The messenger first came to Beidahe and asked why yumingchuan didn't accompany them. Instead, he was here with his concubine.

And then put forward to see their princess's Royal Highness, the implication is to see whether Zhang Xuejun has been bullied or neglected.

Of course, these people also feel that their princess is so domineering that she will not be ignored.

Yumingchuan treated the envoys with courtesy and accompanied them to Yumen pass.

Lu Qing dressed up as a soldier again and followed yumingchuan.

They didn't walk fast all the way to Yumenguan. They still rested in Anxi for one night and arrived at Yumenguan the next day.

Liu Chen, who got the news, sent "Zhang Xuejun" back to Duwei's house early.

However, this Zhang Xuejun is no longer the other Zhang Xuejun.

Even the 100 crow guards are not the original 100 crow guards. Except for the leading ones.

The leader of the crow guard is Ji LAN. His skill is extremely superb. Unfortunately, he is outnumbered. He was injured several times and was captured alive by Liu Chen.

Leaving his life is just to cope with the current situation.

"Commander Ji, how's the princess?" the messenger came to Duwei's house. Seeing Ji LAN, he hurried forward.

Ji Lan's face was a little pale, but he replied with a smile: "Your Royal Highness, thank you for your concern. The princess is very good here. Yudu captain is very considerate to your highness. After your highness arrived, he arranged to enter Duwei's house. The Han family has been driven to Fulu County and will not pollute your Highness's eyes."

Zheng she nodded. It seems that yumingchuan is a sensible man.

Just about to turn around and tell Yu Mingchuan a few more words, he saw that Yu Mingchuan had strided into the backyard of Duwei's house.

Ordinarily, your highness should live in the backyard. The princess will not come out. They will not be able to take the initiative to go in, but Yu Mingchuan is the queen of the consort, and the princess has already lived there. Naturally, he will not have to avoid suspicion.

But he also took two close soldiers behind him, which was a little out of the way.

"Zheng adults do not know, this is the border, there will be no servant girl, the princess has been used to it." Ji LAN hurriedly explained.

"So that is what it is. I don't know when your highness will see the officer down once in time, or the officer will return to his life."


Before the voice fell, I heard a burst of charming laughter in the backyard. Without much meeting, it became a burst of decadent sound, and the people listening were red in the face.

Zheng she was a little uncomfortable with her old face.

In the daytime... It can be seen that Princess Xue Jun is infatuated with Yumen Duwei.

After waiting for nearly half a day, those unpleasant sounds sounded several times in the backyard, and Zheng she finally couldn't stand it.

"Season leader, I will go to rest first, wait for Her Highness Princess... She is good, also ask season commander to call old decay."

With that, Zheng she ran to enjoy the cool under the Populus euphratica outside the hospital.

In my heart, I was disgusted with Yu Mingchuan and Zhang Xuejun.

What is yumingchuan doing at this time?

In fact, he was sitting at the door of the inner courtyard drinking water.

Yumingchuan looked at Lu Qing. Lu Qing looked at yumingchuan. Sparks could almost burst out in the air.

Just because there have been three bloody wars in the room, it's a real gun and a lot of noise. People in the outer courtyard can hear it, let alone listen to the scene here.

"Madam, why don't you..."

"There's nothing better than sitting down and drinking tea!" Lu Qing's face is already red. She can still be calm and calm before listening to other people's corners, but with Yu Mingchuan, it's heaven thunder and earth fire.

Just because yumingchuan's eyes can peel her away.

From sitting down to now, they have drunk most of the water in a large water tank, but they still feel dry, and yumingchuan's straight eyes are staring at Lu Qing, who is uncomfortable.

Doesn't she feel it? How is that possible?

Lu Qing was already unable to stand the teasing in yumingchuan's eyes. A heart had lost its armor and wanted to climb on him.

However, another voice in her head has been warning her: be reserved!

It's agreed that she can't break her body before she is 18, but don't be tempted to give up all her previous achievements for a while.

Stick to it, but under the table, Lu Qing's foot is clamped by Yu Mingchuan. As for where the foot is placed, you can see Yu Mingchuan's tangled and rippling face.

"Weifu will die in his wife's hand sooner or later." yumingchuan's hand holding the cup trembled, breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned to bite his teeth.

"Isn't it under your feet?" Lu Qing smiled with a withered face. When they all left, they had to wash yumingchuan's crotch pants again.

"No, I must die on my wife!" jade Mingchuan picked up her eyebrows, bifurcated her legs and loosened Lu Qing's feet.

"Why not under the body?" Lu Qing also picked her eyebrows and smiled at Yu Mingchuan.

"Madam... Let's wait and see." yumingchuan bit his teeth, but he thought of Lu Qing's style... Finished. He wanted to hurry to wash his pants.

When it was dark, Yu Mingchuan and "Zhang Xuejun" came out of Duwei's house.

The night was hazy, and there was no light at the door of Duwei house. Naturally, I couldn't see clearly.

"Zhang Xuejun" twisted his body, looking very delicate, and came over with the help of yumingchuan.

"Lord Zheng, please go back as soon as possible and tell my father that everything is fine here. Just ask my father to send the imperial edict for marriage as soon as possible."

With that, the "Zhang Xuejun" leaned against yumingchuan again, full of tenderness and honey.

Zheng she suddenly had the impulse to cover her face. Their princess was really unrestrained. Unexpectedly, he didn't shy away from such things. What else can he say? Hurry back and let Zhang Shi issue an edict. If you are late, you are afraid that the princess and children will be pregnant!

Therefore, Zheng she rushed back to Wuwei County all night, and even yumingchuan tried to keep him closed in Yumen all night.

As soon as Zheng she left, Yu Mingchuan immediately released the woman and was pulled to the beacon tower by Lu Qing.

The woman looked behind her with some shame. It was a soldier named Lu Wenxiang from yumingchuan. Just now he and the woman were walking in the inner yard, so happy.

Liu Chen sent someone to buy the woman who was somewhat similar to Zhang Xuejun. In fact, she has been trained for several days, and even her voice deliberately imitated Zhang Xuejun.

Although the imitation is not very similar, it is enough to fool these envoys who don't get along with Zhang Xuejun.

Now this woman is naturally given to Lu Wenxiang. They are already preparing to get married.

Liu Chen appeared at the right time and took a large group of people to escort Ji LAN and several other crow guards back to the dungeon.

Why are these crow guards so obedient? Naturally, it's because they were fed Liu Chen's medicine. If they dare not cooperate, they will let you see the king of hell immediately.