Chapter 100: The First Trimester

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 100: The First Trimester

Zella screamed in complete hysteria while Gerald cradle himself while mumbling incoherently.

Hmm? Ira showed a confused expression while he walked toward them, You didnt make a mistake did you, Harper?

Harper contemplated for a few seconds before she answered, ...No.

Whats wrong with them, Ira?! Lance shouted in a panic.

I dont know. Maybe theyve been dead too long, it takes time to readjust you know. Ira shrugged. He tapped Geralds shoulder and was met with a series of wild swings. Ira stepped back and watched Gerald continue to yell while hitting the air.

Im sure he was talking earlier, Ira said to himself as he suddenly reached out and grabbed Gerald before headbutting him.

Gerald was immediately knocked unconscious and went limp but Ira picked him up and placed him on his shoulder before turning to Zella who was still screaming.

Make this easy for both us, Ira said as he approached her.

No! No! No! No! Zella screamed as she attempted to run away, but since Ira was the one chasing her it was clear there was no point in fleeing at all. She wasnt able to advance more than two feet before she was grabbed, knocked out with a heavy tap on the forehead, and hoisted over his shoulder.

Lets go. Ira sighed as he walked back toward the campsite.

Lance, Sarah, and Valerie shared a look before following behind them.

When Ira arrived back at the campsite, everyone placed their gazes on him. Zellas eerie scream was loud of enough to reach them and some people suspected Ira of being a deviant, but after seeing no evidence they had no reason to continue thinking it.

Who are those people? What did you do to them? Randolph spoke up as he looked at Ira strangely. Ira glanced at Randolph before he chuckled and continued on.

Although they had just met, Ira began to think of Randolph as an annoyance. Randolph was about to take a step forward when Lance noticed and spoke up, Those are our friends.

It was lucky that Lance interfered when he did. Most of the time it was impossible to tell what would cause Ira to react aggressively. He recalled when he attempted to attack Ira out of anger when he first tampered with Geralds and Zellas bodies. In that moment, it seemed as if Ira would really kill him without a second thought.

Oh, sorry, Randolph sat down with an awkward expression, it appeared he didnt realize that Lance saved him from death. Ira wasnt the type of person to argue his beliefs or explain the reasoning behind his actions and if he did it would mean he was being extremely patient.

Ira eventually placed Gerald and Zella in a tent before he turned to leave.

Wait, are they going to be ok? Sarah asked.

I really dont know, just explain it to them slowly when they wake up. I mean they have been dead for a while, right? Harper will watch them until tomorrow. Ira moved toward the darkness of the forest before he slowly faded from sight.

Harper looked reluctant to stay, but since Ira asked her to she had no choice. She turned around and eyed Randolph threateningly before she entered the tent and sat down. She crossed her legs and began to inspect the minds and souls of Gerald and Zella while they were unconscious.

Lance, Sarah, and Valerie knew there was nothing they could do to help so they went to their own tents and tried to rest, though that was easier said than done.

Aldis, Amy, Clark, and Randolph remained at the campfire, the only source of noise was the crackling of the burning wood.

Im sorry, Amy...I wanted to visit you after...After you lost your arm, Clark finally spoke.

Amy clenched her metal fist as she looked at him, Then why didnt you?

Ira said that...I shouldnt stay at the academy, he said it wasnt the place for me, Clark replied.

Youre blaming Ira? Aldis questioned with a laugh that oozed with mockery, What did he say exactly?

I...I asked him if Amy hated me...and then he said the academy wasnt right for me before he gave me a couple hundred Gre before he left. Clark answered.

Ah, it doesnt seem like he told you to leave at that moment. It seems like you used it as a convenient excuse to leave, Aldis hands found their way to his swords, but he remained in control.

You dont get to talk to him like that, you dont know how guilty he mustve felt. Randolph showed his own anger.

No, I do get to talk to him however I want because I was there. Let me ask you something, how did you get your ability? Aldis voice slowly began to rise.

The Red Moon and The Golden Aurora, why? Randolph asked in confusion.

So you didnt have to suffer through anything for it? You just woke up one day and had it? Have you ever suffered the slightest bit of adversity up until this point? If you havent why do you think that your own input would be valid. When Amy lost her arm she felt completely powerless. When I fought those monsters, I felt powerless. When did you ever feel powerless to help someone you care about?

At Aldis questions, Randolph found himself tongue-tied. While he didnt have a silver spoon from birth, he hadnt lost much.

What about you? Arent you from a noble family? You probably had support from your parents. Randolph asked stubbornly.

Support? If you think I had financial support than youre right, I did, but thats it. In my family, if you cant show enough strength you are as good as useless. Everything Ive achieved has been from my own efforts and I guarantee it was harder than anything youve done so far. I dislike you, Randolph...Not because of the fact you were lucky enough to get power without earning it, but because you think that you have the right to tell us how to feel and how to react. You havent suffered enough for me to listen to one word from you. Aldis stood up and drew his swords.

Randolph gripped his sword tightly as he stood up and stared at Aldis.

Thats enough, Aldis! Amy shouted before she stormed away from the campfire and into the forest.

Aldis gave one last look to Clark and Randolph before he sheathed his swords and chased after Amy.

Amy! Aldis called out as he followed her into the forest.

Amy continued walking until Aldis placed a hand on her shoulder which caused her to turn around and face him.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Im fine, Aldis, Amy said as tears gathered near the corners of her eyes.

Youre not, Aldis responded before taking a breath and continuing, ...When I was younger...Avery killed my father. He...didnt like what my sister became during her training so when he tried to take us away, she killed him. After the incident, the servants maintained their distance from me and so did my other relatives...I guess they were afraid of suffering a similar fate. Since I clearly wouldnt be a Valkyrie, I didnt see much of my mother or Avery while growing up. Until I met you, Clark, and Ira, I didnt have anyone. Thats why I cant ignore Clarks absence.

Come on, Ill tell you two everything on the way, Lance wiped his eyes as he walked forward with energetic steps. It was due to his excitement that he didnt notice the absent look that briefly swept across Gerald and Zellas eyes.

...Ok, Zella said hoarsely. It seemed that she didnt even notice the look, but it was to be expected. There was no way that returning from death would be so forgiving as to not leave the slightest of side effects.

A week and a half later, at the Valkyrie Hall, several Valkyries walked toward a newly created section with urgency. The two Valkyries leading them were none of than Lauren and Casey who seemed to be the most worried.

Explain to me what happened step by step, Lauren said with a voice that didnt allow refusal.

Its...Im not sure, but when we found her it was already over. The room was completely destroyed and the mana surrounding her was unstable, Mother. A Valkyrie said solemnly.

Shes safe though, correct? Casey asked.

Yes, Avery is without harm, but... The Valkyrie trailed off.

But? Lauren inquired.

Its best if you see for yourself, The Valkyrie said ominously.

The group of Valkyries opened a pair of iron door and entered a room filled with the broken furniture and bedding. The only intact chair was occupied by Avery who looked toward one of the windows carved out for her.

Avery, is everything alright? Casey asked with concern.

Yes, Mother, Avery stood up and her entire form could be seen. There was a noticeable protrusion on her abdomen that indicated her pregnancy was moving further along than normal.

...Impossible, Lauren trembled as she moved forward to inspect Avery. After she finished, she found that there was no mistaking it. Averys child seemed to be developing at an alarming rate, but when considering the Father, it became less of a surprise. It seemed that a month for an ordinary child developing in the womb was akin to three months for Iras and Averys child.

Tell everyone to stop their activities, from this point on all of us will keep watch on Avery, Lauren stated.

What about the healers and nurses? Casey asked. Although most of them had given birth at some point, they had people to assist them. There were a number of things that could go wrong and it would never hurt to be extra cautious. Caution became even more appealing when Ira was considered, it was no telling what would happen if his child received an injury.

So far none of them have proven to be trustworthy. When Ira comes back Ill ask him to retrieve some people from Sylun. In the meantime, only two Valkyries are allowed to go to the Manor to give orders. Other than that, no one is allowed out unless it is an emergency. Lauren suddenly paused and turned toward Avery. She felt something was off and just as she was about to speak a burst of energy erupted and sent her and the other Valkyries flying back.

Avery!? Lauren yelled as she stood up.

Im fine, Grandmother...It just moved for the first time, Avery traced over her swollen abdomen with a sweet smile.

The Valkyries, on the other hand, had looks of horror, for them to be moved backward by the ability of a child that wasnt even born. It was something that they couldnt comprehend no matter how much they tried.

You know what to do, go, Lauren said firmly.

The Valkyries immediately left, leaving Avery, Casey, and Lauren as the remaining three.

How long has this been happening, the pulses of energy I mean? Casey asked.

Theyve slowly been increasing in intensity over the last week, Avery spoke without a hint of worry.

...And they arent harming you? Lauren asked.

They have no effect on me, Grandmother, Avery answered.

I see Lauren nodded, Sit and rest, Avery, it wont be long until well replace the furniture shortly. We need to layer it with various protection spells just in case.

I understand, Avery said as she sat down in the only chair left in the room.

Lauren and Casey shared a look before they departed, leaving Avery alone, cradling her stomach with a warm look.

I hope he comes back, soon, Avery said to her child. It may have been due to the childs accelerated development, but it had an effect on Averys normally indifferent face. That wasnt to say that she would be unfeeling toward the life growing inside of her, but rather, the rare times she showed emotion was harder to catch and less obvious.

Meanwhile, in the East, Cyprian was preparing to head to the Grenitian Kingdom in order to fulfill the Parvian side of the deal and receive an Index.

Are you sure that we should send Cyprian? The earthquakes that have been coming from the desert border have increased, An old man spoke.

Thats all the more reason to send him, we need to receive that index to prepare for any untimely disaster, Another old man responded.

You dont think its the City-Eater, do you? A middle-aged man asked.

...Isnt it true our scouting parties have yet to return? The old man responded with a question in order to let them draw their own conclusions.

It cant be

Gods no

Will we need to use the Spirit of The Desert?

Enough! Cyprian, do you understand your task? The Head of the House of Swords spoke.

Yes, I am to follow through with the agreement made between us the Grenitians investigating Iras origins.

Good, then depart immediately. The best outcome would be if you could get Ira to assist us with investigating the desert. The grey-haired old man said.

Cyprian nodded before he turned to leave, he understood the need to learn as much about Ira as they could. Ira had control over a Moon that increased the abilities of those in the Dark Elf Empire, the loyalty and reverence of The Dark Elves and their people, marital ties to the Valkyries, Inhuman strength, and the attention of the Higher Races. Anyone who was sane wouldnt let such a walking disaster move without gaining information on it.

The reality of the situation was quite different then it would seem. If they thought about everything that made Ira dangerous, they would only be scratching the surface.