Chapter 191: I Smell War

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 191: I Smell War

When the eighth column lit up, every God felt it. It was as if the entire realm was calling them to action. Karas eyes showed nothing but refusal, the Gods acted slyly and schemed while ignoring the consequences. She looked into the sky of the Divine Realm and could see Angels spawning out of Golden light. They were different from the angels with egos as they had blank and featureless faces with one pair of wings.

Lauren, if you survived, I wish for the safety of you and any family you might have. Kara closed her eyes. There was nothing she could do at that point as the Gods who proposed the plan were all full of greed and desire. The last Avarus held the key to accessing a stronger ability so it made sense many would seek it out.

Gavreel stood atop the temple as the citizens lined the streets while seeking guidance. Hundreds of Angels accompanied her while those who ranked higher than her protected a stone sphere that floated in the distance.

Listen! Gavreel slammed her golden spear on the ground and received silence.

Years ago, a blight struck a part of this land. You all may know it as the Black Forest and it is nothing more than an affront to all of creation. The one responsible for the foul energy that permeates the Black Forest is the enemy to all living beings. If no action is taken, another event similar to the creation of the Black Forest will occur on a massive scale and millions will die.

Gavreels words struck true and the capital as a whole felt great concern and anger toward whoever caused it. Still the question lingered, who was responsible for it?

The one who caused the Black Pillar is the one you know as Ira, Gavreel said. After she finished speaking, a different shock spread through the listeners. It was a sudden shock for a large portion of the population but those who witnessed the death of the Behemoth and the fight that occurred after understood it. That day, when Ira nearly died, the sky turned black and various other phenomenon occurred.

He has committed many sins and has taken countless lives. He has deceived you all. The beast that you referred to as the City-Eater is none other than him. What was a killed in the desert was a Primeval Beast, an ancient creature created to test mortals in order to bring out the best of all of you. Ira lied and forced everyone to undertake a battle of his own creation. Gavreel spoke with righteousness that infected the hearts and souls of everyone who heard her speak.

How could he? Standing further away Clark recalled the death of his father during the Black Pillar incident.

Randolph was speechless as he listened. He doubted Iras morals but to see how much was hidden beneath Iras cheerful mannerisms was horrifying.

Gavreel looked at Randolph with an appraising gaze as he was the sword she wanted to wield in what was to come. He was also the perfect figurehead for humans and other races to rally behind as the Angels couldnt stoop so low as to personally lead them.

I call on you to take up arms against Ira. I will spread the truth about him to each country and we will grant him the punishment he deserves. Gavreel shouted and the citizens erupted into cheers.

Within the crowd, a group of mercenaries remained silent. If Ira was present he would immediately recognize them as Lance, Sarah, Valerie, Gerald, and Zella. The last two being the ones he brought back from the dead.

We have to warn him, Gerald said. It had taken a while but traces of his former self could be recognized though there was obviously after effects from experiencing death.

Didnt you hear her? Iras the one responsible for the destruction of an entire city. If we help him well become enemies with the entire continent. Lance replied. He had gained maturity over the few years he hadnt seen Ira and in that time he learned to be more cautious. He had to be especially careful with Gerald and Zella around as their resurrection could be labeled as black magic to those who didnt understand it.

Im going to warn him, Gerald replied with a cold expression.

I also will go, Zella chimed in.

What about you two? Lance asked Sarah and Valerie.

Im going with them, Valerie said.

He saved the lives of our friends, Lance. We at least owe him this much. Sarah made her intentions clear.

Lance sighed as he had no choice when the entire group was ready to leave without him.

Well get some supplies and leave immediately. After we warn him we wont owe him anything else, got it? Lance asked.

Yeah, its smaller than you would think. So, I went there and

What about the Elves? Didnt they try to stop you?

Well, they tried. Anyway, I went there and Ira paused to make sure Avery wouldnt interrupt him again. I got to the tree and as soon as I did I was struck with this strange feeling. I ignored it and got a little of the sap and after that, I could hear those instruments being played. When I looked up at the sky it was like the Golden Aurora all over again except Angels came flying out.

How many Angels, Ira? Avery asked with a serious expression.

Thousands at least. They werent the same as Gavreel though, some of them only had one pair of wings and didnt have any faces. Then there were the ones with eight wings, they were near some weird sphere thing.



Did it occur to you that the Angel may have been misleading you? Avery asked.

It did, but there wasnt much I could do was there? Sylvia was there to help deliver all of my children, right? I wouldnt let her die without trying to do something. Ira replied.

Avery sighed and shook her head. She knew that the other Valkyries would be feeling it by now, the conflict to come. Even the Valkyries in Yeramesh would have premonitions about the battles to come.

Youre aware itll be dangerous from now on, right? Theres no possible way all of those Angels are here on friendly terms.

Im vaguely aware, yes, Ira answered with an aloof expression.

Good, as long as you understand I wont have to worry about much. Avery sighed once more. Youre the only man I have and will ever love, Ira.

Ira smiled dumbly at Averys words, It isnt like you to say something like that.

Suddenly, his face sharpened, Actually, its probably a bad sign if you say something like that at this moment. Quick take it back!

...No, Avery replied.

Then say it in reverse! Hurry, Avery! Ira grabbed her shoulders and shook her back and forth.

The two broke out into laughter with Iras being loud and Averys being faint. Still, the two were obviously happy.

Neither of them knew that the scale of what was to come exceeded even Averys guesses. Even at that moment, the Angels were moving like messengers to spread the news of Iras "evil" deeds. The entire force of the continent was slowly being gathered to face him.

Dad! Raveria ran into the room with her brothers in hand.

Dad! Zephyr echoed.

Father, Valeryn said quietly but the smile on his face spoke volumes.

Come here! Ira opened his arms wide and picked up his children. I hate being away from all of you.

His children giggled gleefully, except Valeryn whose reactions were always a bit subdued but he was in no way any less excited than his siblings. Ira didnt mind at all and kissed his children on their foreheads.