness. The city bore the name of Astralhaven, a place where the realms of magic and mortal life intertwined harmoniously. Luminous crystals lined the streets, casting a soft, enchanting glow on their surroundings. Towers and spires reached toward the heavens, their shapes resembling celestial constellations.

The people of Astralhaven possessed an innate connection to the mystical arts, honed through generations of study and practice. The city hummed with energy as mages and scholars engaged in intellectual discourse and intricate spellcasting. It was a place of wonder and discovery, attracting magic enthusiasts from far and wide.

Astralhaven boasted a renowned magical academy, where eager students and wise instructors filled the halls. It served as a center of knowledge, where individuals honed their skills in various branches of magic—elemental manipulation, divination, enchantments, and more. The academy's library housed ancient tomes and scrolls, holding arcane secrets waiting to be unraveled by those with an insatiable thirst for wisdom.

The city's marketplaces were a feast for the senses, vibrant and bustling with merchants selling exotic herbs, mystical artifacts, and enchanted trinkets. Fragrant potions wafted through the air, their scents mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed elixirs. Here, one could find the rarest of magical ingredients and artifacts, coveted by collectors and practitioners alike.

As Fray descended toward Astralhaven, the people of the city took notice of his arrival, their eyes filled with curiosity and intrigue. They recognized the significance of a traveler arriving on a flying horse.

Finding a suitable landing spot within the city's boundaries, Fray gracefully touched down, entrusting his flying horse to the care of a special stable. Once he ensured the horse's well-being, he set out to find a place to satiate his hunger. His footsteps carried him through the winding streets until he stumbled upon a cozy restaurant tucked away in a quiet corner of the city.

Upon entering the establishment, the enticing aroma of savory spices and delectable delicacies greeted Fray's senses. The interior gaze inadvertently wandered to the scene unfolding just beyond the restaurant's windows. A man consumed by rage was ruthlessly was adorned with warm, inviting hues, and the soft murmur of conversations filled the air. Fray settled into a secluded corner table.

As he indulged in the flavorsome dishes presented before him, his gaze inadvertently wandered to the scene unfolding just beyond the restaurant's windows. A man consumed by rage was ruthlessly beating his wife, causing a commotion in the surrounding streets.

Fray's eyes locked onto the distressing spectacle, but his face remained impassive, devoid of any discernible emotion. He seemed detached from the suffering unfolding before him. The cries of the woman pierced the air, pleading for mercy.

Amidst the chaos, Fray tore his gaze away from the distressing scene outside, focusing once again on the meal before him. However, his thoughts remained consumed by the turmoil that permeated the world.

In his mind, the words echoed, (Even the city of science can't find true peace.) Fray tore his gaze away from the distressing scene outside, forcing his attention back to the meal before him. His thoughts, however, remained consumed by the turmoil that permeated the world.

Fray met the old man's gaze, his expression unchanged. He spoke calmly. "I chose not to interfere in the affairs of other cities."

The old man's brows furrowed in confusion, his voice tinged with skepticism. "But can you truly bring about change by merely observing?"

Fray's unwavering gaze met the old man's, his words holding steadfast conviction. "True change requires more than a single act."

The old man's features softened, his eyes filled with a mixture of understanding and wisdom. "Perhaps there is wisdom in your words," he conceded. "But remember, there are times when action is necessary to protect the vulnerable."

Fray nodded, his expression still emotionless. "I will keep your words in mind," he replied. With that, he turned away from the crowd, continuing on his journey through the enchanting city of Astralhaven.

As the old man turned to leave, a young man with a scar on his face stepped forward from the crowd, his eyes fixed on Fray. His voice carried a sense of urgency as he addressed the old man.

"Master Elric, do you know who this man is?" the young man asked, his gaze never wavering from Fray's figure.

Master Elric, the old man, studied Fray intently for a moment, a furrow forming on his brow. "I have an idea about his identity, but why are you asking? You are not usually this curious," he responded, his voice tinged with curiosity.

The young man hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching Fray's face for any signs of recognition. "I'm not sure, but I find him familiar," he admitted, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Master Elric's eyes widened in surprise. "Familiar? Do you think you know him?" he pressed, his voice laced with anticipation.

The young man shook his head, his expression clouded with confusion. "I'm not sure, maybe... It's a strange feeling," he replied, his voice trailing off.

Master Elric placed a comforting hand on the young man's shoulder. "Well, it's not a good idea to approach him now. Let us wait until your memory becomes clearer," he advised, his voice filled with a blend of caution and wisdom.

The young man nodded in agreement, his eyes still fixed on Fray's retreating figure. As they watched from a distance, Fray joined a group of knights, disappearing from sight.


PS: Elric had previously appeared in a scene of the fight between the Lionar kingdom and the Niram empire in the borders, and the young man was the one who was in the battle.