"Is there something wrong?"

"Madam, I want to hide you."

"Someone wants to assassinate me?" Lu Qing was surprised.

Yumingchuan stopped and looked at Lu Qing. "Madam, I really don't know how much... Is it delicious?"

"Yumingchuan, it's strange after you came back this time, you know? It's all like... With..." Lu Qing can't say any more. Yumingchuan really wants to swallow it in her eyes these days, and really chewed her many times. Even when she comes to Kushui, she has to touch and rub it.

"With what?" yumingchuan suddenly approached Lu Qing, put his hand behind her ass and patted twice.

"Ask clearly!" Lu Qing grabbed his hand, but they were walking outside. How embarrassed they were to be seen.

"Madam, if you are in the Central Plains, at your husband's age, your children will go to school."

"At our age, I'm also going to school." Lu Qingbai glanced at him, squeezed his hand hard and went on.

Zhang Xuejun was bound by flowers and threw on a piece of broken stones. He was covered with soil and his hair was in a mess. Where did he have the style of a half princess?

Liu Chen is holding a glass of water and asks Zhang Xuejun if he wants to drink it.

After Zhang Xuejun was caught, he drank a little water and hasn't given anything to eat. Zhang Xuejun was already angry, but it didn't help.

Most of her crow guards have now been arrested, and all the others who resist fiercely have been killed.

She never thought that the crow guard she was proud of could not take any advantage of these disabled soldiers in yumingchuan.

Didn't my father say that yumingchuan has only those soldiers and can't make waves?

Although Zhang Xuejun is not old, he is also mixed in the army. Naturally, he understands that if yumingchuan can really use it for his own use, their combat power in Liangguo will definitely increase greatly. Unfortunately, this person is soft and hard. It is said that he still wants to revenge alone.

Relying on them, Liang kingdom can also fight Han kingdom. Why can't he understand? Besides, her Princess is willing to marry him. What's wrong with him?

It's fatal to use such reckless methods!

When Lu Qing came over, he just saw Liu Chen holding a woman's nose and forcibly pouring water into her mouth.

Is this Zhang Xuejun?

Lu Qing stared for a while. After Liu Chen poured all the water into her, she saw Zhang Xuejun's face flushed with anger and seemed to want to scold loudly, but there was a rough and ugly cry in her throat. She was poisoned dumb.

After yelling like this, Zhang Xuejun seemed to realize that she was dumb and looked at Liu Chen more and more maliciously.

The malice was soon transferred to Lu Qing.

Yes, the transfer speed is very fast. I only glanced at yumingchuan's face and turned to Lu Qing.

Lu Qing sighed. As expected, these women will eventually spread their anger on her. How innocent is she?

So Lu Qing's hand reached Yu Mingchuan's waist, grabbed a piece of soft skin and began to work hard.

"Hiss - madam, be gentle. If madam thinks this woman is hateful, she will be killed for her husband."

"Bah! You brought it all, but it will harm me in the end. I don't care what to do with it!" Lu Qing shook his hand and was about to leave, but Yu Mingchuan pulled him into his arms.

"Yes, madam is right. It's all bad for her husband, rotten egg, isn't it..." said Yu Mingchuan, putting his head together between Lu Qing's neck and kissing her beautiful little face.

Liu Chen and others just looked away and didn't see them, but Zhang Xuejun glared at them from beginning to end. Now they were so shameless in front of her and shouted directly.

It's just that the sound is as bad as a crow, and it's particularly harsh.

"Liu Chen, is there any medicine useless? Don't waste it." Yu Mingchuan frowned and took Lu Qing away.

Lu Qing wondered, did they come here to annoy Zhang Xuejun?

Liu Chen said yes. He soon took out a small porcelain vase from his arms and walked towards Zhang Xuejun with a smile.

Zhang Xuejun's eyes became more and more frightened. She quacked and wanted to stay away from the evil spirit in front of her, but Liu Chen would not let her go. Immediately, two soldiers came to break Zhang Xuejun's mouth and swallowed a pill for her.

"Yulang, is it really all right for us to treat Zhang Xuejun like this?"

"It's good to keep her alive. On the edge of the Yellow River, she has planned to let the crow guard assassinate you."


"I've been paying attention to this. When I saw something about her, I told Zhang Mao. Zhang Mao sent a lot of people to drive the crows back."

"As a result, she kept up when you came back?"

"Well, she was actually inspired by Zhang Shi. She originally said she wanted to make you a concubine, but I think this woman can't accommodate you. It's not surprising."

"Oh, that's enough. Are you really going to marry her?"

"Madam doesn't believe me again."

"It's hard to say. After all, people are under the eaves."

"Didn't madam build our own eaves? Why would my husband stand under someone else's eaves?"

"As far as you are concerned, Zhang Shi, are you already making arrangements?"

"Well, I've given Liu Hong a big gift. I believe he'll move soon."

"What gift?"

"A divine will."

After saying that, he saw yumingchuan smiling. Lu Qing twisted him hard. Finally, he took the initiative to kiss yumingchuan. Only then did he know what the big black bastard sent to Liu Hong.

Liu Chen personally escorted Zhang Xuejun back to the dungeon of Yumen pass, and sent someone to block the underground hole of Duwei house at both ends.

"This is one more way out. If we use it in the future, we can save more digging," Liu Chen said.

"From today on, move into Duwei's house with your family."

Yumingchuan smiled and gave Liu Chen an order.

Song LAN gave birth to a fat boy to Liu Chen three months ago. Her mother and son are safe, but Liu Chen is very happy. Now Yu Mingchuan gives him the residence of Duwei again, which can be regarded as giving him the power of Yumen pass.

How can Liu Chen be unhappy?

He was just a civilian. His family followed the jade family as soldiers and servants. As a result, when the jade family fell, he and Liu saner were left dead.

Now that he has a empress, it is possible for him to hold the official position of Yumen Duwei. It is like smoke from his ancestral grave.

Yumingchuan and Lu Qing hurried back to Beidahe after they had been closed in Yumen for one night.

As they expected, Zhang Shi's envoy arrived within a few days of returning to Beidahe.