Chapter 101: Who Said Lightning Never Strikes The Same Place Twice?

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 101: Who Said Lightning Never Strikes The Same Place Twice?

Since the Mana Quarry was cleared, the Mercenaries headed back to wherever they came from. For Ira and those with him, that destination was the Capital. It had been more than a week since they traveled and Ira had shown extreme impatience at the speed everyone else moved. Not even Harper could match the pace he wanted so it was no surprise the others couldnt either. Iras mood continued to deteriorate up until he regained his ability to perform Spatial Leaps.

Gather up! Ira suddenly shouted causing the group to gravitate toward him.

Yes? Harper was already at Iras side so she was the first to speak.

Its time to go, Ira clapped his hands as if urging everyone to quicken their steps.

The entire group gathered with the exception of Randolph and Clark, they had split off early on after Randolphs disagreement with Aldis. It could be considered a good thing for Clark who was spared from the affectionate glances Amy gave to Aldis. On the other side of things, Gerald and Zella were still adjusting to their resurrection. They would often look at Ira with complete awe whenever they recalled the recap of events they received from Lance.

The group made a circle and Ira bent the space around them, there was a muffled shock and then

Were here, Lance said with disbelief as he met the gazes of the startled onlookers.

Ira had moved them right in front of the Mercenaries Union without a caring about the reactions of others. Harper, go with Amy and Aldis to sort out the job details with Samantha. Ill meet you at home.

But Harper gave an unwilling pout.

Ill meet you at home, Harper Ira smiled as he stepped back from the group.

Ira! Harper shouted but all she received in return was the sound of space bending.

Harper huffed out in frustration as she turned toward Aldis and Amy, Lets go.

Ignoring the crowd slowly gathering around, Harper entered the building with Aldis and Amy with Lances group trailing behind them.

Iras destination was obvious, he appeared in front of the Valkyries Hall with the characteristic sound of his spatial leap. Since he was hurried in his movements he ended up stumbling as he landed.

A group of Valkyries stood outside the hall dressed in weapons and armor that made it seem like they were going to battle.

The Valkyrie at the head of the group eased up as she saw Iras appearance. Hold on, Its Averys husband.

The Valkyries greeted Ira with a slight bow before they resumed their guard. The leader of the group silently moved to escort him. Ira returned their greeting with a nod while picking up on her intention. The two moved forward but stopped briefly as Ira nullified the barrier before he entered. As they went deeper inside of the Hall he noticed that every Valkyrie he came across was dressed in armor and standing guard.

Did something happen? Ira asked.

You could say that...Its nothing to be concerned about, but its best if you see it yourself.

Alright, After hearing what she had to say, Ira was relieved and didnt speak too much but grinned excitedly.

Here, The Valkyrie guiding Ira stopped in front of iron double doors sitting outside of a huge chamber. Four Valkyries stood on each side and guarded it with a stoic expression.

Ira opened the door and saw a bedchamber that seemed to be made for royalty. It was strange when considering that the Valkyries didnt enjoy opulent items. The real reason for the expensive looking furniture was that the objects in the room had to be reinforced to withstand the discharge of energy that came from Avery. When considering that, it was obvious that the material used wouldnt be cheap and simple at all.

Ira slowly entered with slow steps and arrived in the center, but saw no signs of Avery. It was only then that he realized there was an entrance to a balcony covered by two black curtains. Ira pushed them open and stepped into a garden area similar to Laurens stone garden, but it was filled with flora instead of plain rocks. Even though the Valkyries had no taste for it, they invested time in procuring things to brighten up the area and make Averys surroundings more comfortable.

Ira saw her sitting in the middle of the garden while resting a hand on her abdomen. It was an image that he continued to observe with the purpose of ingraining it into his memories. Avery felt Iras presence and turned to face him. He moved to stand in front of her and showed a slightly confused yet happy look at the childs quick development.

We could tell when you arrived, Avery took Iras hand and placed it on her stomach.nove(l)bi(n.)com

We? Ira asked as he closed his eyes to listen to the heartbeat.

Yes, we...Somehow our senses briefly overlap from time to time and we experience the same thing. Even when Im sleeping we share the same dreams, Avery spoke with furrowed brows that indicated her uncertainty.

Iras smile brightened immensely as he heard the sound of three powerful heartbeats. The first two were, of course, from Avery and her Phoenix Heart while the remaining heartbeat was from his child.

Dreams of what? Ira opened his eyes.

You, all their dreams are of you. Sometimes I appear in them with you, but the fact that its you never changes.

Its the Genetic Memory, Ira was obviously satisfied by the news.

Hello, A familiar man greeted Rhys.

Instead of happiness, Rhys face showed tension as she had seen the same man before. It was Gicae a member of the Lares who held psychic abilities.

You may be confused about a few things so let me address some of your potential concerns before we begin. Firstly, this is a fabricated space I created inside of your mind so you can speak while here. Secondly, If you are wondering how I arrived here then I should mention there is a brief opening in everyones mind right before they sleep. Now, the third and most important point, I am not here to harm you. I simply want to discuss a few things about Ira with you, but Im not in the position to offer you a real choice in the matter.

What Rhys covered her mouth as she heard her own voice. If she the situation was different she mightve broken down in tears on the spot.

Gicae was slightly surprised as he didnt expect Rhys to have a soft yet clear voice.

What do you want? Rhys asked with a trembling voice. It was only at that moment she noticed that Gicae was missing an arm.

Ira is dangerous, in fact, I believe he is the most dangerous thing in this world. We attempted to look into his mind and I ended up losing my arm. I wanted to ask you if he has spoken to you about his past? Gicaes eyes seemed to narrow as he gazed at Rhys. Without her being aware, he was searching her mind at that moment and if any thoughts relating to Iras origins appeared in her head he would instantly see them.

I dont know much about Ira, Rhys answered with the truth as her anger began to build. The more she heard her own voice the more she became reminded of how she lost it and of how she hurt her family.

Nothing at all? Gicae seemed disbelieving even though he knew she was being honest.

I havent known him that long, Rhys responded curtly as she glared at Gicae.

You made a great effort to protect him from us after his fight with Thessia, though. In Gicaes eyes, Rhys actions were inconsistent with the facts which made him think she had some sort of protection over her mind. Just as he was about to thoroughly search, several memories appeared in her head and gave him a sense of realization.

Oh, you have some affections toward him, but he doesnt appear to reciprocate them...Youre scared, arent you?

You dont know anything, Rhys expression began to show a slight sadness. She assumed Gicae was making a guess and had no idea that he was reading her mind.

I see why you would be scared, he has a wife and once you tell him the truth you think that hell distance himself from you, Gicae continued.

Thats not true, Rhys began to breathe heavily as tears filled her eyes. She began to feel that something was off about Gicae's apparent "guesses."

Ah, you want to show him your family in the hopes that once he sees you open up to him, hell do the same for you, Gicae spoke with mockery.

...Get out of my head! Rhys screamed as she tried to call lightning down to strike Gicae, but nothing happened.

Ill tell you this now, Ive seen whats inside of his head and I doubt hes capable of any real compassion for someone such as yourself. You seem to care about the lives of others unlike him and the Valkyries. While the Valkyries yearn for constant battles, Ira is different...His mind is twisted beyond what words could describe. Youre fearful for the wrong reasons...If you tell him how you feel he will corrupt you. Hell erase whatever you are now and replace it with something hes comfortable with, Im willing to bet that hes done it to someone already, It had to be said that Gicae would be considered right in the eyes most people.

Harper was one example of Iras handiwork, but she would obviously disagree. Before Ira saved her, she was tortured and experimented on by Glenn Marbot. Her parents died from a similar fate and she wouldve too if he hadnt appeared. Even if Ira didnt adopt her as his sister and introduce her to killing, she wouldve ended up in a similar position.

After she was placed in an orphanage, the Kingdom wouldve most likely discovered her strength and she wouldve been adopted by some noble family and trained as a knight. Comparatively, Iras motives were far purer as he wanted Harper to have power for herself so that she would never end up as a tortured captive again. Though Ira's methods were questionable when one considered the common ethic and moral standards across the continent.

...Youre lying...You dont know anything about him. Rhys cried while clenching her fists.

Youre saying that you know more than I do? I want to remind you that Ive seen whats inside his head. I can show you right now if you want but dont blame me if all of those feelings you have of him disappear the moment you see whats behind his smile.

No, Rhys face showed horror as she took a few steps back. She wanted to tell Gicae that he was wrong just as she told Avery, but a sense of dread washed over her as a question formed in her mind. What if he was right? If he was, she wouldnt be able to look the one who brought her so much comfort in the eyes. The only person she had grown close to since she was a child would disappear in an instant.

Gicae nodded as he watched Rhys reaction. Her growing anxiety of Ira separating from her was due to him. The more her fears grew, the easier it was to force those thoughts and memories to the front of her mind.

If you want the best for Ira, then youll keep a close eye on him. As long as we have some sort of assurance that hes not a threat we wont interfere with him. Gicae lied through his teeth. He planned on killing Ira, that was what he decided the moment he lost his arm. He was willing to forego the chance to get through the Storm Wall as soon as Ira became too much of a worry. He couldnt forgive himself if he was to let Ira run rampant on his home continent.

Leave! Rhys eyes widened as if she couldnt even comprehend the thought of betraying Ira.

Think about it and if you ever want to see the evidence first hand just go into the Great Forest and make a beacon with your lightning abilities. As Gicae finished speaking, the surroundings began to darken.

Rhys jolted awake while being covered in sweat. She took deep breaths as she tried to shake the fear that nestled in her heart, but nothing seemed to work. Tears began to pour as Rhys clenched her chest before realizing she was hyperventilating. No matter what she did, she couldnt seem to catch her breath or calm her emotions. Sparks of lightning emerged from her body which did nothing but increase her panicked state. The intensity of the lightning grew and began to spread its reach across the room.

Rhys squeezed her eyes shut as she attempted to reign it in and for a moment calm took over. At least thats how it would appear to the outside, less obvious flashes of blue filled the air. Then the illusion of composure shattered and lightning rained down from everywhere.

Outside of Rhys home, bystanders fled as they watch lightning rip apart a house. Dozens of lightning bolts struck with nothing more than a second between them. The loud deafening sound of thunder threatened to rip the eardrums of any who listened.

It seemed that the lightning would continue to strike as if attempting to communicate its grief for an unknowable amount of time.