Chapter 168: Meeting someone important?

Chapter 168: Meeting someone important?

(Rin's pov)

It has been a week and a half since I found Ryoto, and he hasn't woken up since then. On the first day, I went to my co-worker and apologized for not coming back that night, I also said that Ryoto was back, so I'll be living back at our home.

Since Ryoto can't work and I won't be able to earn enough. I would need to steal the same way Ryoto did. I noticed the kids that helped Ryoto from time to time, and they recognized me as Ryoto's friend. They taught me some tricks. While learning from kids may be a bit humiliating, I needed to learn as fast as possible.

Ryoto was healing slowly, and his condition was stable. I helped him drink while he was unconscious, but I don't think that he could eat in that state. I also changed his 'bandages' a few times.

Today I was walking around looking around after I finished my work for today. I saw a rich-looking girl with dark skin and purple hair.

We need some extra money, and it's better to steal from the rich. I bet she is carrying some 'pocket money.'

She was curious about everything around her. Probably her first time around here.

Sorry, but your first visit won't be the most pleasant.

I walked casually towards her and bumped into her by 'accident' and took some change that I could find since there wasn't any purse that I could find. I didn't expect her not to have one, so I got less than I thought.

Rin: "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

I apologized for bumping into her and tried to walk away, but I was stopped by the girl. Now that I looked closer, she seemed to be around our age.

???: "Don't worry, don't worry. I was also spacing out, but I should probably introduce myself. My name is Yoruichi Shihoin."

I feel like I have heard this name before, but I can't put my finger on it.

Rin: "Rin Kujou."

Yoruichi: "Now that we know each other, I'll tell you that you suck at pickpocketing. While you took my money, I took it back and got yours as well, and I could do it five times over."

I quickly checked where the money should be, and it wasn't there. I was robbed. I then looked at Shihoin-San, and she held a small sack full of money with a big smile as if she was proud of herself.

For the last week and a half, I learned something important. If you get caught, you run fast, and that's what I did.

I used some backstreets and shortcuts to lose her. The most important is my safety. I can get money later, but if they take me or break some bones, I won't be able to take care of Ryoto, and he may die.

Not looking back at her, I ran around for a bit until I left the crowded area and could return to Ryoto. Shame that I was caught in the act. I'll need to steal a little extra tomorrow.

As I was about to return home, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Yoruichi: "Is it your first time running away? You didn't even look back to check if I was following you or not."

At least he is still alive.

Yoruichi: "Is it him?"

She pointed at Ryoto, to which I nodded.

She threw away his blanket and looked at his body covered in different kinds of clothes that substituted the bandages. She tried to open his eyes, but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

Rin: "Please don't open his eyes. For some reason, he always keeps them closed."

Yoruichi: "But aren't you curious?"

Rin: "I don't deny it, but I'll respect him and wait until he wants to share his secret with me."

Shihoin-san seemed to respect my decision.

Yoruichi: "Since I can't peek into his eyes, that leaves one question. Why is he holding a Zanpakuto?"

Rin: "Zanpakuto?"

But he calls this sword Zangetsu.

Yoruichi: "The sword he is holding is a Zanpakuto, and by the looks of it, he seems to already know the name of it. The question is how he got it."

Rin: "I don't know. He had it the whole time we were here."

Yoruichi: "But he isn't Shinigami, right?"

I shook my head.

Yoruichi: "Hmm."

She tried to take away the sword from Ryoto, but his hand wouldn't let go of the hilt no matter how hard she pulled.

As she was trying to get him to let go of the sword, a wave of energy came from Ryoto.



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