"Give you a dagger to defend yourself, but you make the best use of everything." Lu Qing went over and helped Ye Qiu pick up the medicinal materials scattered on the ground. She found that ye Qiu was really angry.

"Aren't you very busy these days? Why are you free to come here?" Ye Qiu gathered the herbs and put them on one side of the table.

"Come and get this month's Huanhua grass and see you by the way."

"Oh, yes, you haven't eaten this month. Wait. I'll prepare it for you right away." Ye Qiu quickly stood up and went to the medicine cabinet in the back.

Looking at Ye Qiu's back, Lu Qing feels that it seems that things are not so simple on the surface. Is it difficult for Fang's big ears to really cheat?

Not long, ye Qiu came out with a bag of medicine.

"Take it. I'm fine."

"You have something to do. If it's Fang Da Er, I'm really sorry for you. I'll fix him, and then you'll treat him as a fart. Just let it go, but I always think there should be a misunderstanding. After all, that guy is very cold to people..."

"Desolate? Do you know how I flirted with him? I just took off his clothes and touched him casually. He couldn't hold it. Now he threw himself into the arms of a beauty like Murong Yuehua. How can he hold it?"

Then, ye Qiu's face slowly showed astringency. It's really too easy to get. Don't you know how to cherish it?

Lu Qing grabbed Ye Qiu's hand and gently squeezed it.

"Is it not what you think? It's said that Fang Jiming just beat Murong Yuehua..."

"Lu Qing, do you know that someone in the world likes others to beat her and abuse her? Especially when she is beaten by someone she likes, she will become extremely excited. Just like when doing that kind of thing, Murong Yuehua is such a person."

"What? Murong Yuehua is a shaking m?" this sentence blurted out. Lu Qing remembered that people at this time didn't know what it meant to shake M. fortunately, ye Qiu didn't care much, but he was still that lost look.

"Did they..."

"I heard that Murong Yuehua went to fight with Fang Jiming. Naturally, I knew her intention and wanted to go and have a look. The result

When I arrived, I heard Murong Yuehua making... The sound of doing that. After I went back, Fang Jiming came to me after a long time. I must have finished all the work. "

Lu Qing frowned: "did you hear wrong? Didn't you say that Murong Yuehua would also..."

"Lu Qing, I'm not an ignorant girl. I can hear what the voice is, because there is not only her voice, but also the sound of intercourse. That can't deceive people."

"In that case, I'll beat him up for you. From now on, you have nothing to do with each other."

Lu Qing stood up angrily. She always thought Fang Jiming was sincere to Ye Qiu. Especially on the night Huo Jing got married, ye Qiu said she didn't like waiting for others, so she came to the battlefield with them. Now Fang Jiming is actually with other women. It's really hateful.

"Don't go. I also had men before him. Let's call it even. In the future, I will still be your medical officer, not for anyone else, Lu Qing. Will you always protect me?"

"What nonsense? Of course I'll protect you. I'll take you wherever you like."

"I'm relieved to have you. Go back quickly, or general Yu will worry more."

"OK, I'll go back first. Don't think so much. Fangda's ears are nothing good. I'll find some beautiful men to give you later. How do you want to play?"

"I remember that. I don't want to be ugly."

"Believe my sister's eyes, you can't be wrong." Lu Qing picked her eyebrows and went out.

Ye Qiu was a little relieved by this noise, but the feeling of emptiness could not be eliminated.

Lu Qing went outside the door, stared at Fang Jiming who was still standing in the heavy snow, and then kicked out!

The speed of this kick was very fast. Fang Jiming didn't expect that she would suddenly step out. In addition, there was some slip on the ground, and she was kicked directly.

The next moment, Lu Qing's knee directly pushed Fang Jiming's stomach, and the dagger in his hand also reached Fang Jiming's neck.

"Fang, do you really have an affair with Murong Yuehua? Do you deserve Ye Qiu? Do you fucking know why she is willing to come with us? It's not for you bastard!"

A burst of low roar, Lu Qing pressed the dagger tighter, and directly printed a red line on Fang Jiming's neck.

"Madam Shao, I really didn't get involved with Murong Yuehua. I beat her. That's right. Later, the woman was cheap. She took off her clothes and lay on the table and asked me to beat her. I was afraid Ye Qiu was unhappy, so I ran away. Later, ye Qiu wouldn't let me in..."

Fang Jiming shrunk his neck and turned his eyes left and right. He seemed to be looking around to see if anyone was paying attention.

However, he was destined to be seen this kind of ugliness, because bojitai and the three of them were waiting for mending the knife behind Lu Qing.

"Did you really run away?" Lu Qing narrowed his eyes.

"Of course I ran away. That woman is so shameless. Young lady, you don't know, she just pouted her ass and waited for someone to come... Come to her."

"Then someone went to your place?"

"I don't know. I've been hiding away."

"Then why don't you tell Ye Qiu clearly?"

"I said, she said she heard it, told me not to argue any more, and then kicked me out."

Lu Qing touched her chin and pondered for a while. She intuitively thought that Fang Jiming should not have lied. This guy's character is still relatively guaranteed. Of course, she also believes in Ye Qiu.

If what they both said is true, will there be someone else who has had trouble with Murong Yuehua?

"Lei Yin, go and find out who went to Fang Jiming's residence at that time. No one should miss it."


After that, Lei Yin left.

Lu Qing took the dagger away from Fang Jiming's neck, pressed his stomach leg, and also lifted it up.

As a result, Fang Jiming got up and kowtowed to Lu Qing.

"Madam Qiu, you must find out about this. My subordinates are very grateful... I don't want to make her sad."

"Well, you go back, or you can stay here. It's up to you."

After that, Lu Qing lifted his feet and left.

When Lu Qing returns to his residence, Lei Yin has returned with a list in his hand.

"The city leader, there were only these people who appeared near the fangtun long residence at that time. Later, I asked one by one. Except for one person, others passed by and soon appeared in other places."

"Who is that man?"

"Ultimatum cloud desert."

Lu Qing quickly slept in the groove a hundred times. She thought that the cloud desert had been covered with green clouds. Unexpectedly, this goods was a powerful role. It was a drastic draw!