Chapter 203 The Threats Of War

Chapter 203 The Threats Of War

The next night, Fray found himself in the grand residence of the Lord of Astralhaven, having been graciously invited to stay as a guest. The Lord, a distinguished figure with a regal aura, extended his hospitality to Fray, recognizing his status as a fellow noble and a respected warrior.

The Lord's family gathered in the lavish dining hall the next morning, ready to share a breakfast feast with their esteemed guest. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of warmth and camaraderie as Fray joined them at the table. Lord Reginald, the gracious host, greeted Fray with a nod, acknowledging his presence with the utmost respect.

"How did you spend your night, Lord Parada? Did you sleep well?" Lord Reginald inquired, his genuine concern evident in his voice.

Fray met Lord Reginald's gaze with a nod of gratitude. "Yes, Lord Reginald, thanks to your hospitality, I slept comfortably. I appreciate your kindness."

Lord Reginald's wife, Lady Genevieve, radiated elegance as she gracefully seated herself beside her husband. Her eyes held a curious glint as she regarded Fray, her voice gentle but inquisitive.

"My daughter here is a big fan of you, Lord Fray," Lady Genevieve said, pointing to her shy daughter seated at the table. "She was at the Lionar Kingdom party and spoke highly of you. She mentioned your unwavering character and formidable skills in battle. It is an honor to have you in our home," her tone conveying both admiration and genuine interest.

Fray glanced at the shy girl beside Lady Genevieve, who was about the same age as him. Her eyes darted away whenever their gazes met. He observed her delicate features, a hint of curiosity shining through his usually stoic expression. There was something about her innocence and genuine admiration that stirred a flicker of warmth within him, though he chose to hide it behind a composed demeanor.

Fray maintained his stoic composure as he turned his gaze once again to Lord Reginald's wife, his voice calm and measured as he responded, "The honor is mine, Lady Genevieve. It is a privilege to be welcomed into your midst."

As the breakfast conversation flowed, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of mutual respect and genuine interest. Lord Reginald, intrigued by Fray's presence and reputation, engaged in a discussion about their respective kingdoms and the challenges they faced. The conversation gradually shifted, and Fray seized the opportunity to broach a topic of importance to him.

"Lord Reginald, did you have the time to think of my proposition?" Fray said, his voice steady and persuasive.

"The Parada family should be honored to receive the Niram Empire's troops within their city. It is an opportunity for your family to demonstrate its loyalty to the empire," General Roderick continued his arrogant words.

Elisa's eyes narrowed, a flicker of anger crossing her features before she regained her composure. With a calm yet commanding voice, she delivered her response. "General, I advise you to choose your words and actions wisely. The Parada family has been patient, but our patience wears thin. If your troops do not leave Iskar City within two days, it will be considered an act of aggression, and we will defend our territory."

The general, unfazed by Elisa's warning, continued to indulge in his own arrogance. He took a step closer, invading her personal space with an audacious swagger. "Sweetie, there's no need for threats. We can find a way to resolve this without resorting to war," he said, his voice dripping with an arrogant charm that only served to further provoke her.

Elisa's dead eyes held an unwavering determination as she met the general's gaze. "War is a last resort, but we will not tolerate the intrusion of unwanted forces on our doorstep."

The two knights flanking Elisa shifted angrily, their hands resting on the hilts of their swords. They were ready to defend their lady, should the need arise.

A tense silence settled over the camp as the soldiers watched the exchange between Elisa and the general. The weight of the impending conflict hung heavy in the air, uncertainty mingling with the flickering flames of the campfire.

Elisa took a step back. "You have two days." Her gaze lingered on the general for a moment longer before she turned to leave, the two knights following in her wake. As they disappeared into the darkness, a lingering sense of unease settled upon the troops.

The gravity of Elisa's warning hung heavily in their hearts. They now understood the consequences of their presence in Iskar territory. War loomed on the horizon, and their fate would be decided in the coming days. The once peaceful journey had taken an unforeseen turn, leading them down a path fraught with tension and uncertainty.

The campfire crackled, casting dancing shadows upon the faces of General Roder

ick and Captain Talon as they stood amidst the flickering glow. Tension hung in the air, palpable and thick, as the general seethed with anger and the captain maintained a calm, collected expression.

General Roderick's face flushed with fury, his voice laced with disdain as he vented his frustration. "How dare she? How dare that *** speak to me like that? The audacity!" he spat, his words dripping with venom.