On the other side, Lu Qing pulls Yu Mingchuan to the room under the beacon tower and immediately asks Huo Jing to prepare a bucket of water. She wants to wash Yu Mingchuan herself!

Just because Yu Mingchuan and the woman like Zhang Xuejun had a good time, they leaned together.

Although he didn't even have physical contact, Lu Qing just felt eye-catching, as if yumingchuan was too dirty to ask for it.

Yumingchuan had a smile on his face. Lu Qing took off his clothes, pressed him into the bucket for cleaning, and finally pulled Lu Qing into the bath bucket.

This bath bucket is not big. If you put two people in it, it won't hold up. But yumingchuan just didn't let Lu Qing go out. He stuck with him and rubbed in a small bucket.

Before long, the water in the bucket was almost squeezed out. The two were sweating and even stained with some indescribable things. They had to ask Huo Jing to send a lot of water and wash it before they went to bed together.

The next morning, yumingchuan took Lu Qing back to Beidahe.

Used to their big house, the living environment here can't stand it at all. Besides, yumingchuan especially misses their big bath now.

Three days after returning to Beidahe, Zhang danlai said goodbye.

At this time, it happened that yumingchuan went to the soldiers' District, but Zhang Dan quietly came to Wubao.

Lu Qing is sure that Zhang Dan deliberately avoided yumingchuan.

She still hasn't told Yu Mingchuan what happened with Zhang Dan in those two days. How to say it? She has a clear conscience. If she says more, she has a taste of covering up.

Besides, Zhang Dan will be hurt like that. What can they do.

After they were rescued, yumingchuan did not wait for Zhang Dan. After all, he was injured by Lu Qing.

Now Zhang Dan's injury has healed, so he came to say goodbye to Lu Qing as promised.

Lu Qing met Zhang Dan in a small conference hall on the third floor, followed by Huo Jing and Bai Jitai.

"Mrs. Han, I have something I want to talk to you alone." Zhang Dan looked at Lu Qing with eyes as light as water, which seemed to have no other meaning.

"Here are all my confidants. If you have anything, please tell me directly." Lu Qing doesn't want to get along with Zhang Dan alone. After all, he really means something else to her.

"It's a matter of great importance, Mrs. Han think twice." Zhang Dan looked out of the window, which is the direction of the soldiers' district.

Lu Qing frowns slightly. What do you mean? About yumingchuan?

He winked at Huo Jing. Huo Jing and Bai Jitai went outside together. Chen cangya also went out. Lu Qing and Zhang Dan were left in the conference hall.

"Qingqing, I know what you did to Xuejun." Zhang Dan smiled and turned his eyes from the soldiers' area.

Lu Qing looked cold. Although what they did was not particularly hidden, they also guarded against all kinds of people. How did Zhang Dan know? Are you cheating her?

"What do you know?" Lu Qing still wanted to see what Zhang Dan would say.

"I don't care about her life, but my father cares, so give me some benefits and I can help you round it."

Zhang Dan still looked sideways at Lu Qing, with a warm smile on his face, and Lu Qing almost dared not look at the light in his eyes.

It seems that he really knows about Zhang Xuejun. Does he know that Yu Mingchuan has also arranged the game against Zhang Shi?

No, he can't know that. What they did was much more hidden than imprisoning Zhang Xuejun.

Lu Qing calmed down.

"What benefits do you want? Why don't you talk to yumingchuan?"

"He didn't have what I wanted." Zhang Dan approached Lu Qing slowly, and his voice became more and more low and soft.

Lu Qing takes a step back. Is this goods going to be confused again?

"Qingqing, what are you afraid of? Huo Jing, they are just outside the door. What can I do?" Zhang Dan was within three feet of Lu Qing.

"Tell me what you want, or you'll talk to yumingchuan about the conditions!" behind Lu Qing is the corridor pillar. She can't retreat.

"I don't want to be heard by them." Zhang Dan continued to approach and reached out to Lu Qing.

Lu Qing frowned and raised her hand to open Zhang Dan, but Zhang Dan put it down in advance before her hand came over.

Finally, he was closer, within a foot.

"Qingqing, I once thought that in my life, I would marry and have children in Liangzhou according to my father's arrangement. Now, I have a new goal.

One day, I will come to you, but not as I am now. You must wait for me. Yumingchuan is not sincere to you and can't protect you. I can. "

Lu Qing had the impulse to beat people when she heard this. She had already passed the age of listening to sweet words, and she especially hated this inexplicable provocation.

Yumingchuan is a bit sincere to her. She is not stupid. Of course she can feel it.

However, before Lu Qing raised his hand to beat someone, the figure flashed in front of him. Lu Qing just wanted to open his mouth and shout Huo Jing, and his mouth was sealed.

Zhang Dan's speed was too fast. After training for Lu Qing for so long, he still couldn't escape and was kissed by him.

Clenching her teeth, Lu Qing resisted his invasion. One hand had reached the short knife behind her and was about to cut it. Zhang Dan let go of her and wiped one hand from her ear.

Almost instantly, Zhang Dan moved to a safe area. Lu Qing's short knife just couldn't reach him.

Behind Lu Qing's ear, there was a dark red mark, which was shallowing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared.

"I've got the benefits, and I'll keep my promise, Qingqing. One day, we'll see each other again." Zhang Dan also stroked his lips with two fingers.

When Huo Jing and Bai Jitai heard the news, they saw that Lu Qing was angry and even the knife came out. However, they didn't know what had happened just now.

"Zhang Dan, thank you for saving me twice. I'm very grateful. Maybe one day, I can return this life to you, but before that, we'd better not see each other again."

Lu Qing imitates Yu Mingchuan's appearance and squints at Zhang Dan. She says so, but she doesn't think so at all. Even if Zhang Dan likes her again, she can't respond to him.

She was robbed by Wei Chi Yue. I'm afraid she would be miserable without Zhang Dan. She was really grateful that time, but after saving her, Zhang Dan became like Wei Chi Yue and wanted to possess her. That gratitude disappeared in an instant.

Including the Qiang attack, although Zhang Dan jumped off the cliff with her, Lu Qing knew that they were not necessarily jumping off the cliff. Zhang Dan was just looking for an opportunity.

Let her owe him so that he can take advantage of it.

Even this time, he didn't use any tough means to get along with her like a friend.

This is a person who does anything to achieve his goal. His mind is unpredictable, although his goal may be as simple as he said, just because he likes her and wants to get her.