Chapter 190: They Came From The Sky

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 190: They Came From The Sky

A calamity made its way toward the Elves inside of the Great Forest. An unstoppable creature that moved with purpose. The creature was covered in a layer of writhing darkness but its eyes glowed with a bright yellow light. Its speed was incomparable to anything seen before as it covered hundreds of miles with very little effort.

The creature was obviously Ira and he chose not to take long in his retrieval of sap from the World Tree, also referred to as the Tree of Origin by Gavreel.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

If it was a few years before, one could say Ira didnt care much about the Dark Elves or how they viewed him. It mightve been his children that softened his heart but he currently cared for the people of the Dark Elf Empire. It was just that Iras way of caring meant making his people stronger through extreme methods. So, when he thought of Sylvias mysterious illness and the life she carried inside her, Ira would do as much as he could. She had done a lot for him and never complained or showed dangerous ambition so he felt that he owed her something.

Ira increased his speed and a loud booming sound rang out behind him. Trees and wildlife were eviscerated when they entered his path and the spirits of the forest began to gather though he was far too fast for them to catch.

Beast! Beast! A small fairy cried out but was thrown out of the way when Ira rushed by.

The trees which stood for hundreds and even thousands of years were ripped from the ground if they were in Iras path.

As Ira reached the depths of the Great Forest, the stronger the resistance toward him became. Dozens of thick vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around his body while Elves appeared on tree branches above him and aimed their bows.

Fire! The Elves released a volley of arrows only to watch them be repelled by the layer of black mist covering Iras body.

A cloud of black mist erupted and Iras body could be seen.

Hey! Ira yelled as he stepped over the vines. Wheres that special tree?

You shouldnt be here you foul creature, leave now! An Elf shouted back.

Slowly, the fairies and dryads that couldnt keep up with Ira made it to his location and surrounded him.

Just give me some of the sap from the tree, ok? Just a little.

You wish to taint the world tree? A dryad asked.

Not particularly, no. I need to heal someone and youre wasting my time. Could you please give me a few drops? If you do I swear I won't bother you anymore. Ira responded.

Youll have to kill us if you want to reach the sacred World Tree. The Elves took aim once again and fired their arrows at Ira.

Even though he was in his human form it yielded the same exact result. None of the arrows were strong enough to pierce his skin.

...Im getting soft. Ira sighed to himself. Although he ruined a lot of plant life, he didnt kill anyone and he actually stopped to ask for the essence of the World Tree.

The fairies flew through the air and conjured forest spirits but they couldnt detect any evil from Ira.

Hes not bad. Hes not bad...But he wants to hurt Mother.

We cant let him hurt Mother.

The trunk of the small tree and its few dozen branches twisted upward. It wasnt a fitting appearance for a tree that was around since the world was created. In a way, it was on a higher level than Godsteel. If one were to drink enough sap they could ascend very easily. Though in return the tree would enter a state of hibernation for a few hundred years in order to replenish itself and the world would suffer in return.

It should be said that the Tree of Origin had roots that were so deep they nearly reached the core of the world. Destroying it would cause a huge calamity but there wasnt anyone who would be able to. At least, that was until Ira appeared. Luckily, all Ira wanted was a few drops of its essence. Not enough to make Sylvia ascend and certainly not enough to destroy the world.

Ira appeared within the dome and a sobbing sound could be heard once he did.

I just wanted some sap, that was all, Ira mumbled to himself as he approached the tree. Is it going to come out of this tiny shrub?

Once he approached the world tree surrounded itself with thick branches that wouldnt lose out to the strongest of metals.

Iras expression warped into one of dissatisfaction. Im not waiting anymore.

He waved his hands and a black line cut through everything. The defense of the Tree of Origin fell and he stepped into the pond surrounding it. He felt immediate effects as the water had special qualities.

This isnt half bad, Ira commented while producing a flask and scooping some of the water into it. Ill save it for later.

All of a sudden, roots burst out of the pond and wrapped around Ira and tried to drag him down but he didnt budge.

Get off of me, Ira ripped the roots off of his body and moved straight toward the tree.

It issued a fearful cry but it fell on deaf ears, Ira had already decided on what he would do. There was no way he would place the emotions of a tree over Sylvia and her childs life. Ira flicked his hand a cut through the bark of the tree.

At that moment, the cries of the forest stopped and everything became silent. For some reason, Ira felt a little unnerved by it. A weight pressed down on him, one incomparable to anything he felt before. It was like the entire world was issuing a warning against his actions but he didnt listen. Even if he understood the gravity of his decision he still wouldn't have listened.

He waved his hand and produced a small glass vial and used it to collect some of the sap from the tree. It was literally a few drops worth of clear liquid with a faint golden tinge to it.

Now, that wasnt so hard, was it? Ira asked.

All the pressure he felt before had faded and just as he sealed the vial, a chorus of music rang out.

Ira felt something was off so he hurriedly teleported away and arrived near the outskirts of the Great Forest. He couldnt detect anything off at a glance but he was struck with the urge to look upward and so he did.

What Ira saw a golden light that was even more vibrant than the sun. The light filled the sky and translucent white feather slowly fell down with it. From the golden light came pale angels with wings. They slipped through the light like it was a curtain and flew through the sky.

What the fuck? Ira realized the current events had something to do with Gavreel but he didnt understand how.

It was then that something else emerged from the golden light. A massive stone sphere with different segments making up its body and weird engravings covering its surface. Angels, ones with four pairs of wings, escorted the stone sphere.

Is this what you saw, Ravi? Ira thought to Raverias nightmare and wondered if it was what she saw. He had an urge to attack the angels at once but it wouldnt be wise, especially if the sphere they brought proved to be some formidable weapon. There was also the fact that Sylvia was suffering back in the Underground City.

Ira clicked his tongue and vanished while the angels continued pouring out of the golden curtain. A heavenly chorus rang out through all corners of the world announcing the arrival of the Angels.