Chapter 167: Rin's time to shine

Chapter 167: Rin's time to shine

(Rin's pov)

It's already been over a week since Ryoto went to work. I don't know what kind of job he got, but he promised me that we won't need to worry about going to the 1st district after he returns.

During that time, I was living with someone I was working with. Apparently, people here in the afterlife seldom meet their family from when they lived, so they create groups and call it families, and right now, I'm living with one of these families.

Some of them acted strange around me, almost scared, but it didn't matter much as I didn't interact with any of them that much.

I didn't even spend that much time there. I felt the safest in the abandoned house that I, together with Ryoto, called home for the last four months.

I started remembering those four months. I had a difficult time accepting my situation, but slowly I got to understand that there is probably no way back. Ryoto was telling me that there may be some way to return, but I think he was telling me that to give me hope.

In just three months, we'll go to the 1st district and apply to the Shinigami academy. Our lives will be better, according to Ryoto and what I've heard while working as a waitress.

I was also aware that he was stealing food at times and was sharing it with some kids. I really like that side of him. He helped others while he could do it by himself. I also can't understand how he can be so calm. I don't know what I would do here without him.

Right now, I am cleaning the house. It was small but ours, kinda. It's a shame that we will have to leave soon.

As I was finished with the house inside, I wanted to go for a little stroll in the forest. Ryoto said it's dangerous, but I enjoy these little strolls. I don't know why he said to never call them a walk, though.

As I went outside and decided what way I was to go, I saw a bloodied body lying on its back.

No... It's impossible... He said he would be fine... He is strong...

I began slowly walking towards the body, but with every step, I sped up to get closer.

I was sure that it was Ryoto. There wasn't a chance I would mistake him, but he was terribly injured. Even from far away, I recognized the wounds as sword wounds.

I woke up at night and couldn't fall asleep because it was too dark. I wasn't scared of the dark, definitely not that, but I was worried that mom would be, so I went to her room.

I opened the door to my mom's room, but mom wasn't alone. Inside there was a figure with black clothes, a sword, and glowing blue eyes. He was scary, but mom wasn't moving, and that scared me even more.

Sholing: "Mom?"

But she didn't answer.

Shaoling: "MOM!!!"

I started running to mom as the figure jumped out of the window.

I rushed to mom and tried to wake her up, but I felt something under my hand, and when I looked, I saw something red, blood.

No, No, No, No, No, this can't be happening. Why did it happen to me? Is it because of dad? Mom said that dad has a lot of bad people after him, and he is working for Yoruichi-sama, and I will be as well. That bad person had scary eyes.

Moments later, six people rushed inside the room. They checked on mom and instantly declared her dead.

They asked me some questions about that person and rushed after him. I didn't tell them about his eyes, and I don't know why. I wanted to be stronger. Stronger than the one who killed mom. I want to kill him myself.

That day, for the first time in my life, I felt bloodlust.

(A/N Remember that she is Corps Commander's daughter. She may not be trained, but she could inherit some traits of his.)



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