Chapter 227 The Gap

Chapter 227 The Gap

In the heart of the dense forest, an unsettling silence hung heavily in the air, devoid of any signs of life.

Not a single living organism stirred, and even the faintest whisper of a breeze seemed to have abandoned this eerie place.

As Fray's gaze drifted upwards, he couldn't help but notice the absence of clouds, leaving the sky an expanse of uninterrupted blue.

His eyes then settled on the sun, a mere dot against the vast emptiness, was steadily making its descent, casting long shadows through the desolate woods

With a faint glimmer from his ring, Fray conjured forth a small, pocket clock. Its delicate hands indicated the hour to be 6 o'clock. As he marveled at the clock, a voice sounded from behind him. It was Lyla, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Fray, what course of action do you suggest we take ?" Lyla's voice broke the heavy silence.

Turning to face her, Fray took a moment to gather his thoughts. The enigma of the situation seemed to press upon him, matched only by the strangeness of their surroundings.

Fray's attention shifted to Lysander, who stood nearby. "Lysander, could you take your bow and send an arrow skyward?"

Lysander's puzzled expression reflected the doubt in his mind as he raised an eyebrow, "Shoot an arrow into the sky? Why, Fray?"

Lyla, her gaze fixed on the sky as well, joined the conversation, her tone thoughtful, "Do you think that there's an invisible barrier imprisoning us within?"

Intrigued by Fray's suspicion, Lysander formed an energy arrow with swift precision. New novel chapters are published at

With practiced ease, he drew back the bowstring, channeling his energy into the shot.


The arrow soared upward, slicing through the stillness of the sky, and vanished into the vast expanse above.

Time seemed to hang suspended, but no matter they waited the arrow didn't stop, it continued descending until it lost it momentum and explode causing a brilliant light high above.

Fray, Lyla, and Lysander stared up at the sky, transfixed by the spectacle. As the last remnants of the dazzling light faded into the abyss, realization dawned upon them. "There was no barrier," Fray murmured

Lyla nodded in agreement, her eyes still fixed on the sky. "yes, that what it seems like."


With a powerful thrust, he launched himself into the sky, defying gravity with his incredible leap.

"...."Lyla and Lysander shocked looked up at Fray's body that was ascending in the air with a bullet speed.

As Fray soared through the air, the forest beneath him transformed into a blur of green and brown. Higher and higher he ascended, until he reached a height that surpassed the tallest trees.

And then, as he looked down, his breath caught in his throat. Before him lay a shocking scene that defied all expectations.

The part of the forest he had just traversed was surrounded by a massive gap in the ground, stretching as far as the eye could see.

It was as if a colossal chasm had ripped through the earth, separating this section of the forest from the rest of the world.

The gap was a gaping maw of darkness, its depths unfathomable. Fray's eyes widened as he took in the sheer magnitude of the abyss.

The forest on the other side seemed untouched, bathed in the soft glow of sunlight, while here, in this isolated pocket, darkness reigned.

With a final glance at the vast expanse below, Fray propelled himself downward, his descent swift and controlled. As he landed on the forest floor, his eyes never strayed far from the immense gap that now separated him from the rest of the world.

"Did you find anything?" Lysander asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

Fray took a moment to gather his thoughts before answering. "I couldn't see anyone, but it seems we are surrounded by a huge gap that separates us from every direction."

"What!? How can this be? We entered this place on foot," Lyla exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Use your spiritual sense," Fray said, his voice low but firm.

Lyla nodded and closed her eyes, focusing her energy. After a moment, she opened her eyes and said, "There's nothing in a circle of six kilometers. There's no sign of life."

( Six kilometer? I'm sure the gap is closer than that, if there's no one inside the circle then who lit this fire?) Fray's brow furrowed in confusion.

"But I saw something else," Lyla continued, her voice filled with intrigue. She started approaching one of the trees that was beside the campfire.

Fray followed her with his eyes, his curiosity piqued. Lyla looked deeply at the tree, then slowly put her hand on a specific point of the trunk before releasing a low surge of energy. Just then, a strange writing emitted at the surface of the trunk, catching Fray's attention.

"Rune!?" Fray exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and confusion.