Chapter 226 The Eerie Silence

Chapter 226 The Eerie Silence

The dark forest lay in ruins, its once lush and vibrant foliage now reduced to a desolate wasteland.

The air was thick with the scent of burnt wood and decay, a haunting reminder of the formidable battle that had taken place.

The ground was littered with debris, fallen branches, and shattered tree trunks, bearing the scars of the violent clash.

In the aftermath of the battle, the destroyed landscapes of the dark forest stood as a testament to the immense power that had been unleashed.

The once majestic trees now lay toppled, their branches twisted and broken. Deep craters marred the earth, evidence of the devastating impact of magical spells and powerful attacks.

Silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the distant cries of wounded creatures and the soft rustling of leaves.

Amidst the devastation, Fray knelt on one knee, his body battered and broken. He gasped for air, his breaths heavy and labored, as deep wounds marred his flesh.

His missing arm and eye were painful reminders of the fierce struggle he had endured.

The weight of his injuries threatened to overwhelm him, but he fought to stay conscious, his determination unwavering.

Before him lay the lifeless bodies of his fallen adversaries. A man, his bow lying by his side, bore a massive hole in his chest, evidence of the lethal force that had struck him down.

The woman, with ebony skin and an air of formidable power, lay with her head separated from her body.

"Kh_Kh.." Fray gasped, blood trickling from his mouth as he struggled to gather the strength to stand.


Suddenly before he could even attempt to rise, a wave of excruciating pain surged through his body. His muscles clenched, and a brutal blow struck him forcefully from behind.

In an instant, a fist burst through his chest, the sheer force of the punch sending him sprawling to the ground. His vision blurred, his senses overwhelmed, and darkness closed in around him.


Unknown?Period Ago...

From the depths of the dense forest, the monstrous creature emerged, its massive form casting a shadow over the surrounding trees.

With a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth and a serpentine body, it dashed through the undergrowth, its six eyes fixed on the three humans who were bravely navigating their way through the wilderness.

The monster's heart pounded with anticipation as it closed in on its unsuspecting prey.

"It's green," Lysander confirmed, his voice steady. "We can continue."

Continuing their journey through the dense woods, maneuvering between towering trees, the group had been walking for half an hour when Fray abruptly stopped in his tracks. His gaze darted anxiously in every direction, a flicker of concern crossing his face.

( Nahl, Vorax can you hear me??...) Fray's brow furrowed, and a sense of unease washed over him. With narrowed eyes Fray thought (Something's wrong. I can't feel my connection with them... they're gone).

Lyla's gaze swept across her surroundings, at the tall tree that were in every side, her eyes narrowing as she observed the eerie silence that enveloped the area. A sense of unease crept over her as she muttered under her breath, "No sounds of creatures... and no wind either..."


Sunlight filters through the dense canopy of towering trees, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.

The air is thick with the scent of moss and earth. In the heart of this enchanted forest, a massive tree stands tall, its branches reaching towards the sky.

Rekia, with abnormally muscular?legs and an energy tail, perches on a thick branch of the towering tree.

Her armor gleams in the sunlight, and her eyes are filled with determination. In her hand, she holds Zina.

With a surge of energy, Rekia leaps from the branch, her movements a blur of speed. She gracefully lands on another tree branch, her energy tail trailing behind her like a comet.

Rekia's eyes scan the forest, searching for any sign of danger. Her heightened senses allow her to perceive even the faintest of sounds.

Finally, Rekia lands on a sturdy branch, bringing their exhilarating journey to a halt. Zina catches her breath, her heart still racing from the adrenaline-filled ride.

Rekia glanced around cautiously. "I think we are far enough," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rustling leaves. "But it won't take long for her to catch up."

Zina, on the other side, clutched a small red gem in her hand. Its once vibrant glow had faded, and now it emitted a feeble light.

She mumbled to herself, her voice filled with concern, "The protection gem is getting weaker."

As Zina mumbled, her mind wandered back to the words of the mysterious man who had given her the gem. "If this gem lost it light, you must leave the forest immediately,"

Rekia, noticing Zina's troubled expression, approached her with a furrowed brow. "What do you want to do now, princess?" she asked, her voice laced with confusion and concern.

"..."Zina's gaze darted around her with distant expression unable to find an answer for Rekai.

At the top of a far tree branch, a muscular man with a covered face stood in silence, his presence both mysterious and imposing and his eyes fixed on Zina and Rekia.

His physique was formidable, every muscle defined beneath his clothing. The fabric that concealed his face added an air of intrigue, leaving his identity shrouded in secrecy.

A massive object was strapped to his back, its size and shape were concealed by a thick cloth, leaving it's true nature a mystery.

" Interesting"